Plethora Unraveled

By dnpouncy

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"Liam open your eyes, this is where it gets interesting."- Queen Lovely Million light years away Planet Pleth... More

Chapter 1: Touch Me
Chapter 2: Plethora
Chapter 3: Invitation
Chapter 4: Who?
Chapter 5: Armstation Project
Chapter 7: Image
Chapter 8: Assignments
Chapter 9: She Loves You
Chapter 10: Everything About You
Chapter 11: Yellow Flame
Chapter 12: Into Immortality
Chapter 13: King's Advice
Chapter 14: Stop It!
Chapter 15: They Have Made Their Decision
Chapter 16: Please No
Chapter 17: Accusations?
Chapter 18: Misery
Chapter 19: Attention To You
Chapter 20: Bound By Law
Chapter 21: Another Date
Chapter 22: Engagement
Chapter 23: My Dress
Chapter 24: Thirty-Seven Whips
Chapter 25: Wedding To Honeymoon
Chapter 26: Ari's Villa
Chapter 27: Consummate
Chapter 28: Date My Wife
Chapter 29: Sleep With My Husband?
Chapter 30: My Beautiful Chevalier
Chapter 31: Striking
Chapter 32: Didn't Respond
Chapter 33: Big War
Chapter 34: My Name Is Ever
Chapter 35: Memory
Chapter 36: I'm Okay
Chapter 37: Traitor
Chapter 38: I Can't Be In Love
Chapter 39: I Tried To Fight
Chapter 40: Adopt Her
Chapter 41: Flawless
Chapter 42: Until You're Mine
Chapter 43: Let Me Love You
Chapter 44: I Really Like You
Chapter 45: I Wish I Could Fly
Chapter 46: She's Their Princess
Chapter 47: Fingers Linger
Chapter 48: Make Her Mine
Chapter 49: I'm Not Going To Stop
Chapter 50: Divergents
Chapter 51: Fine Prize Indeed
Chapter 52: Torture
Chapter 53: Anywhere Near Them
Chapter 54: I Desire You Both
Chapter 55: Not Allowed To Kiss You
Chapter 56: Energy Between Them
Chapter 57: Body Language
Chapter 58: Sick Plethorian
Chapter 59: Symptoms
Chapter 60: Jinx Spade
Chapter 61: Face To Face
Chapter 62: Much Better From The Outside
Chapter 63: Sweetheart Stop Struggling
Chapter 64: I'm Nothing Like Him
Chapter 65: Sleep With Me
Chapter 66: Hurt
Chapter 67: Completely Nude
Chapter 68: Fifteen Minutes
Chapter 69: Date Me
Chapter 70: Panic
Chapter 71: Things That Exist
Chapter 72: Her Truth
Chapter 73: Avoidance
Chapter 74: Open Your Eyes
Chapter 75: Who Do You Love More?
Chapter 76: Not Under Any Circumstances
Chapter 77: Overprotective
Chapter 78: Tingles!
Chapter 79: You Two Took
Chapter 80: Eyes Give Her Away
Chapter 81: Dinner With Spade
Chapter 82: I Have Need Of
Chapter 83: Search For True Immortality
Chapter 84: Worried
Chapter 85: Study Them
Chapter 86: Bring Her Back
Chapter 87: The Package
Chapter 88: Nightmare
Chapter 89: Circles
Chapter 90: A Glimpse
Chapter 91: I'll Be Her
Chapter 92: Her Return
CHAPTER 93: His Truth
CHAPTER 94: It's Been A Month
Chapter 95: She's Your Everything
Chapter 96: Revenge By Loved Ones
Chapter 97: Closeness
Chapter 98: Interrupted
Chapter 99: You Know Her
Chapter 100: Sweet
Chapter 101: A Peek Inside Her World
Chapter 102: Stunned
Chapter 103: Two Weeks
Chapter 104: Separation
Chapter 105: Coming For You
Chapter 106: Evil To Her Good
Chapter 107: Enjoy You More
Chapter 108: Not Enough To Let Her Go
Chapter 109: Warm Skin Underneath Me
Chapter 110: I Thirst
Chapter 111: This Is The Truth
Chapter 112: To Watch You Suffer
Chapter 113: Sunslight
Chapter 114: Let Her In
Chapter 115: He Kissed Me
Chapter 116: My Calm Place
Chapter 117: What I Remember
Chapter 118: Moment You Tasted
Chapter 119: Fly With Me
Chapter 120: Jail House
Chapter 121: Impossible
Chapter 122: A Gift
Chapter 123: More Than Five Seconds
Chapter 124: Return Your Lips
Chapter 125: Breath Of Passion
Chapter 126: Family Brawl
Chapter 127: I'm Not Divorcing You
Chapter 128: Please Don't Hurt Me
Chapter 129: Unanimous
Chapter 130: High Queen
Chapter 131: Except Us
Chapter 132: Chevalier's
Chapter 133: Chevalier's Continued
Chapter 134: Smell Of My Sweet
Chapter 135: Too Many Gifts
Chapter 136: A Little Talk
Chapter 137: Accepted
Chapter 138: Brave Enough
Chapter 139: Why Would I Yield?
Chapter 140: High Queen's Election Ceremony
Chapter 141: Completly At A Loss
Chapter 142: Beyond overwhelming
Chapter 143: Aphrodisiac
Chapter 144: Finally
Chapter 145: We Could Have Hurt Her
Chapter 146: Promise
Chapter 147: Let's Make Cake
Chapter 148: In Her Case, It Matters

