The Cheerleader and The Bad B...

By Mira49_94

23.5M 448K 240K

"You're afraid of temptation." He said pinning me to the wall. "No, I'm not." I snapped at him. Who am I kid... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Sorry, another authors note.
Aaron's POV chapter seven
Chapter one Aarons POV
It's been a while.

Chapter twenty

411K 7.8K 3.2K
By Mira49_94

Hey guys so here's another upload! I hope you like it!

The video on the side is of Sage and Brad's duet. I don't own it I got it off youtube. Also after the dance ends theres an interview but you can just push pause and ignore that.

Anyway I hope you guys like this! I would love some feedback with votes or comments! Please and thank you!

Chapter twenty.

“Happy Valentine’s day!” Aaron shouted as I opened the door.

He had a huge grin across his face as he handed me a bouquet of red roses and a big white teddy bear with a red bow around its neck.

“Aw, thank you.” I said smiling while taking them from him. I kicked the door open wider so he could follow me upstairs to my room. “Are you driving me to school?” I asked setting everything down on my bed.

“Ya…are you ready for the assembly today?” He asked.

“Ya. I’m kinda nervous actually.” I said recalling how much Brad and I had practiced over the last two weeks.

I hadn’t had much time for Aaron and I was purposely avoiding Nate, I was positive he’d noticed too.

“You’ll do fine. You always do.”

“Thanks.” I smiled before kissing him.

We headed to school luckily never running into my dad, I think he was purposely staying in his room so as not to cause a scene.

Once getting to school I was swept away by Kalina right as we walked through the front doors.

“Just steal my girlfriend! I am totally fine with it.” I heard Aaron call after us as Kalina pulled me into the gym.

“So the assembly starts in an hour and we have to get you ready.” She said beaming at me.

 “We still have to go to first period.” I pointed out as she dragged me into the girl’s locker room.

“Our dance class has been moved into the health classroom and they’re watching Step Up. While we get to get you ready.”

“I’ll have to admit that I’m actually a little disappointed I don’t get to watch that with them.” I laughed as she handed me my dance costume.

Brad and I were dancing to Starstrukk by 30H!3 and Katy Perry.

We’d decided to make it about a couple getting married even though they were both up and down about it. We’d decided on it because the assembly was on Valentine’s day and we thought it should be somewhat romantic.

Kalina helped lace me up into the white dancing corset after I’d slipped on the short white dancing skirt. I slipped on my white sneakers before putting a longer skirt over the shorter one. The longer skirt was made to be able to rip off during the dance. Brad would be wearing a simple black suit that was loose enough that he could dance in.

She helped me put on shimmering eye shadow and light lip gloss before pulling part of my hair back.

“I hope people like this.” I murmured.

“Are you kidding?” She said looking at me in the mirror. “When you guys showed me this last week I thought it was amazing! It tells a story, it’s cool looking with great dance moves and it’s funny…everyone will love it.”

“Thanks.” I said smiling at her as I heard the sound of students shuffling in to sit on the bleachers.

“Is your dad coming?” She asked with her tone getting lighter.

“I invited him, but I doubt he’ll come.”

She finished helping me get ready before walking me to the door.

“You’re going to do great.” She said handing me the small bouquet of fake roses before she hugged me and walked out the door to sit with the rest of the students.

I went to stand behind the closed locker room door so I could wait for the music to start.

There was a small speech about what love means by a student and another speech from the health teacher about ‘safe loving’ before a girl sang a beautiful love song I’d never heard before. Finally I heard our cheer coach announce that Brad and I would be preforming our duet.

I could hear the bridal music start to play signaling me to walk out the door before the real song would start playing.

I took a deep breath before walking out the door with a huge grin on my face.

After the dance ended Brad and I both waved to our clapping fellow students before jogging out the gym doors.

“That was great.” Brad said as he wiped his mouth after getting water from the drinking fountain.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over that feeling.” I said sighing as I leaned up against the wall.

“Ya, I know how you feel.” He said grinning at me. “Did you see how many views our little flash mob dance got on youtube after Aaron uploaded it?”

“Over ten thousand when I checked.” I said nodding.

“It’s over twenty now.” He laughed.

“I wish this didn’t have to stop.” I said as students started filing out of the gym so classes could start again.

They passed by shouting things at us.

‘Great job!’

‘You guys were amazing!’

‘I love your outfit Sage!’

‘You guys just keep getting better and better.’

‘Sage! Be my Valentine?’

I laughed and nervously pushed some of my hair behind my ear. “Wow.” Brad said laughing with me.

“That’s new.” I said nodding.

After a few moments of silence Brad cleared his throat. “Did your dad come?”

I shook my head refusing to meet his eyes. “No…he didn’t.”

“I’m sorry.” He said rubbing my shoulder.

“It’s ok…I always know he won’t show up to these things. I just keep wishing he would. He hasn’t even said anything about the dance we staged in his lobby.”

