Crazy But True (SEQUEL TO ON...

By magaziine1111

293K 3K 931

This is a sequel to 'On My Mind'. Don't read this without reading 'On My Mind' you'll get too confused. Hehe... More

"Cole's gone, isn't he?" {Chapter One}
"I'm scared, Alli." {Chapter Two}
"Yes, who is this?" {Chapter Three}
you're in love. {Chapter Four}
"It smells like Justin Bieber in here..." {Chapter Five}
"You'll see." {Chapter Six}
Well, this is awkward. {Chapter Seven}
"Alright. So, see you in four months?" {Chapter Eight}
"I made a mistake..." {Chapter Nine}
"L-O-S-T." Caitlin spelled it out. {Chapter Ten}
His smile was cute... {Chapter Eleven}
"Forget it." {Chapter Twelve}
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" {Chapter Thirteen}
"Who do you think I am?" {Chapter Fourteen}
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen!
Chapter Nineteen :)
Chapter Twenty!
Chapter Twenty One :)
Chapter 22!
Chapter 23!
Chapter 25!
Chapter 26!
Chapter 27!
Chapter 28!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30!
chapter 31!
chapter 32!
chapter 33!
chapter 34!
chapter 35!
chapter 36!
Chapter 37!
chapter 38
chapter 39!
chapter 40! the end.

Chapter 24

6.9K 63 28
By magaziine1111


“So, is there anything that you guys would like to do today?” Angie asked, setting down some groceries on the table.

“Hm…well I was hoping we could maybe get out to New York City, and go explore Times Square and just shop around for a day.” Alli said, smiling.

“That sounds fun! We could get you there. What about you Cody? What did you and Jake want to do?” Angie asked.

The fact that Alli and Cody could probably fly to anywhere in the world for just a day amazes me. I wish I had that kind of money…

“I think we’re okay to hang here for a couple days. Don’t wanna do anything too big because of the tour day after tomorrow, if that’s okay with Jake and Maggie.” Cody said.

“Maggie isn’t hanging with Alli and her friends?” Angie asked, as the girls were laughing and giggling in the next room.

“Nope, she’s mine and Jake’s for a couple days.” Cody said, putting his arm around me.

“Well, that’s fine with me then. I’ll be going with the girls while your father and Tom will stay here.” Angie said, smiling.

“Alright! Have fun.” Cody said, smiling at his mom, as she ran up the stairs, probably to pack.

Cody and Jake headed up to Cody’s room while I just stood there.

A couple seconds later, Cody came back down.

“You coming?” He asked, grabbing my hand and leading me to his room.

I laughed.

Cody shut his bedroom door once the three of us were inside.

“So, what did you guys want to do until day after tomorrow?” Cody asked.

“Well, Kylie wants to see me for a couple hours so we can catch up.” Jake said, looking at his phone.

“You guys wanna come?” He asked.

Cody looked at me and shook his head to Jake.

“Uh, no thanks.” Cody said.

“Why not?” Jake asked.

“Maggie and Kylie had a fist fight last night before you guys came. That’s why you probably didn’t see her at the party.” Cody said.

“Oh, well in that case, never mind. Kylie can go hang with herself then.” Jake said, putting his phone down beside him.

“No, its fine. You can hang with her. Don’t let me ruin your time down here.” I said.

“No, no. It’s fine, really. I didn’t wanna hang with her in the first place, I just cant see myself saying no unless it’s a good reason, and well, that’s a perfect reason.” Jake said, laughing.

I smiled.

“Alright.” I said.

“OK! So, any ideas?” Cody asked.

“How about the fair at the boardwalk?” Jake asked.

“Yes! We’d have to go later tonight though so we wouldn’t get as recognized so that we can actually enjoy the rides and games.” Cody said.

“So, until then…any ideas?” Cody asked, laughing.

Jake and I both shook our heads.

“I thought you’d both say that…or in my case, shake your heads.” Cody said, laughing.

“So, I planned a little something for us all to do.” Cody said, smirking.

Oh no, this cannot be good…

“What is it?” Jake asked, nervously.

I guess Jake and I are on the same page about being nervous…

“You’re not planning to take us to Australia, are you?” I asked.

Cody laughed, and then his face got serious.

“No way, that’s too long of a flight…but I was thinking a little vacation to the Dominican Republic is definitely needed…” Cody said.

“But what about the boardwalk?” Jake asked.

