Operation: Pointed Spear

By CrimsonNyxViper

28.6K 378 185

A CTSFO operator is recruited to Rainbow after working with Rainbow on an assault after the Masks attack the... More

First contact
The Interview
Settling in
The test
The chat
Operation: Jack Hammer
The return
2 months later
A wish granted
The move
A new crack
The target
Game night
A new directive
Halloween special (filler)
Time to leave
The Hit
Waking up
Once more
A new attack
A day off
New arrivals
Taste of Rage
Going home
Bull reappears
The encounter
Return of the victors
A warning
The Precursor
The beginning
Of the end
The epilogue

Let the ashes fall

327 4 0
By CrimsonNyxViper

Jace's POV
I heard my radio crackle to life and heard Mozzie "So mates, we got bad news. Unless anyone was trying to renovate our solitary wing, Feral's gone" I heard Achilles on the other side of the roof "Son of a two bit whore!" As Harry replied "that's secondary, get everything important packed. We're out of here in another hour" I heard Kilo on comms as Finka replied "Medbays packed" as i looked out at the damage and called "Hey old man, how much money do you think it'll cost to repair this?!" Thatcher yelled back "probably close to a million pounds, not any money we've got" I chuckled before lifting my shotgun and looking at the woods as I radioed "careful boys, we might have a round two" as I saw a mask walk out holding what looked like a flashlight until I realized it was a gelatina bomb, my eyes widened that can cause some damage. I spoke to myself "no, no, what are you doing?" as I fired watching my slug tear it's way into his chest and out the other side, the gelatina bomb dropped to the ground and destroyed his body as it detonated.
     The building shook from the blast as a storm of tracers tore past us before we started returning fire, I heard Rodion on comms "second verse same as the first" I heard Harry "what's happening out there? Someone talk to me" I heard Valkyrie reply yelling "we're a bit fucking busy Harry!" As I started reloading yelling "I'm out!" I reached to my vest and started loading in my shells as a round punched through the thin metal infront of me, I stared at it and realized it almost had my name on it. I heard Ying "Reloading!" As we kept firing. This force was substantially smaller than the first as we continued to return fire until I heard Capitao "I'm out!" I sighed at the fact we lost one of our LMGs before I heard the door to the roof open and saw Finka coming forward. I peeled off the wall and moved over to her before I asked "что ты здесь делаешь ?!(what are you doing out here?!)" she handed me her LMG and replied "давая шанс выжить!(giving you a chance to survive!)" I laughed before taking the LMG and extra boxes of ammo she'd given me and heading back to the wall.
I heard Achilles "I'm dry!" As I called "I've got something you can use!" He came over to me as I handed him my shotgun and extra ammo "take care of it!" He nodded before I heard Blackout "2 o'clock!" I shifted my aim and fired feeling the recoil but watching the group of masks dropping dead. Just as quickly as the battle began it ended with the masks returning to the forest. I heard Sledge "mate, we kicked their asses" while thatcher spoke "they thought they were walking into another Olympic stadium" I radioed "the second attack has been repelled, we need ammo up here" I got "I'm on my way now" in return as I sat against the wall and heard Achilles next to me "oi mate, thanks for letting me use your gun" I nodded and replied "I don't want to lose another teammate, letting someone shoot my gun doesn't mean much to me" he nodded before asking "why'd they come back? They have feral, what else do they want?" I heard Blackout "to kill us, they know where all of us are. If they can get inside they can massacre us"
      Capitao spoke "a cold day in hell before I die to this scum" I laughed before nodding "they'll have a fun time trying to get in this place" as Harry spoke in comms "all units, I want to be out of here in 10 mikes. Double time it with packing. Leave anything unnecessary" I heard IQ "don't worry Achilles, I've already got Shadow in his carrier" I saw Achilles sigh in relief before replying "thank you" and the comms fell quiet until I heard Finka "we found our 3 MIAs. Jackal and Gridlock are KIA, Pulse has a broken leg" I heard Achilles next to me "guess our breaks over" as Harry spoke "I'm sending 5 personnel to retrieve the dead" as Thatcher replied "we'll cover" as I pushed myself up and moved over to the edge of the eastern wing laying down after propping up the bipod before I heard Rook "ammo here" Achilles spun and almost tripped as he rushed over grabbing a box of 5.56 loading his magazines to his MCX with shocking speed. I heard Ying ask him "were you that low on ammo?" He looked over with a crazed look "I had no ammo"
I laughed at his antics before he loaded his rifle and chambered a round, I heard the recovery personnel below me "is it safe to come out?" I looked at the wood line and replied "yea, go for it" as the rest of us started setting up our positions just in case the masks re-emerged. I saw the movement below me and started watching it before I reminded myself I had to protect them and tore my eyes from the recovery just in time to hear Mozzie yell "11 o'clock!" We shifted our aim and saw a group of masks in sentinel armor walking forward, we opened up in an attempt to deal with them not making any progress besides showering the recovery team with spent cases until Capitao crouched and lifted his crossbow and fired, I watched one of the bolts stick in the chest piece of the lead mask before he started dancing trying to put the flames out as his suit was engulfed in flames and I heard Thatcher "Bang on mate!" As another unit of masks advanced out of the tree line and we continued to fire at them until I radioed "Harry, we need to do something about these masks. Can we get an air strike in the tree line? White phosphorus?"
