Above All

By bb2410

52.4K 6.3K 5.5K

"I mean what's a party if they're no Idizians, am I right?" The night of the Day of Doves changes everything... More

-Before You Read-
-Twenty Three-
-Thirty Three-
-Thirty Seven-
-One-Hundred -
-One Hundred-One-
-One Hundred-Two-
-One Hundred-Three-
-One Hundred-Four-
-One Hundred-Five-
-One Hundred-Six-
A/N: Thank You for Reading!


445 61 40
By bb2410

Menace of the lake

Harmonies as time returns

Herald after rain


       "It's getting warm out now... the weather report says it'll be eighteen degrees Celsius tomorrow." I said into the phone as I spoke to Layton. We had spent an unhealthy amount of time talking to each other; I was so excited when he called, I just needed to hear his voice and know that he was alright, especially after he had told me he was on his way to the Mellan estate with his brothers to seek answers. What I hadn't expected him to tell me was that his actual mother was there as well.

         Listening to him detail the entire story from start to finish was crazy; I listened to him intently the entire time, asking questions here and there. The only thing I couldn't shake was how Mukami stated that she too was getting threats on her life as well as her families; it made sense why she rescinded the throne, that along with the mysterious threat that knew about her affair that resulted in children.

          But besides the conspiracy theories, Layton and I were conjuring up together, I could tell his voice was growing deeper with sleep; he was tired, so I was slowing the conversation to more lighter topics; better to lull his mind with pleasant positives than negatives of the mysterious future.

          "Yeah? Perfect... just in time for your birthday." I could hear him smiling through the phone. I felt my cheeks heat up at the sound of his sleepy voice, Jesus... why was I getting turned on right now? "You remembered?" I said to him with amusement.

           He chuckled, "How could I forget... I made sure to mark the day so I could thank your mother for bringing you into this world..." He stated.

            Aw, he was so adorable.

            "Just so I can just slap your ass and look at you naked all day." He finished.

            I take that back.

            This man was really sleep drunk at this time. "You need to go to bed." I said to him.

            "No wait! I'm kidding... not really, let me just hear you voice a little longer." Begged me.


            "I want to take you out for your birthday." He said to me.

            I sat up a bit in my bed and arched my eyebrow, "Yeah? That sounds lovely, but you got to beat out my parents, they still kind of have me on house arrest...even if we're in Kentillie. Besides, I think the plan on throwing a party for me, nothing big... intimate. They always throw me a part for my birthday, but I think they're just nervous with us being in Idizia and all." I said to him.

            "I can see that... make sure I get an invite at least." He chimed in.

            I giggled, "I'll cancel the party if I don't see you there." I said to him.

          "That's what I like to hear." He yawned.

       "Goodnight, Layton." I whispered to him.

          "Goodnight, Amani... I love you." He said back to me.

          I felt my heart flutter at his words, I could feel the sincerity even when he was half-asleep speaking to me, that he was serious about every single syllable.

          "I love you too." I replied effortlessly as I finally ended the call.

          You would imagine the many times we got to that point, but another topic of discussion came through and blindsided us from ending the conversation. I laid back in my colossal bed in the Charming Suite—as they liked to call it here in Kentillie; I had always wondered what it was like at the other palace, having only spend my time in Maelony and even then I was mostly working; I didn't have much time to explore except when Éliane showed me around that one time.

            To think while I was touring that place, the entire time not realizing it was all...


          Of course, once my family and I had arrived in Kentillie, we were promptly greeted by the housing staff who all bowed and curtsied to me—something I had still have not become accustomed to. Grandma Zenny and mom showed me around the place and I was completely in awe by the amazing structure, the multitude of rooms, suites, studies, the massive libraries; although Maelony was bigger in comparison to the rooms and such, Kentillie still made its mark with 730, all of them with their own little history.

