Confess (Haikyuu!!)

By _Annaise_

62.9K 2.7K 1.5K

(unedited) [Yachi x Kuroo] Yachi Hitoka began liking Kuroo Tetsuro ever since she first encountered him duri... More



1.7K 110 63
By _Annaise_


hey guys! I got swamped with schoolwork so I kinda forgot to update... well, anyway! Here we are!!!


"I'm gonna go straight home so I could start on the new poster." Yachi tells Hinata as they both walked down the hallway. It as after classes, there was no volleyball practice for the day since the coach decided to give the boys some rest, especially with the tests drawing near. Academics were important too.

"Uwaaahhh!!! you are so cool, Yacchan! make me look cool on it like this, 'kay?" the boy gushed and did a spiking pose, the girl giggles.

"Of course! You and Kageyama still on for some practice?" The girl asks. Hinata just nods.

"We'll make sure that the senpais won't spot us and since we don't have the gym key we would be practicing behind the building." Hinata tells her, the girl hums and they parted ways by the school entrance.

She wanted to head home early today so she could finish homework early and start drafting for the new promotional posters for the upcoming games. She was pretty excited for it. After months on the solo manger thing, she got the hang on the manager independence, it was a bit intimidating at first without Kiyoko but she promised the older girl she would do her best and she has no plans on breaking that promise. She told Kiyoko about the recent training camp with Nekoma. The cat boys still doesn't have a manager,  Fukorodani had a new set of managers, a first year and a second year-who she got easily along with- there were other schools that she was not familiar but it was nice. Lev even introduced her to their new unofficial mascot, the school orange tabby who strayed around campus. She spent the entirety of it pumped with nostalgia and a void in her chest, but it was okay, she still had fun, she had new memories and experiences as souvenir.

After putting on her shoes, she starts to make her way out of campus when one of her classmates spots her and comes running towards her, two other girls follow.

"YACHI-SAN!!" a brunette calls out rather excitedly.

Yachi stops and looks at the girl, confused.

"Ah yes, Akari-san, can I help you with anything?" Yachi asked the girl standing in front of  her.

Akari was panting a bit but had this huge and excited smile, the two other girls behind her had the same energy.

"We didn't know you had a boyfriend." One of the girls say teasingly, wiggling her eyebrows at the blonde.

"And a college athlete at that." The other giggles.

Boyfriend? Athlete?

Yachi's expression twisted into confusion.

"You must be mistaken," she starts slowly, "I don't have a boyfriend." she tells them.

"Eh? But who is the Tokyo boy looking for a second year Yachi Hitoka?" Akari says.

"You are the only Yachi Hitoka in our year." The other adds quickly.

Yachi blinked, choking on her own spit while she's at it.

wait what?

"Eh?? Tokyo boy?" she repeats. oh my god

"Yeah, We overheard Mai-senpai from the soccer team trying to talk to the boy in some college university  jersey who was standing outside the gate but he told her that he had a girlfriend then mentioned you-" before Akari could finish the story, Yachi ran out of instinct.


It couldn't be.

Yachi didn't want couldn't believe it. Is it possible that Kuroo Tetsurou was here? In Miyagi? For what reason?

Feelings began to resurface as flashes of memories ran through her head. She didn't want it to be true. Because, Why? She could've sworn that she had no interest in the boy anymore. So why  is she like this? why is she running towards him? why is there a gleam of hope? But above all,

Why would Kuroo be even here?

Why would someone claim to know her and say that she's his girlfriend?

Why would he just suddenly pop back up after months of no communication?

What the heck was going on?

Am I dreaming?

She wanted answers.

She arrived at the gate and went into a complete stop before taking steps to cross the other side, taking a look on both sides before spotting him under the tree, looking down his phone.

And in that moment, she didn't want answers anymore. She just stood there, frozen. Looking at the boy dressed casually, a white shirt under a blue track jacket and jeans to match. Yachi never saw Kuroo Tetsurou outside of Nekoma colors and it felt foreign. She realized that the athlete Kuroo was all she ever knew and there were sides that she wanted to see but never had.

There's this feeling of regret and envy swimming in her stomach. 

She couldn't tell how long she stood there, it's like a spell. A spell broke once he looked up and their gazes locked for a second. Yachi found herself stumbling back a little , looking away and thinking of leaving as if she never saw him.

