I'm here for you/ omegaverse

By mlepexe

427K 12.4K 16K

When kami finds out sero was cheating on him, right before they decide to bond. He has no where to go and jus... More

1- lies
3- clear
4- back and forth
7- feelings
8- talking
10- alphas
11-belonging season
12- perfect
13-the other one
16- Now kiss!
17- voice recording
20- a walk by
21-living with the shadows
22-long past dawn
23- x in explain
24- caos
25- stabbed by evil
26- run, boy, run
27- competition.
28- around our story
29-a week
30-movie night
31- only you
32- the final date
33- coffee
34- scenting
35- who's mika?
36- uncomfortable times
37- Izuku
38- my turn
39- Kitty
40- dont touch
41- night and day
42- eyes
43- arson
44- 4:00 am
45- flowers
46- electrify
47- picnic
48- neon party
50- questions?
51- other side of the wall
52- music box
53- untied
54- blue prints
55- 2 rooms
56- words
57- claws
58- clean
59- copies
60- cupcake
61- love or not
63- chip
64- firefly
65- pills
66- fire
68- affair
70- visit
73-once again
81- field trip
83-silence in the lie
90-red eyed boy
98-one side
99-he knew
100-now what
102-Drop by
Little life update

62- goodbye

1.6K 63 22
By mlepexe

Denkis POV:

His hands in my hair as his soft lips press against mine, it was all I could think about, about the day he told me he loved me, and I said it back, and for what?

"I'm sorry I ever fell in love with you"

You fucked up bad

Yeah no shit, I just told the one person I love that I may or may not do. He just left and I couldn't even end up explaining myself, I don't even know why I said it, I didn't mean it. I love him more than anything, and yet I still managed to fuck up. And now he's gone, he's gone mad and sad, and he's gone now. I'm alone wondering why in the world of all things I said that.

God, no wonder everyone at school tells me I'm stupid, I'm a fucking idiot for saying that. It hurts the way he was talking to me, and it hurt even more because that's how he used to treat everyone. I was wrong about him, he is a cold-hearted alpha, I just didn't see that before. The look on his eyes was so hatred, was so vile, was so... hurt, and that just made more tears form in my eyes.

And I just wanted him to break up with me, to stop hurting thanks to me. But for some forsaken reason he didn't, and I still don't get why, why would he settle for some piece of trash like myself. As more tears ran down my face i noticed I had unconsciously been playing with my ring, do I even deserve it? I probably don't, I'm a waste of space, a waste of his time.

I maneuvered it off my finger, analyzing it, it's really beautiful, gorgeous, but I didn't deserve it, not after what I did. Fuck I really messed up, more tears fell down my face as I noticed an inscription inside, I haven't noticed before. I tried to put it into the light to read it, and when I finally got it in the right place, it became clear as day

"Love is a single soul inhabiting two bodies"

More tears fell down my face, what am I doing? Why am I trying to pick a fight with him, and now what would happen when we went out of here. I have to think of a way to get him out of here, even if it's just him that lives. I placed my ring back, almost dropping it a few times, and tried to take some hair out of my face. And that's when I heard the door open again.

Kany grabbed a chair and sat in front of me, the back of the chair looking at me, and she sat resting her hands on top of it. I looked at her in disgust. She had raped him, she had tortured her, she had ruined his life. Kany looked at me for a moment before looking away.

"You know, I never thought I'd see you again" she said to me in the normal tone I remember, the non-psycho one. I looked at her in a disbelieving manner, she turned to look at me and for a split moment, I thought I saw her orange eyes flash. I scoffed at that, it sounded stupid.

"Yet here we are, not only did you tied me up, hurt me, and will probably kill me, but you did the same to Hitoshi? He doesn't deserve this"

"And I know that he doesn't, but you do Denki" she said in a raspy tone as she looked down my body, I felt like on display, like in a kind of circus. She smiled at me before she started talking again, something evil in her eyes

"Sex with him was amazing tho, and I'll have to do it again before he goes away" that was the last straw for me. I could handle it when she insulted me or when she hurt me, but not when she talked about him like that. He was my alpha, the one who cared deeply for me and I could only hurt him in return, but not anymore.

"Look I get that you hate me ok? I get that you want to kill me, but please kany, don't take it out on shin"

"Why would I do that?" She asked, she seemed interested in what I was talking about. I had thought of a deal, and maybe, with just enough thought it could work, just enough to get shin out of this situation. This way he could move on, find someone better, and finally be happy, without me, even if that hurt.

"Let him go, please let him go, and if you do I'll do anything you want... anything" I said softly, some tears running down my face as those last words left my mouth, she looked at me contemplating my proposition, then she looked at my finger, and that's when I realized she noticed it.

"Shinsou has the other one doesn't he?" She questioned as she pointed to it, putting aside my question for a moment. I nodded softly as I looked at it too, wondering if she will make me give it to her, then she looked back at me, and then she smirked.

"Anything for him?" She asked as she tapped her chin with her nail, I nodded softly at it again, and her eyes lit up, like a kid in a candy store, and I couldn't help but feel a horrible pit in my stomach. She smiled at me and stood up, placing a strand of her short hair behind her ear, her yellow hair and black roots looking alike to mine.

"Fine, I'll let him go, with one condition" she said as she looked over behind her, a small chuckle coming from her before she turned back to me.