            Grandma Zenny also told me of the other properties we had spread out amongst the regions, the most notable one named Ormshire Castle that was located in Sako; she said we would visit there once everything calmed down. I couldn't lie being in this palace, knowing that I was Crown Princess had me feeling a bit giddy, like I was in this fairytale book now all I needed was my Prince Charming to make it all complete. I decided enough of lying in bed after, I wasn't quite tired yet, so I rolled off of the entire thing realizing it was taking me a few rolls to get off before my feet finally touched the wooden floors.

            I slowly walked over to the French balcony doors that led out to a little space where I could lean against the stone railing and overlook the back space of Kentillie. This suite had a magnificent view of the garden areas, right where there was a fountain of an angel spurting out water into the calm night; I liked stepping out here especially when the light breeze seemed to give me an air of clarity I didn't know I needed.

            Tonight, there was a beautiful crescent moon out, the light from the entity shown down powerful at where I stood leaning against the railing in awe by how beautiful things were; I wondered how different I would feel if I had grown up living in this kind of atmosphere; would I have lost appreciation and admiration for something I knew was rich with history and culture?

            I didn't want to think I would, everything was just so stunning here.

            Parliament informed us that since everything had been deliberated and ruled in our favor, it was only customary that we move into one of the royal residences while the current Imperial Family gear up to leave Maelony; they thought this would be a better solution as to avoid conflict with both parties being in the palace at the same time. I had to agree with that, I think the last thing I wanted to see was Madeline's face as I walked around he very palace she was convinced at one point was hers.

            Talk about awkward.

            I fiddled with my fingers and thought about the nearing future; the date for my coronation hadn't been set yet. Grandma Zenny would decide on that as these things usually coordinated with the current Empress, but since of very special situation, Grandma Zenaida would be taking care of that, finding the best day fit for the very extraordinary occasion; mom told me these kinds of events racked up hundreds of thousands of people to come see, she predicted even more would come since the crown was returning to us.

            Was I going to be a good Empress?

            I had never been introduced into the life of royalty until I started working for Layton's family; sure, I had picked up a few commodities here and there, but to actually live that life where the watchful gaze of the public was always on you made me feel a bit stressed out. Yesterday, I spent hours just watching old videos I could find of cousin Odette and it was quite remarkable to see her in action; the hundreds of charities she was involved with, the extensive traveling to other foreign counties, the many banquets and other parties she attended alongside her husband.

            Would I be able to do all of those things and more? Would people even like me one I took the throne?

            My palms began moistening at all the thoughts that were swirling through my head.

            I was nervous... very nervous.

            Mom and Grandma Zenny promised they would be there for me, every step of the way but I still couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety coercing through my body. I began to pace and forth on the balcony, trying to get myself to calm down but the mini panic-attack was short-lived because there sound of knocking echoed through my suite door. I quickly stepped off of the balcony and shut the doors before quickly rushing over to see who it was.

            I opened the door slowly and saw that it was my mother, I opened the door wider and noticed that two maids also accompanied her, holding one tray filled of treats, the other of hot tea and water. The maids curtsied to my lightly and carried the items over to the sitting area where my mother had made herself comfortable sitting at and I joined her.

            Once the maids were finished setting the area, they curtsied once more and stepped out of the room. I looked down at the serving plates and smiled when I noticed some oolog was there for me to enjoy, "You brought this for me?" I asked her.

            My mother gave me a light smile, "Yes...I figured you still be up at this time, so I brought some snacks to tie you over." She reached over and poured herself a cup of the freshly brewed chamomile tea, setting the steaming liquid into the stunning crystal tea-cups I had once admired on Empress Day back at Maelony.

            I fixed myself the plate of oolog and took a bite, waiting a moment before speaking, "You know... I was thinking of getting you a tea cup set just like that to bring home once I finished here.... I thought they were so beautiful and Éliane told me those cups were specially made for the Royal Family." I said to her.

            Mom sat down the matching glass kettle holding the tea and nodded, "Did you really? I would've loved the gift regardless... these do happen to be my favorite kind of tea sets as well, very modernized for their time." She said as she took a light sip form her cup.

            I sat my plate down, chewing as I poured myself a cup of tea as well.