But that didn't happen. Yachi had spent too much time in her head space that she didn't notice that Kuroo was already in front of her, looking all too nervous and unsure.

"Yachi-san." the boy starts and Yachi snapped out of her thinking, looking up to him with wide eyes.

"K-Kuroo-san, fancy seeing you here, got lost on your way home?" a nervous chuckle followed by a gulp. The boy snorts at that, shaking his head a bit.

"Well, I- I took a wrong turn, I think." 

"Ah, you are a long way from home." she says still unsure on how to go about on the whole 'You meet your ex-crush on the road so now you are exchanging bad jokes' kind of thing. Yachi tugs at her uniform collar, feeling a bit warm.  She was  kind of glad that she didn't wear a blazer today.

"Listen, Yachi-san, may I speak with you?" Kuroo's expression changed, he looked serious now.

"Uh, yeah. Sure, about what?" She smiles a bit, feeling a bit nervous.

"How about we walk and talk? I'll walk you home-or to your bus stop or wherever it is your going."

Yachi agrees,still not believing that this was real.

The girl starts walking and Kuroo follows her, it was only after walking down the hill did Kuroo started talking.

"I made a mistake." he tells her, Yachi didn't respond or look at him, she just gripped her bag tighter, dreading what he was going to say.

what mistake?

"I lied about something during the training camp," Kuroo looks down to the blonde, expecting some sort o reaction.

They didn't stopped walking, they continued and Yachi was starting to feel overwhelmed by all of this. Kuroo. The talking. The nervous reactions. And the stupid fluttering in her chest.

"I don't like Kiyoko-san, never did." he says in a low voice. Feeling a bit ashamed, he hung his head and Yachi finally has the courage to look at him. her mind running with with a million thought that she can't comprehend, only hearing the internal scream.

"You're here just to tell me that?" she asks and a what if pops in her head. She shakes that thought off, embarrassed of coming up with the idea. 

"Yes." he says.

"Oh, okay then?" was that just it? why would he come all the way from Tokyo for something so simple? Is it guilt? but why? it's not like she helped him that much. But why would Kuroo even lie about something like that? it was kind of stupid.

she gasps. 

Maybe he liked someone else and  maybe he was too shy to confess.

A realization dawned on her.

"Yachi-san, I lik-"

"You like Tsukishima." she nodded in understanding.

"what?" Kuroo blinks, jaw dropped.  Coming to a complete halt. Yachi stops walking too and turns too him.

"I realized something, you and Tsukishima spent a lot of time teasing each other and I now know that it might be a form of flirting." Yachi says

"what? Fuck that! I like you, okay? Not Kiyoko-san and certainly not that arrogant beanpole. It is you who I like. There, I said it. " the boy says in one breath, matched with wild hand gestures and a frustrated look on him.

Now,it was Yachi's turn to look at him in disbelief.


"B-but that's-...What?"

"Yacchan, I like you, okay? And I don't know why but it's the truth. I thought that I lost my feelings after graduation and- I wanted to tell you, to apologize and clear things out but they said that it wasn't a good idea and I thought it would mess you up especially since Kenma told me that you like me too and It sounds really really stupid and I don't even know why I decided to dig up old stupid, childish feelings. I didn't even asked if you have a boyfriend or something.. This is stupid. Why am I even here. " Kuroo was rambling and Yachi was stunned by this revelation because all this time, Kuroo had liked her too?

How was she even supposed to respond to such confession? It was kinda romantic but it was also painful and it made her kinda angry.  He comes here out of the blue and tells her that he likes her after all this time. He barely knows her, so what's the reason behind those feelings? And if she did liked him back, was she allowed to say it? Would he accept it? Was she allowed to want him? Did he want her or was she just some past time? Where did she stand?

" So, what is it that you really want to say? What do you want out of this Kuroo?" She asked, trembling and on the verge of crying.

"I wanted to get to know you better, that is if you are okay with it. I want to ask you out." he tells her.

"L-like dating?"

"If you want to." Kuroo smiles

Yachi thinks for a moment.

"B-but how would that work? You live in Tokyo and I live here. How would all this work?"

"We'll make it work, I'll find a way."