Chapter 6: Not Again

29 2 0
By dnpouncy


The Spring Celebration went on for hours with various performances, singing, dancing, overindulgence in various foods, and the lighting of the Summer Orchid. Our performance was wonderful; we did not miss a beat. Even King Zais said so. The only thorn in my side was watching Liam swoon over Lovely the entire time. He did not notice me once on stage.


Unluckily, this day will not end well. We were escorted to Lovely's Peace room for some punishment.

The room is well-lit. Oh no, Brady is tied to a chair. His face looks like it's been hit with a heavy object. Lovely and her bodyguards, Ethan and Gavin are quiet; everything is quiet except for Brady's heavy breathing. Footsteps break this terrible silence. Drew, Michael, and Liam, what are they doing here? Fearless they stand against the wall.

"Brady, it has come to my attention that you have been supplying Jessica with Additive Purple Powder, is this true?"

"You watch us all surely you know the answer to your question Lovely."

If she knew the truth, why would she try to get it out of Jessica? Maybe, she was testing her. If Jessica would have fibbed, she'll probably be tied up to a chair next to Brady.

"I watch no one. Why would you supply bright young vibrant beings with a substance that is not meant for their growing bodies?"

"Fine if we must play this game, it's because I needed favors and she was so easy to convenience." Brady takes deep breaths in and out and looks directly at Jessica, "I'm sorry. Jessica, I apologize to you."

Jessica nods and holds her head down after quickly glancing at Michael. She looks both nervous and scared.

"I believe in your apology and know that you will never do it again but there is a greater issue at hand. How did she pay for her supply?"

"I just gave them to her."

"That was your one and only chance to answer the question correctly and you choose to lie. Gavin."

"No, no I'm sorry. I'll tell the truth!"

Gavin approaches Brady and walks past him. Brady's sigh of relief matches my own. Gavin walks over to Michael. What is he whispering in his ear? He pulls a gun from his back pocket and hands it to Michael. I'm sure Jessica and my panic face alert Brady because he looks at us with a look of questionable fright. Michael walks up to Brady and placed the rod of steel on the side of Brady's head. Brady quickly turns to glance at Michael and returns his focus to Lovely.

"Queen Lovely, I'm sorry I won't do it again. There is no need to have this child do this to me because when I awake, I will seek revenge."

"You are right. You will not do it again and you will not come back for revenge because Princess Jessica's disrespect shall not go unnoticed. We will not heal you. Michael, please show him what we think of Plethorians who commit despicable acts against the young."


His cry fades in the air as Michael empties the gun into his head. Michael shows complete bravery as he does not blink or show any sign of remorse. Queen Lovely is full of power, yet she chooses to use primitive weapons to kill and torture, possibly for a dramatic effect for us mortals or her entertainment.

"Children of Waldemar this is truly a sad day. We are now down to sixty-five family members."

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