            After I finished pouring the liquid, I let it cool and decided instead to converse with my mother, "What was it like for you... growing up in the palace, did you enjoy it?" I inquired curiously. I never had the opportunity to question my mother on what it was like growing up as a Princess and I wondered if my own experience would be something similar to hers.

            My mother gave me a soft smile, setting her cup down lightly, "Well... I did love it, I mean growing up in big houses that you could search for days on end, it also made great for game such as hide in seek which we did play a lot of." My mother giggled, pulling her afro hair out of the way as she thought deeply, "Then there was always the delicious meals we had at our beck and call, it was nice... but I'm also glad I learned how to cook, nothing beats the satisfaction of knowing you created something all by yourself." She stated.

            I pursed my lips. "Was there anything you hated?" I asked with an arched brow.

            My mother looked away as she tried to come up with something, before returning her gaze, "I'd have to say the expectation... mostly coming from my mother, she really enforced the prim and proper attitude that I have today. It wasn't until I moved to Canada that I really explored freedom in the sense of body. Being able to let your hair down and do whatever, move as you please without someone having to scold you..." She cocked her head to the side as she looked at me.

            "I never wanted you to feel like that... feel like you're in an invisible box that kept you from moving...  or experiencing which is why I didn't teach you etiquette until were a lot older." She stated.

            I furrowed my brow, "When do you learn?" I asked her.

            "Four." She replied simply.


            She noticed the look on my face and laughed lightly, "Yes, again my mother was quite rigid with how your uncle and I were to be raised." She frowned slightly, "I didn't want to be like that with you... I want us to be close and able to talk like we are now without it having to be awkward, that's one thing I can thank being in Canada for." She finished.

            I grabbed my tea cup and had a few sips before speaking, "And the parties?" I asked her.

            She shrugged nonchalantly, "You get used to them after a while... I do enjoy wearing the tiaras though, so many to choose from." She smiled widely.

            Now that... I was looking forward to that.

            "I made a joke to Éliane while she was showing me the tiara room that I would get you and daddy to buy me an entire tiara room for me." I said.

            My mother chuckled, "I guess you got your wish then, hm? You can pick out whichever you want for you birthday party." She said as she grabbed her tea cup again to indulge in the hot drink. I cocked my head to the side, "We're still going through with the birthday party?" I asked her curiously.

            She nodded, "Of course! It's you twenty-six birthday! I know it won't be as big as all your others and a lot more short-notice, but we're still going to do it for you!" My mother said adamantly. I took a deep breath, "You aren't worried anything might.... happen?" I asked her.

            My mother paused for a second, a quick look of worry flashing over her features, "I am worried... but I know that we have put together all the security in place for something like this... that's why we're making it intimate." She empahaized the word intimate and I nodded in understanding.

            I went back to eating my oolog, letting the silence overtake the room for a moment.

            "Mom?" I found myself calling out to her.

            "Yes, baby?" She replied.

            I didn't look up when I asked her this, I focused on cutting thin pieces of the oolog as I worked my way around this question, but I knew there was no beating around the bush with this. "Did you ever want to be Empress?" I asked her.

            My mother who had been caught mid-sip, chocked on the liquid and quickly sat the cup down, putting a hand to her chest as she cleared her throat multiple times, I looked up at her. "Are you okay?" I asked.

            She nodded putting her hand up, "One moment." Her voice croaked as she cleared her throat a few more times. Finally, when she finished, she poured herself a glass of water and had a few sips before speaking, "Me? Empress?" She questioned.

            I nodded slowly, "Yeah... did you ever want to be the next in line or something of the sort?" I elaborated. My mother gave me a tentative smiled and slowly shook her head side to side, my eyes widened in surprise, "Really?" I questioned her.

            She sighed looking away momentarily, "I know it's crazy to think... a lot of people want to be the Queen or King or whatever..." She rolled her eyes, "I wasn't quite interested, I liked where I was at in my life... I felt that Odette was far more suited for the role than me, people just loved her and I had no doubt she would make a fine Empress and she did." She looked back at me seriously.

            "Are you worried about how you will be perceived?" She inquired.

I responded with a slow nod, "What if no one likes me? I can't fix my own image like I fix others." I said to her.