“Maybe we should stage another.” He said with his grin returning.

I let my eyes drift up to the ceiling as I thought about it. Not only would it mean more dancing but it would get my dad’s attention. 

“He does have a huge meeting next week.” I said finally.

“I think we can get a dance done by then.”


After school had ended I had gone home and changed into light grey skinny jeans with a light brown tank top that I covered with a denim vest with a gold knotted chain necklace and black converse.

Aaron finally knocked on the door and I answered glad to be doing something with him for once.

“Ready to go to the carnival?” He asked smiling as he intertwined our fingers together while he led me to his truck.

“Definitely.” I said before hopping in the passenger seat.

Aaron had decided to take me out to the Valentine’s Day carnival in the town over.

Once we got there and found parking we headed straight to the heart of the carnival.

Rides and fair food stands surrounded us, along with the sounds of screaming and laughing.

“What should we do first? Food or rides?” He said as he grabbed my hand again.

“Well…I haven’t eaten yet but getting sick on rides isn’t attractive either.” I said while debating my choices.

“How about a little food then all the rides we can handle and before we leave we’ll grab more food.” He said pulling me over to one of the food stands.

We both got corndogs while we shared a drink before we got in line for one of those rides that you sit in a small bowl type thing and there’s a wheel in the middle that you can spin and it’ll make you spin faster and faster.

As we sat down and waited for everyone else to board the rides I leaned close to speak to Aaron so he could hear my voice above the noise. “So we eat food and then go on a spinney ride? That is the greatest idea.” I said before pulling back and laughing.

“We’re geniuses.” He said nodding.

“If you throw up I will judge you.” I said with a joking yet warning tone.

The ride started moving in a circle and Aaron started spinning us.

Everything around us blurred as I started to help him spin the wheel.

I couldn’t see anything but blurry colors and Aaron. He was the only clear thing I could see.

I started laughing and he laughed with me. Until we were both laughing so hard our stomachs hurt and we were spinning faster than I thought possible. I could tell the ride was slowing down but we continued spinning until we both put our hands up and slowly stopped laughing. He leaned across the wheel and kissed me. One hand knotted in my hair as his other cupped my cheek. I tangled both of my hands in his hair in return as our tongues danced and our eyes closed.

Maybe we were drunk on happiness or maybe we were so dizzy it had deluded our thoughts.

We didn’t stop kissing until our section of the ride came to a stop. People were staring and smiling some even took pictures. We just smiled and grabbed each other’s hands before jogging off the ride and away from everyone who had seen.

We went on a small roller coaster and one of those water roller coasters that goes down a huge drop and splashes water on everyone in the car. We also went on a swing ride were everyone sits in a single seat  but all the seats are near each other and it lifts you up high in the air before spinning around. It gives you the illusion that you could fly. We kissed once on every ride and held hands throughout all of them.

We ran into Kalina on our way to another roller coaster.

“Hey guys!” She said as she and Brad stopped in front of us.

“Hi.” I said smiling and leaning into Aaron.

“So Brad is too much of a coward to go on the Ferris wheel with me so will you guys go with me?” She asked hopefully.

I looked at Brad with a smart ass comment on my lips but he spoke before I could. “I don’t do heights.”

I looked at Aaron to make sure he didn’t mind. “Let’s go.” He said shrugging.        

The line was really long and it took us nearly twenty minutes to get to the front where we were separated.

Kalina and Aaron were put in the car before mine. I shrugged and waved goodbye as the Ferris wheel moved so I could get in the next car.

I heard a murmured ‘Can I cut in front of you please?’ Followed by a ‘Sure.’ As the engineer opened the gate to let me on.

As I sat down I glanced up and saw Nate of all people. “Nate?” I said confused as he sat down next to me.

“Hey.” He said as they closed the small door to our car.

“What are you doing here?”

“Well I’m here with friends.” He said motioning to a group of classy looking teenagers. “And I saw you alone in line and decided I might as well go with you and not let a stranger have the pleasure of enjoying your company.” He said grinning as the ride began to move.

“Sounds legit.” I said nodding and leaning back as I watched everything grow smaller as I could see more and more lights of the carnival and town.

“How are you?” He asked.

“I’m ok…how are you?” I asked knowing he’d probably ask why I’ve been ignoring him.

“I’ve been alright. I’ve missed you.”

“Ya…I’m sorry. I’ve been really busy and haven’t had a lot of free time on my hands.” I said as the ride came to a stop and our car was at the top of the Ferris wheel. My eyebrows scrunched together as I scooted closer to the side of our car and looked down. I couldn’t see anything but tiny people.

“Sage…I have to tell you something.”

“Shoot.” I said still looking over the side to try and see why we had stopped.

“Sage.” He said turning my head towards him as I noticed that he had moved closer while I wasn’t paying attention. “I like you. I really like you.” He said before leaning closer and kissing me. 

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