"B-but Kuroo-san, you are in college. Where will you find the time?" Yachi looks up expectantly. She wonders how they could even date given all of their responsibilities.  Yachi is always busy and Kuroo also had a very packed schedule. So why did this boy come all the way up here for this?

"We can always do things slow, y'know."

"Yes but Kuroo-san, wouldn't it be better if you found a girl who is much nearer? I don't think you can afford spending time with me. I don't think that would work." she says the last words quietly,kicking at the pebbles at her feet.

"Do you still like me Yachi-san?" he asks.

"I don't know, Kuroo-san." She tells him, looking him in the eye. It was half a lie, trying to turn him away just so Kuroo couldn't be bothered by her presence. Deep inside, Yachi wanted this too, but is it worth the gamble?"I'm confused, you come here and tell me that you like me after a long time, you barely know anthing about me so I'm not really sure why you even liked me in the first place and things were doing okay and you just-you reappear in my life again and I'm feeling conflicted. " there was a tight feeling in her chest. She didn't want to let Kuroo see her cry so she held it in while the boy stood in front of her, looking sorry.

"I apologize, Yachi-san. " he says. He was not sure if he was allowed to touch her so he just watched her bite her lip and endure the pain.

"I'm sorry too, Kuroo-san. I don't think that this is a good idea." she sniffles, trying to calm herself.

Kuroo nods.

"I understand. I won't be bothering you again. I just wanted to tell you because I think you deserved to know after all the trouble. It might be nothing and I don't know how you would take it. But everything I told you is true, I really like you, I would do anything for you but I'm really sorry for it." Kuroo looked a bit desperate. There was this part of him that still wanted to negotiate, Yachi could see how his expressiin begged, opposed to what he was saying. But Yachi could also sense that he was respecting what she asked.

"Forgive me, Yachi-san. "
Kuroo bows and turns to leave while Yachi stood there, watching.

Kuroo went all the way here to be turned away, he actually had thought of clearing things with her and it still baffles Yachi.

Kuroo had told her all of this.

She suddenly remembers that time where one of her friends confessed to their senpai and how it turned out. "IT TAKES DETERMINATION AND TIME! Hahaha.. You would also need trust, Yachi-san. Believe in it." her friend had told her.

She recalls that time where she found one of her classnates crying because she was too late and didn't confess to her crush.  "I wish I were more confident, Yachi-san. I wish I were braver." she remembers what the girl said.

What if she took a gamble? What if they tried? They may get their hearts broken or something but what if it was worth it? What if not trying and regretting was worse?

She kept staring at his back as he walked away from her, tears threatening to spill as she clenched her jaw and fists.

She wanted to shout out his name, call him back.

She wanted him to come back.

And so, her tears streamed down as she yelled his name with all her heart.


The boy stops and turns in surprise, his face painted with shock as he looked at the crying blonde, who was trembling.

Time seemed to stop for them as they spent seconds staring at each other. Hearts filled with words to stay and hands itching to hold the other.

"Kuroo!" she calls back again while wiping her tears. 


"I'm really sorry and this might sound stupid! But I want to risk it" she cries.

"I want to try and be with you even if the outcome is uncertain! I want to be with you, Tetsurou!"

Kuroo looks at her in suprise and an overwhelming sense of happiness.

He ran towards her and pulls her in an embrace, Yachi cries in his arms.

"You said my name." he grins while wiping her tears away. She chuckles.

"That's your priority?" she sniffles.

"Since day one." he laughs, crouching down to wipe her tears and see her face better.

"I like you, Tetsurou." She whispers and leans to give him a short kiss on the cheeks.

Heat creeped up the boy's cheeks as he stared at Yachi.

"You look so red! Haha"

"I-it's the sun!"

"Don't be embarrassed, Kuroo."

Kuroo smiles, "Hey, Yacchan, I like you too."

Yachi smiles at him. It looks like that poster will have to wait.

the end


HEY CUTIES! AND THAT'S A WRAP ON "CONFESS" THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE SUPPORT, YOU GUYS! I DIDN'T REALLY EXPECT TO FINISH THIS FIC BUT, HERE WE ARE.. HAHAHAHA  It was soo rushed and this wasn't even the ending I had in mind (wanted angst lol) but its okay XD



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