            My mother sighed, her shoulders slumping before she quickly got up and sat beside me, placing her hand on mine she gave me an encouraging smile, "Amani... luckily you live in a day and age were you no longer have to govern over your people so that takes that kind of pressure away, but... remember, the people love someone who is confident and who will represent the country in the best light, no need to be standoffish and strict... lead with a smile." She informed me.

            Lead with a smile....

            "I can't even lie I'm so nervous about everything, I worry that everything will be overwhelming especially when I start taking on engagements." I said to her.

            My mother leaned over and pressed a light kiss against my temple. "All in due time... Grandma and I are right here. It'll be a lot of work, but we're also here to help with the workload, I'm sure they'd love to see our faces again after so long, so you won't have to worry so much... it'll all come naturally. I used to do this kind of stuff all the time." She stated.

            "Really? You too?" I inquired with an arch of a brow.

            She nodded, "Yup... Odette was an only child, so Zyair and I had to step us as working royals to help with the load. We traveled a lot but it was always so engaging because we had each other, I wouldn't trade it for anything... especially when you know you're bringing joy and information to others around the world." She stated optimistically.

            When she put it that way, it sounded.... joyful.

            But I guess time would tell how I would feel about the situation.

            My mother chuckled to herself a bit, "Mukami and I... we used to tease Odette all the time saying she was better suited than the both of us to be Empress." My mother smiled lightly at the memory, "Mukami would always say, I'd probably burn the place down by accident if I were in there!" She said.

            I laughed, "Did she... she sounded like fun." I said to her.

            My mother nodded, "She was... and also the source of all the trouble we used to get in as well, but alas, that was our young girl days. I wonder where she is now." She muttered that last part to herself.

            Would it be wrong of me to tell her that she was at the Mellan estate?

             I decided it was best that I just keep that to myself for the time being, until everything was sorted of course. My mother looked at my finished plate resting in my other hand and took it from me. "Well I'm going to bed now, I hope everything filled you up." She said.

            I nodded, "It did." I said.

            She smiled softly, "Good... tomorrow we pick out some of the colors, flowers, and the tiara for your party... you can even give me your friends list so I can invite." She said to me.

            I knew I wanted Éliane, Johnny, Rose, Jaala, Cyril, Layton, Amory, and Fionn to all be there, but I'd take it up with my family tomorrow like she promised. My mother gave me one more kiss goodnight and headed out. I finished the rest of my tea and washed up before slipping into bed right after, a slumber falling over me like a quick whisk of a wind.


         My birthday finally came and I woke up to an alarming rate of balloons and flowers in my bedroom suite; how they managed to get this all in here while I was still asleep was beyond me. But it was lovely, the assortment of purple, white, and gold balloons—the official royal family colors as well as the stunning flowers to match were incredible.

         There were tons of gifts waiting for me as well as in the seating area and I quickly rushed over to see what I got this year and was pleasantly gratefully for the clothing, shoes, and jewels I was gifted with.

         They were all things I loved so I appreciated it tremendously.

            After reading the cards and whatnot, I got dressed and joined my family for a delicious breakfast, all filled with my favorites as my grandmother and mother gushed over the party this evening; I think they were more excited than I was to be honest.

            Later on, in the day, dad took me on a boat ride by the adjourning lake by the palace; it had been so long since we did something like this. We used to always be in the wilderness together, hiking, climbing, and just being one with earth; it was our special bonding time together and I always appreciated it. But I enjoyed the ride because it got me away from the palace for a bit as we overlooked the beautiful scenery, the distant mountain views and the warm air that was ushering a very fruitful spring.

            After that, I was brought back to the palace where my hair and nails were done. I had picked out a dress for my celebration yesterday as well as my tiara. You would imagine my joy when the staff of the palace came ushering different boxes filled with the family tiaras that had been passed down from generations and I got to pick the one I liked best; it was almost impossible to choose, all I saw were diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, the works! The funny thing was, it was only a fraction of the complete collection of what we owned.

            Not to mention the vault that I still had yet to see.