“We’ll be back before tomorrow night, chill.” Cody said.

I’ve been there more than once…couldn’t hurt to go back, right?

“So what do you guys say? Yay or nay?” Cody asked.

“Yes…” I said, looking at Jake.

Jake nodded his head.

“Dominican Republic it is! Only a five and half hour flight, right?” Jake asked.

“Exactly. Not bad, aye?” Cody said, smiling.

“Not even.” Jake said, walking over to his suitcase and taking out his passport.

“Do you need an overnight bag since we’re only going for one night? You wouldn’t need your whole suitcase…” Cody said, digging in his closet for a book bag.

“Sure, thanks!” Jake said.

Cody pulled one out after a couple minutes of rummaging.

“What about you, Maggie? Do you need a book bag?” Cody asked.

“Nope, I have one in Alli’s room. I’ll be right back.” I said, scurrying out of Cody’s room and into Alli’s.

I was surprised that she was still in there, packing.

I walked over to my suitcase and unzipped it, taking some clothes out, including my bathing suit.

My passport was already in my book bag, so I didn’t need to look for it.

I took my laptop out of my book bag though…I won’t be using that while we’re there.

I made sure I had a couple books, my camera, phone charger, and some clothes.

I then slung my bag over my shoulders and began walking out of Alli’s room.

“Where are you guys off to?” Alli asked, still packing.

“Dominican Republic.” I said, stopping at her door.

“Sweet! Have fun.” She said, zipping up her suitcase.

“You too.” I said, walking out of her room and walking into Cody’s.

They were already packed.

Cody smiled.

“You ready?” He asked.

“Yup.” I said.

“Perfect! Let’s go.” He said.

We all walked downstairs and I saw that Tom and Brad were packed as well.

“Did you guys know we were going this whole time?” I asked Brad.

He laughed.

“Nope, Cody just came down and told us while you were packing. So I decided it would be pretty neat for Tom to go with as well, and well…it seems fun to me too, so I thought I’d tag along if that’s ok?” Brad asked.

I laughed.

“That’s fine!” I said, walking past him.

I opened the front door, and flashed a smile at Cody as him and Jake walked past me and headed for Brad’s car.

I walked towards Brad’s car after them and got in the back, next to Cody and Tom.

Jake sat in the front.

Brad started the engine once we were all buckled up and ready.

“Are you excited?” Cody asked, grabbing my hand and playing with my fingers.

I smiled.

Really excited! I haven’t been there for at least a year and a half.” I said.

Cody raised his eyebrows.

“You’ve been there before?” He asked.

“Yeah…what’s wrong with that?” I asked.

“Damnit. I wanted you to be in awe at how beautiful it is seeing the place for the first time. I’m sorry…” He said.

“What? No! Cody, it’s fine! I’m still really excited!” I said, laying my head on his shoulder.

“Wait, you guys booked a flight, right?” I asked.

“Yes! Everything is fine. Our flight doesn’t leave for another hour, so we’ll be waiting for a while.” He said.

“That’s fine. I’m just glad I’m waiting with you.” I said, kissing his cheek.

He laughed.

“You’re pretty cheesy lately.” He said.

“Problem?” I asked, winking at him.

“Huge problem.” He said.

“What?” I asked.

“I hate cheese.” He said.

“Aw, that sucks. You’re missing out then. I feel bad for you.” I said, smirking at him.

He rolled his eyes.

“Oh, shut up.” He said, smiling.

We got to the airport about fifteen minutes later.

We walked through the lobby and got in line to get our plane tickets.

Once we were finished all of that, we sat in the waiting area for our flight.

Just another half hour and I’ll be on my way to the Dominican Republic with Cody. It feels right…I mean, I’m not proud of myself for leaving Canada for Alli and Cody. I know I’ll get in a load of trouble and probably never be able to leave the house again…but I was not about to miss my best friend’s birthday.

I’m not even trying to be cheesy anymore…it was completely worth it to ditch Canada.

I’m not happy for leaving my family…I don’t think I’ll ever be happy about that but I definitely won’t regret it. I’m a teenager. Yes, it is great to spend some time with my family…but not for 6 months straight. I wasn’t about to let the opportunity, of going on tour with my best friend and boyfriend, go. It’s just something a normal teenager like me shouldn’t pass up.

I was so afraid of doing this until now.

My whole life I’ve been telling myself, “don’t be afraid.”

