Kingdom Hearts: The Terminato...

By mickol93

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Here is the second story of Kingdom Hearts Journeys, Kingdom Hearts: The Terminator: Dawn of Fate. The heroes... More

Chapter 1: Los Angeles, 2029 A.D., and meeting Kyle Reese
Opening credits
Chapter 2: Meeting John Connor
Chapter 3: Base attack
Chapter 4: Grave Introduction part 1
Chapter 5: Grave Introduction part 2
Chapter 6: Grave Introduction part 3
Chapter 7: Final delivery
Chapter 8: Mass Destruction
Chapter 9: Enemy withdrawal
Chapter 10: Cybernetic surprise
Chapter 11: Asylum assault, and infiltration
Chapter 12: Storming NORAD
Chapter 13: Time displaced

Chapter 14: Ending

350 5 3
By mickol93

The Tech-Com soldiers make it back to Los Angeles. They see that the machines there have also shut down too. The people there are celebrating. Sora and his friends smile at this. They know that this world is now free from Skynet and the machines. Just then, a recon team said they spot four men going into the old hotel base. Sora looks at his friends, knowing that one of those men must be Derek. The leading man of the team name Sumner is an old friend of Derek, and he takes them to where the men are at. Star also goes with them. They find another entrance to the base that hasn't been destroyed. They walk through the halls, to where the bunkrooms are at. They all shine their flashlights everywhere, and they spot the men. One of them is Derek. Sumner sees him.

Sumner: (To his men) Stand down.

Soldier: Stand down, stand down. 

Sumner: (Walks to Derek and shakes his hand) Reese. Derek Reese. 

Derek: (Smiles, and shakes his hand) Sumner. 

Sora: Derek!

Derek: (Smiles) Sora! 

Riku: You're okay, man. We're glad you're all right. 

Sumner: I thought we lost you guys to the junkyard. 

Derek: You did. (Looks at Sora and his friends) I'm glad you guys are okay too. 

Kairi: (Looks at his arm, and sees the same laser scan tattoo) You too?

Derek: (Looks at it) Yeah. But what happened here?

Sumner: (Looks at the area) Skynet found it, five nights ago. We had a patrol out on the perimeter before an infiltrator snuck around us, and went straight for the hole. It killed some of our troops before your brother and friends took it down. But then Skynet sent its forces here. Killed more of our troops, and some of the civilians. Only took a few prisoners. We had no choice to blow it. But your brother got Connor out while it happened. 

Derek: But how did Skynet know though?

Sora: (Sighs) Because of one of your own. Private Alex Stone. He turned traitor and sold us out to Skynet. 

Riku: He went crazy. He said he got orders from his brother, Gabriel. 

Derek: (Shocked) I thought he died. 

Kairi: (Shakes her head) No. He did survive. He was working for Skynet. 

Derek: Where'd you guys go after this?

Sumner: Well, remember the Colorado offensive? 

Derek: Yeah.

Sumner: Then you'll be pleased to was our victory. We had to put all the firepower we had into it. We lost a lot of men. 

Derek: So, Skynet has been destroyed?

Sumner: Yes. Connor sent in Sora and his friends, along with Captain Perry, Lieutenant Luna, including your brother and Star, to go deep into the place, while we were all outside fighting. Hours later, the machines all shut down completely. Your brother radioed in, telling that the core was destroyed. After that, Captain Perry, Lieutenant Luna, Star, and your friends came out, and Connor blew the place to heck. 

Derek: So, what about Kyle?

Sumner is silenced, trying to avoid Derek's eyes. Derek looks at him and at the heroes. They all look down too. 

Derek: Guys, what happened to my brother? 

Sumner: No one ever saw your brother again. 

Sora: And Derek, Kyle told tell you that John will tell you everything. 

Derek takes deep breaths as he has a frowned look on his face as he looks away, and he looks at Sumner

Derek: Take me to Connor now. 

He nods, and leads Derek and his men out of the ruins to get back to the Tunnel base. As they get there, Sora and his friends walk ahead further to talk to John before Derek does. Kate and his daughter are with John. 

Sora: (Sighs) We found Derek, John. He's alive and well.

John: (Sighs) Thank god. 

Kairi: John, if Kyle is your father, does that mean Derek is your...?

John: Yes. He's my uncle. 

Namine: (Looks at Kate) Kate, did you know about this? 

Kate: Yes, I did. But John told me not to say anything. You all must understand. 

John: Yeah. (Sighs sadly) But it was the toughest choice I had to make. When I first found Kyle, I was happy to meet my father for the first time, even though he met me for the first time without knowing who he really was. My mom told me all the things she said about him. 

John looks at his desk, and picks up his mother's burnt picture and looks at it. He then takes out a tape recorder, and plays a tape for the heroes. A woman's voice talks on it.

Woman's voice on tape: This is tape number 28 of Sarah Connor to my son, John. What's most difficult for me is trying to decide what to tell you and what not to. Should I tell you about your father? Will it affect your decision to send him back in time to protect me knowing that he is your father? And he'll be younger than you. Only a teenager when you meet him. Gosh, a person could go crazy thinking about this. But if you don't send Kyle, you can never be and Skynet will win the war. 