            "Is your hair to your liking, Princess Amani?" The hairdresser asked me curiously.

            I looked at my hairstyle from side to side, pleased with how it came out. I had four cornrows to the side of my head, while the remainder of my coils and curls were pushed back into a low ponytail with a large puff, it left enough room for my tiara to be placed on my head and snuggly secure which was perfect. I nodded with a wide smile, I thanked her for doing a fantastic job on my hair and she curtsied before excusing herself out of my suite.

            By then it already had fallen into the late evening, I believe guests were beginning to arrive; the palace even for an intimate party seemed to be on high-alert, servants gathering things to ready and prepare for the event; I guess stuff like this always required the staff to always be on their feet.

         My mother entered my suite soon after, she was dressed elegantly in a maroon-colored strapless gown. She looked amazing in it, the deep color complimenting her dark skin with ease. Her ears, neck, and wrists were adorned with beautiful flattering jewels that made her shine even more so than she already was.

         She helped me into my dress which was a designer gown from the boutique that I frequented that specialized in custom orders. The dress was an intense aquamarine blue, with a chiffon draping over it that made it seem as if the dress were underwater of some sorts; it carried a scoop neckline and a tightened bodice to accentuate my waist, the outfit then continued to contour to my body all the way until it fell to the floor, trailing slightly behind me in the process, a tiny slit was made so I could showcase my black-crystal sandal heels.

            I loved how the dress made me look and feel.

            Like a princess.

            A sexy one.

            My mother had me sit in front of the vanity while she adjusted the tiara I had chosen to my head. She clapped her hands together and stood back admiring her handy work.

            "Perfect!" She stated.

            I looked at myself in the mirror with admiration. The tiara, I had to be the most fascinated with. The jewel itself was made purely of diamonds, the shape reminiscent of clouds as the intricate details within the torso of the headpiece glittering proudly. The internal shapes reminded me heavily of what angel wings looked like, the pattern repeating over and over until it ended at the sides.

            And it fit perfectly on my head.

            To accessories, my neck was adorned with what my mother called the Maisie necklace that was inspired by the blue of Maiolica ceramics, a glazed pottery typically shown in the Italian renaissance, the deep shade was rich and dense with the velvety-blue of sapphire weighing in at over 42-carats, set on a diamond chain that wrapped around the neck.

            "What do you think?" My mother asked me.

            I tore my gaze away from myself in the mirror and smiled.

        "I think it's time to party."

         Downstairs in one of the ballrooms, dubbed The Swan Room, the intimate party wasn't as intimate as I thought it would be, trust there's a lot less people than what my birthday parties usually carried, but this was still a heft some of people. I guess mom and dad had a lot of catching up to do with these people, so why not invite them while they had the chance?

         The room was decorated beautiful, everything going with my color of choice: blue. What caught my eye the most was this beautiful display by a appetizer table, where it seemed like a funnel of crystal butterflies, all a different variation of blue came spiraling down until it touched the table; it was quite the eye-catcher.

            The rest of the room had a deep-blue hue with an assortment of lights and candles capturing the mood and essence of the space; no surprise Grandma and my mother out-doing themselves once more.

            I couldn't help but wonder if this was the kind of thing I had to look forward to as my future as Crown Princess and soon-to-be, Empress. My mother and father paraded me around the room to all the guests that they had invited on their end and I graciously greeted and chatted with them for however was deemed acceptable, but I very much wanted to be with my friends at the moment and knew they were here because Rose had texted me about it a while ago.

            Finally, after being curtsied and wished a Happy Birthday to for the millionth time, I excused myself to look for my friends. I finally found them not too far from the butterfly attraction I had looked at prior and smiled as I rushed over to them as fast as I could in my heels; Rose was the first to catch sight of me and she squealed rushing over to me in delight as she threw her hands around me.

            People around us murmured, probably because of her informality, but Rose didn't know royal protocol like that and it wasn't like I care either; she was my best friend, she could do whatever the hell she wanted. Plus, it was my birthday.