"You see kami, I want you dead, but I want you to suffer first, and become corrupt, so you will work for us when we need you, and you won't leave until I say so, who knows, maybe you die in the process" she said with such venom in her voice it was scary, and you know what, I didn't care, I was being used and that's ok if it was for shins safety.

"Can I at least see him?"

"Sure... when he's done with our tool we will give you an hour until we release him" she said as she motioned with her hand to it, I sighed and honestly felt kind of free, and safe? It was probably the fact that now I knew I would die, and he would be free. Kany stood up and went over to the other side of the room, coming back with a water bottle.

"Drink" she said as she opened it and pressed it to my mouth, I was stunned at the sudden action because she didn't look like she cared if I drank or not. So I obliged because I wouldn't want to die out of dehydration, and I have to get used to the orders they will give me around here anyways, at least for a while.

About an hour had passed since then, kany left and I had been alone. I can't stress enough how much my heart hurts at the face of toshi, the memory playing on my head like a broken record, god how I wish I could take it back. I do wonder when he will find out about our deal. A small smile made its way onto my face to think about him freeing himself not only from my problems but from me too.

"Hi omega, here's your boyfriend, you have an hour before it's my turn again" kany said as shin was walked back in the room, he looked broken, who knows who he had to hurt for information. As soon as the doors were closed he ran up to me, his hands cupping my face as small tears started falling down his face, he didn't say anything as he undid my restrains and the looked again at me.

"You can't do this" he whispered as he hugged me close to him. I'm guessing kany told him about our deal. I hugged him back, burying my face on the crook of his neck, his warm skin already feeling foreign to me. God, how was I going to miss his coffee scent.

"I won't let you, you're not staying here alone" he said again in such a small voice, I almost didn't hear it

"But it's already done" I sobbed into his arms, he hugged me tighter and he kissed the top of my head. He pulled away from the hug and cupped my face, giving me a loving kiss desperate for the contact, I kissed back as I grabbed his wrist tightly. He sobbed into the kiss as he connected out foreheads together.

"I can't loose you" he whispered to me as a tear fell down his face, he closed his eyes and sniffed. I softly caressed his cheek with my finger as he leaned into the touch, more warm tears fell down his face. This was it, if he survived this he could at least move on and be happy. I smiled at the thought of him being happy as I tilted his chin to meet my lips again, and he kissed me softly.

"You have to go... be free, move on and find someone who loves you even more than I do" I whispered to him, feeling my heart ache at the words. Of course I didn't want him to move on, I needed him with me, but it isn't really looking good, for both of us. He shaked his head as he sobbed, his hands went from my cheeks to my neck..he let me go as he stood up, then he carefully brought a chair and sat I front of me, his hands returning to their place.

"No, I'm not leaving without you" a new kind of determination on his eyes

"I'm sorry Hitoshi you have no choice" I whispered to him, he looked at me with tired and defeated eyes and then closed them. He needed to go home and rest, calm down after such a traumatic experience, even go to therapy. He sobbed and looked at the ground, his bandaged body looking very small at the moment, I had one thing I desperately needed to say before he went away

"I love you" I whispered to him once more, even if he didn't want to believe me I still wanted to say it one last time. He grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze, his lilac eyes finally looking back at me, tears never stopped falling. He gave me a sad smile before responding to me.

"And I... love you" he said as a small sob came from him, I smiled and sobbed as well. he reached over to my face and placed a strand of hair behind my ear, passing his fingers over it, then he started to trance along my jaw and my nose. I laughed a bit at his feather-light touch, he smiled a bit more and kissed me again. i kissed him back as I placed a hand on his chest, his heartbeat was fast, he was scared, but I knew he was strong too, and he could get over me.

"I promise that ill find you... and ill bring you home"

"no... there is no solution to our problem, I'm not going back home soon" I interrupted him, he looked at me a bit defeated before he sighed, then I heard a small laugh come from him. I looked at him weirdly before he looked at me, he grabbed my hands again and brought them to his chest, holding them close to his heart.

"You are a stubborn little bitch you know that right?" He said in a teasing tone as he laid his head on my shoulder, I gasped at his comment and ironically placed a hand on my chests as if he had offended me. He opened one of his eyes as he looked at me, a small blush on his face.

"How dare you? I can't believe you said such barbarity" I whispered to him with a smirk on my face, he laughed and kissed my neck softly, before staying silent. Both of us started to return to reality, he had to go, I had to stay. I looked down at my hand, that at some point had been intertwined with his, the rings being next to each other.

"I know this is selfish of me ok? But please take the ring, I don't want anything to happen to it"

"I don't want anything to happen to you... can't I take you instead?" He joked lightly, I felt a knot start to form on my throat as he softly brushed his fingers against mine. I can't let him go that easily but I have to. Fuck kany for doing this to him, fuck her for everything that's been happening. I preferred it when I knew she was dead, that she wasn't breathing because if it weren't for her, we wouldn't be in this situation. So with that I took off the ring and gave it to him, it felt foreign not to have the piece of metal on my finger.

"I'm not giving up on you, I will find you" he said, at last, I wasn't up to fighting with him anymore, I couldn't tell him it wouldn't happen. so I just hummed in response, he was the stubborn brat if he continues like this. I started to pass my hand through his hair in a comforting manner.

"Kaminari and no matter what, I'll always be there for you"

Yeah you will won't you?


It should be called a sucky life and when you think it can't suck anymore it does

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