He replied "I'm requesting a white phosphorus strike from the USS Harry Truman, it should be here in half an hour" I rolled my eyes and send a long burst down range as Capitao yelled "I'm sending another bolt!" As I fired on the force of Masks I could actually do something against. I glanced over at the armored mask as another one fell after being engulfed in flames. I whistled before yelling "helluva way to go!" As Rodion yelled back "just what those bastards deserve!" As I heard the recovery team yell up "we're done! We got them all!" As I radioed "all casualties on the east wing have been retrieve, when can we leave?" I heard Harry "hold them off for another 5 minutes" I groaned as Ying yelled "it's never enough" before she dumped an entire drum into the masks coming out of the forest. I chuckled as our gunfire started to drown out everything until I yelled "reloading!" As Rodion, Achilles and Thatcher yelled "me too!" I sighed, half our firepower had dropped for a couple of seconds.
      As quickly as our guns fell silent they barked back to life as Harry came over comms "all security personnel fall back to the medbay, we are regressing. White phosphorus is going to cover this base in 2 minutes" I looked over as Achilles yelled "go! Rodion and I will cover our retreat!" We nodded before I turned and started down the stairwell hauling ass back to the medbay as I heard Achilles and rodion's rifles fall silent before I saw them come rushing down the staircase as we ran through the hallway. We quickly busted into the Medbay as Harry yelled "alright everyone, let's go!" And we picked up any of the bags others couldn't and ran to the round about in the rear of the base throwing the bags into the back of a deuce and a half before most of us climbed in before I saw Frost, Rodion, Achilles and IQ climb into an SUV before I saw Anna, Gunther, Zara and Reinhard get loaded into an armored SUV while Pulse, Thatcher and Ying climbed in to guard them before Harry radioed "Move out!" I looked around the area as the last of the support staff climbed into the second deuce and a half before we started rolling away.
       Another voice came over our comms "Watcher, verify all friendlies are off target" as I heard Harry "all personnel accounted for" as an F-18 streaked over head before the familiar sparkling of white phosphorus fell from the sky heading towards my home of 2 years. I sighed "it'll be ashes by the time that phosphorus is done" I heard Finka "atleast the masks won't have it" I heard Achilles on comms "gonna miss this place" as Thatcher replied "aye lad, me too" as the white phosphorus made contact with the building and everything lit up with a brilliant brightness as I sighed. I heard Mozzie ask "Harry, where are we going?" He replied "the airport, we're moving to Poland. A base special to Ela and Zofia" we all fell quiet following Harry's car as I watched the building collapse on itself as the white phosphorus burned through the support beams. I heard Caviera "how'd security go?" I replied over the engine "it was fun until they brought out juggernauts." She nodded before finka asked "are you hungry?" I nodded before replying "I'll eat once we get to our new base"
      She handed me an MRE before speaking sternly "eat" I sighed relenting as Achilles came over comms "Hey Wendigo, it was fun working with you. I've got your shotgun with me" I keyed my mic "you as well, it's always fun to work with you brits. Never a dull moment" he replied "I wish there was, Christ I'm tired of getting shot at" as Thatcher replied "you joined the wrong unit lad" he replied "i guess so, ow, Christ, I was kidding I was kidding" as Ying asked "did IQ take offense to that?" Rodion replied "that she did" as we laughed before falling silent as it set in we were going to a new place. We were all going to relive our first days at rainbow, we were all going to have to get used to a new reality. I sighed causing Finka to ask "what's wrong?" I looked over and replied "just wondering what the feral has in store for us" she nodded before Blackout spoke "oh stop worrying. He's a terrorist, they cause trouble and die, that's all they're good for" as I asked "and if your wrong?" He replied "then we're fucked"
       I heard Ozone "we should've been ready for that assault" as Capitao asked "what do you propose then?" Ozone replied "we should make up defense plans and drill them when we get to the new base. Atleast then we'll know what to do if the masks find us again" I listened as thatcher spoke "live and learn" Frost spoke "only problem is we almost didn't live, I agree with Ozone. We should've been ready for that" I heard Harry "I'll bring it up with the base commander when we arrive" just for Achilles to bring up a fair point "am I the only one that's been wondering where the tower guards were? They should've been able to call in the mask force before they started their assault" Valkyrie replied slowly "do you think the masks took them out?" I asked in reply "that quietly?" As Blackbeard spoke "that's almost our level of stealth" while Nøkk spoke "the masks kept getting better, we got complacent. Now we're on the back foot" Harry replied "well we'll just have to fix that problem. I appreciate the board of reflections you have going but we've all had a long night, relax take a load off and worry about it tomorrow. You've done well" as Achilles asked "sir, how much further to the airport?" Harry answered "bout another hour and a half" as I pulled off Finka's LMG and got comfortable quickly drifting to sleep as Finka wormed her way under my arm laying back into my side.

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