            "Mani... you look like a princess! Wait... yeah you are one, but you definitely got the look right now!" She complimented me fruitfully, I thanked her, "Happy Birthday! Did you get my gift?" She asked me curiously.

            I nodded enthusiastically, "Of course I did! And I loved it, as usual." I said to her.

            Rose side-stepped so I could see everyone else, but only after she twirled around so I could see her custom-made dress. It was a lilac-colored short-cut gown with a fluffy material that covered the top half of her chest area; I looked very couture and definitely suited personality to a T.

            The next person to greet me was Éliane and Johnny; Éliane tried to courtesy but I stopped her reaching in for a hug, I felt as if I hadn't seen her since I came storming into Maelony and demanded she showed me the Hall of Doves, it was good to see her as well as Johnny, both of them looking adequately-dressed for the event.

            "How are you guys?" I asked them.

            "Great! Happy Birthday, Mani." Éliane smiled sweetly at me.

            I returned the favor, "And you, Johnny?" I questioned him.

            He smirked, "This is so unreal... I've never been inside of a palace before... I am quite stunned." He stated as he held onto Élaine's waist.

            They were so cute together.

"Well enjoy it... there will be more of it to come." I stated.

            We talked a little more before I finally made acquaintances with Jaala and Cyril. Both of them were dressed in their best, immediately after noting that I was paying them mind, they both took turns bowing to me, kneeling just short of where I stood while placing a kiss at the back of my hand.

            "Princess Amani." Cyril stated.

            I rolled my eyes, "Don't switch up on me now because I have a tittle." I joked.

            He chuckled and gazed down at me, "Last time I saw you, it was just Amani Cloutier... now I see you again and it's Crown Princess of Idizia... what are the odds?" He smirked.

            I gave him a curt smile, "Very far and few in between I'd have to say."

            "Happy Birthday, Amani." Jaala said to me.

            I thanked him, "I hope you guys are enjoying the party... sorry for the last-minute invites, I wasn't even sure we were going to have something like this ready." I apologized.

            Jaala raised his hands, "Not to worry... I could use an evening off to celebrate another year in a life." He laughed. I laughed with them, although I was a bit unfocused with the conversation, tearing my eyes so I could make out Layton's figure. He was beside his brothers, Amory with his date for the night Nyarai, Fionn attached to Inyene—that one was a bit of a surprise to me, but she had texted me a while back to let me know she was out of the whole deal with Layton and all; she told me up-front that she was interested in someone else and I sort of connected the dots together when she mentioned it was someone that worked at the palace.

            Then there was Layton.

            Dressed in a fine black suit, his hair slicked back and that beard I had watched him grow out was now fully in view and it looked so good on him; not too long or anything, just the right cut that suited his face. The minute our eyes connected, I had forgotten that I was speaking with Jaala and Cyril. He smiled softly, his thin lips curving in amusement as his eyes drank every inch of my body; I could feel my body warming up the more he looked at me.

            God, I wanted him in a bed right now.

            Fuck this party!

            I heard someone clear their throat and I immediately snapped out of it, looking up to meet the sound of that voice, it was Cyril. "I see something has caught your attention, don't let us gentlemen keep you from getting the other guests." He said.

            I gave him a lopsided grin, "My apologies... I just haven't seen everyone in so long." I stated. He nodded in understanding, "I'm sure we'll catch up later at the party." They both bowed towards me once more before moving out of the way, I slowly walked up to the group and they all turned to look at me with smiles on their faces.

            Inyene was the first to rush up to me and curtsy, "Your majesty...Happy Birthday!" She stated with a warm smile.

            I smiled, "Hey Inyene, thanks for coming." I said to her.

            She nodded and moved away so Nyarai could greet me, she too curtsied, just as I had taught her when we were prepping her to be with Amory; oh, how things have changed in such a short time, but I was glad she retained the information. "Happy Birthday, Amani!" She greeted me.

            I thanked her again. Amoy bowed to me respectfully, I was glad to see he was doing well. You could only gauge someone so much by a text message; I knew he was expecting soon and that seemed to be taking up a bit of his time these days. Fionn was next as she stepped forward and bowed towards me, taking my hand and kissing the back of it.