The tape ends. Everyone looks at John, who looks down. Kate walks over to him, and hugs him from behind. 

John: Without Kyle Reese, no John Connor. Doing that really hurt me. 

Riku: You also knew what's gonna happen to him in the past, don't you? Did you knew that Kyle was gonna die protecting Sarah, no matter what?!

Kairi: Riku!

John: (Stops her) No, he's right. I knew all that. (Sighs sadly) 

Namine: Oh, John. We're sorry for this to happen to you. 

Donald: But remember, guys? We got the hardware from the time machine in my disk. We just need to put it in our ship's systems, and our ship will be a time machine. 

Goofy: Donald's right. We can go back to the past, and help Kyle. Maybe we can help him survive the mission. That way, he can help Sarah raise you, John. 

John: Maybe, but when you do get there, you must be careful. No more cheating. And also, be alert of your surroundings there. There will also be innocent people around. 

Kairi: Oh, gosh. John's right. In 1984, Judgment Day didn't happen yet. 

Namine: And there'll be innocent people around in that time. And if we cause so much fighting with the Terminator and Robotic Knight, those people might or will get caught in the crossfire. 

Goofy: Gosh, and also, there will be police officers around too. 

Sora: Aw. And if they see us causing trouble, they'll think we're criminals. 

John: Exactly. So in the past, it's gonna be hard for you all and Kyle to complete the mission. So, you must be aware of your surroundings, and be cautions too. 

Roxas: Don't worry. We will. And John, Derek wants to talk to you about Kyle. 

John: (Sighs) I will talk to him. You all go on. 

Sora: It was great meeting, and fighting alongside you. And don't worry, we promise to try to keep Kyle alive for you. 

John smiles, and shakes Sora's hand. Sora and his friends leave the office to head back to their ship. For some reason, Sora can't sense a keyhole nearby. He's surprised that he can't sense one yet. They leave the base, and teleport off the world to get back to the Gummi Ship. They arrive on the Gummi Ship, and Donald puts in the disk to upload the data into the ship. They hope that the ship can handle the time-traveling well. Just then, Chip and Dale's faces show up on the monitor. 

Chip: Guys! About time! Where were you guys?

Sora: Sorry. We were on another world for a whole month. But we got bigger problems right now. 

Dale: What is it?

They told them both everything that has happened on the world, including Maleficent's monsters. 

Chip: Oh, my! Maleficent has gotten stronger than ever. If she can make these monsters along with the Heartless, this could be more trouble for all of the worlds. 

Dale: We'd better inform the king about this. 

Goofy: You do that. But while you're doing that, we're going back to the past to help our friend to save our other friend's mother. 

Chip: I hope you guys will okay.

Chip and Dale: We're counting on you guys. 

The monitor goes black. And the upload is complete. Donald types in the date of where Kyle went to. Los Angeles, May 12th, 1984. Sora then looks at everyone, and pushes the red button. The ship then zooms through time, taking the heroes into the past. Meanwhile, at the castle of dark illusions, Maleficent slams his fist on the handle of her throne. 

Maleficent: Curses! They defeated Skynet! (Looks at Machine King) Machine King, you failed!

Machine King: Not yet, my queen. I still have one last trick up my sleeve. Or so to speak. 

Pete: What do you mean?

Machine King: Well, I sent my last monster with the Terminator that Skynet sent back through time. I sent there to help out the Terminator. And the heroes are going there right now to stop them. But their adventure will shorty come to an end as they get there to help their worthless friend. 

Maleficent likes that idea, and she smiles as she holds Fear in her arms. 

Maleficent: Good. Your mother better not fail, Machine King.

Machine King: He won't, my queen. 

He bows to her, and leaves the room for her to think. She continues sitting down on her throne as she thinks. Can the heroes make it in time to help Kyle to save John's mother, or will they be too late?

The End


Michael Edwards as John Connor

Michael Biehn as Kyle Reese

Haley Joel Osment as Sora

Hayden Panettiere as Kairi

David Gallegher as Riku

Bryce Dallas Howard as Kate Brewster-Connor

Forest Whitaker as Justin Perry

Vivica A. Fox as Catherine Luna

Jesse McCartney as Roxas

Meagham Martin as Namine

Jada Pinkett-Smith as Star

Tony Anselmo as Donald

Bill Farmer as Goofy

Eddie Carroll as Gabriel Stone

Benicio Del Toro as Alex Stone

Moon Bloodgood as Blair Williams

Common as Barnes

Rex Linn as Robotic Knight 

Mekhi Phifer as Gadget Soldier

James Cummings as Pete

CCH Pounder as Doma

Robert John Burke as Dark Assailant 

Gabriel Byrne as Machine King

Richard Lawson as Steel Ogre Grotto 

With Susanna Blakeslee as Maleficent

And Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator

Here's the 14th chapter and ending of Kingdom Hearts: The Terminator: Dawn of Fate. I got this story done. Sora and his friends departed from the future, and are now on their way to the past to help Kyle save Sarah Connor from the Terminator and Robotic Knight. Can Sora and his friends get there and help him complete his mission, or will they fail, and Skynet and Evil will win? Find out next on Kingdom Hearts: The Terminator. Vote, review, and comment. Thanks.    


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