And it’s only now that I’m realizing how stupid that is. Don’t be afraid. It’s like saying, “don’t move out of the way when someone tries to punch you” or “don’t flinch at the heat of fire” or “don’t blink.” Don’t be human…

I’m afraid and you’re afraid and we’re all always going to be afraid. Because that’s the point. What I should be telling myself is, “be afraid, but do it anyway.”

Live anyway.

And that’s what I’m doing…

I’m afraid, but I’m living anyway. I’m human. It’s okay to be afraid.

“Flight to the Dominican Republic will be departing in 10 minutes, I repeat 10 minutes. Passengers should be boarding the airplane as I speak.” The voice spoke, over the loud speaker.

We picked up our bags, and headed for the door that lead us to the plane.

Cody intertwined his fingers with mine as he pulled his hood over his head. I watched as Jake did the same, probably not wanting to get mobbed by fans.

I didn’t bother…I have no hoodie on anyways so I couldn’t if I wanted to.

We got our passports stamped, and the next thing I knew, I was sitting inside of an airplane in the middle of Cody and Jake.

The flight attendants went over all these drills with us, and soon enough, the plane was departing off the ground and we were on our way to the Dominican Republic!

I felt my ears pop as I swallowed and chewed my gum. I always got earaches on the plane.

I winced my eyes in pain, and Cody noticed.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Just an earache. I always get them on planes.” I said.

He frowned.

“I do too, but it gets worse when we’re landing. Is it the same for you?” He asked.

“Yes! So much worse.” I whined.

Cody laughed.

“Glad I’m not the only one!” He said.

I laughed, as I laid my head on Cody’s shoulder and shut my eyes.

“Oh, before you fall asleep, I just wanted to tell you that I love you, and I’m happy you’re here with me.” Cody said, kissing my head.

I smiled.

I never used to believe Cody when he told me he loved me but I’m seeing different now.

I realized that when someone says I love you, you’ll know in their voice if it sounds true, deep in their eyes it satisfies every nerve that goes through, you’ll feel the warmth inside their heart burning out from under, spines perfectly aligned, their heart beating loud like thunder, fingertips on fire while your throat swells up and becomes dryer and busy signals grow higher, and blood boiling hotter than the burning sun.

It’s something worth going through, I can tell you that much.

“I love you too, and I’m happy I’m here with you too.” I said.

I closed my eyes once again, and felt myself drift off to sleep.

I woke up to Cody’s laugh.

It was loud, but so adorable.

I kept my eyes closed, so they wouldn’t know I was awake.

“Ok, ok. Next question, and this time be serious!” Jake said, his voice cracking, trying not to laugh.

Cody laughed once more, and he kept laughing for another few minutes, Jake joined in too.

Whatever just happened must have been really funny because I know Cody, and nobody can ever make him laugh that much.

They stopped laughing after another few minutes went by, and then they finally settled down.

“Ok, ok, ok. Next question. Are you ready?” Jake asked.

Cody laughed once more then stopped.

“I’m ready.” He said.

“Alright. What do you think the sexiest curve on a girl is?” Jake asked.

“Hm…definitely their smile.” Cody said.

I felt him kiss my cheek.

I pretended that him doing that woke me up.

I pretended to yawn, which turned into a smile almost immediately.

“Did you have a good sleep?” Cody asked.

I moved my neck around, and stretched as much as I could.

“Not really, my neck is aching now.” I said, laughing.

“I was going to move your head off my shoulder so you wouldn’t get an ache in it, but you looked so comfy, plus I like the feeling of your head on my shoulder.” Cody said, grinning.

I smiled.

“No big deal. I like laying my head on your shoulder anyways, so it’s all good. How long did I sleep?” I asked.

Cody looked at his watch.

“About four and a half hours.” He said.

“Really? Have you guys been talking the whole time?” I asked.

“No, we just woke up about an hour ago.” Jake said.

I nodded my head.

“Did you wanna join our little question game?” Cody asked.

“Sure!” I said.

“Okay, it’s going on youtube when we get back home.” Cody said, smiling.

I nodded my head.

Jake held up his iPhone and pointed it at me.

“Okay, we’re recording now. These are basically just questions that we assume Cody’s fans want to know, so we’re just asking.” Jake said.

“Alright.” I said, nodding my head.

“Okay, first question. What is one thing that you’re working on right now?” Jake asked.


next chapter will be up soon! <3 hope you enjoyed, xo

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