         "Good to see you again, Amani." He stated.

          I smiled softly, "You clean up real nice, thanks for coming." I said to him.

         He nodded, "It was the least I could do, you've been nothing but helpful during the times I've needed it the most... thank you." He said to me. I nodded, almost impatiently wanting to reach over and grab Layton... I missed him the most.

            Probably sensing my urgency, Fionn let go of me and stepped to the side so I could greet Layton. I stopped just shy of where he was standing.

            "Hey." He said.

            I smiled softly, "Hey." I replied.

            He chuckled amused by my response and reached out to grab my hand, bowing in the process, he placed a kiss on the back of my head. I could feel the heat from his lips radiating off of his skin onto mine; I wondered how the rest of it would feel against my body.

            "Your royal highness." He said to me.

            Again, still so odd coming from him, but I still accepted it.

            "I missed you." I whispered, already feeling the gaze of many party-goers as they watched our interaction; were they expecting us to fight, a Crown Princess versus an ex- Crown Prince? No, they had no idea what Layton and I had been through and I wasn't going to give them any kind of show of the sort.

            "Dance with me." I heard Layton's voice say to me.

            "Dance?" I asked him.

            He nodded, holding out his hand to me, "Like old times." He stated.

            I smirked, grabbing his hand as he led me onto the dance floor where the string orchestra was playing another song. Layton swung me around so I landed right against his chest with a slow pat. Our hands met at the proper places, although he find no issue intertwining our fingers together at the last moment.

            I gave him a look, "People are watching." I warned him.

            He shrugged softly, "Let them look... I'm dancing with the birthday girl." He smiled cockily. I felt my heart racing against my chest as we glided back and forth against the floor, beat by beat we followed the cues of the music falling into the rhythm with ease. I could feel so many gazes at the moment, all of them trailed on him and I, but the more we danced the less I care; the more I stared into his sparkling green gaze...

            The more I fell in love with him.

            "Come with me to my room." I whispered to him.

            His lips curved into a mischievous smile, "You want to make love already?" He teased me. I narrowed my gaze, "Don't be a jerk." I sneered and he chuckled.

            "You go through the left of the hall and I go through the right." He stated.

            I nodded.

            We both waited until the song was finished before we parted ways, he bowed once more at me and I hastily walked away, playing off as if I were having a chat with a few more people before disappearing off to the left as he said I should. I ended up waiting a few more minutes before he appeared behind a wall I hadn't noticed until his figure sauntered out.

       "You know this place well." I said to him.

         He nodded, "I've had my fair share of stays in Kentillie." He looked around and grabbed my hand before we quickly rushed back to my suite; it was easy, I told him what suite I was staying in and he found a short-cut to get us there. We were in the room in less than 10 minutes, shutting the door behind us, his lips were already on mine and my hands entrapped in his hair.

            God, I missed him!

            "You don't even want... to...see... my birthday... gift... to.... you." He muttered through our lips. I groaned, "Later." I whispered back to him. Layton brought our bodies back onto my bed and I fell back into a heap, but I managed to have hit something in the process. I broke the kiss momentarily to see what I had fell on and realized it was a birthday gift, wrapped in a box.

            "Oh, I thought I had put all of these away." I said in confusion as I pulled the crème-colored box I my direction. Layton looked over my shoulder in curiosity, "Who it from?" He inquired.

            I shrugged, "Doesn't say." I stated as I looked for some kind of note of the sort.

            I decided why not look inside the box, it was my birthday after all. I smiled, "I wonder what goodie I have inside here." I said excitedly.

            The minute I pulled the strings and pulled opened the box, I screamed. Inside wasn't a nice present of clothing, jewelers, or art...

            It was a dead dove.

            My heart began sporadically racing, I fell back into Layton's chest who too look completely shocked by what was inside of the present.

            A dead dove?

            A dead dove.... who would send me something like this?

         I felt my tears well up in complete fear as I realized what was happening, what my mother had spent decades trying to shield me from was now coming to fruition.


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