Dangerous Thirst

By SunrisexCamren

29.7K 1.1K 427

A dangerous thirst between the two fiercest, dangerous players in the game More

Lauren's Birthday
Mother of The Twins
Company Celebration
Kill Or Be Killed
New 'Bae', New Rules
The Secret
Company Picnic
Within Enemy Lines
Charity Gala
Enemy Exposed
One, Two Enemies
The Getaway
Light Before The Darkness
You Can Run But You Can't Hide
Confronting The Enemy
Between Life And Death
Special Night
Haunting Memories
Disapproval Love
The Agreement
Ways To Your Heart
Hot Deliciousness
The Strong and The Weak
Fate Of The Enemy
Two Families Fixed
Una Reventon Fiesta
A Jauregui Masquerade Gala
Our Home
Pleasure And Jealousy
Empty Seats
Making Deals

The In-Laws

1.1K 47 29
By SunrisexCamren


When I point out, play Dive by Ed Sheeran and Twisted by Two Feet

Camila's POV

(Play Dive). "What the hell do you even wear to a country club to meet your boss' parents?" I asked Dinah who is sitting on my bed. It's been a week since I went to eat at that diner with Lauren. Was that a date?

Dinah hums to the music as she plays games on her phone.

"Dinah!" I call.

"Yes uh. I don't know. Where are you guys going?" She asks

"Her parents country club," I said, "Were you not paying attention?"

"Sorry, I'm beating levels on this game like a fucking boss," Dinah says. She puts her phone away and walks to my scattered clothes on the floor. "Jeez, girl you wouldn't make it without me," Dinah jokes.

I scoff and cross my arms across my chest, "Whatever."

Dinah lets out some inhuman noise and throws me a piece of fabric. "Girl, what are those doing there?" She laughs.

I hold the piece of lingerie underwear in front of me and wiggle my eyebrows. "Bought them a while back but haven't found a good use for them," I said.

"By use you mean your hot boss hasn't torn them off of you with her teeth," Dinah says.

I put a hand over my heart and smile, "You know me all too well DJ."

There's a light knock on my bedroom door and it opens revealing Lauren. "Hi, Camila..." She smiles at me.

"Lauren, what a pleasant surprise!" Dinah says.

Lauren looks over at her and smiles warmly, "Pleasure to see you."

"What's up boss? We are having a fashion emergency," I wave my hand with the piece of lingerie grasped in it.

Lauren's eyes land on the fabric and her breath catched in her throat.

I look over at Dinah and wiggle my eyebrows at her while throwing her multiple winks. "Tease her," I mouth.

Dinah throws me a wink and turns her attention back to Lauren. "You're looking a little thirsty over there Miss Jauregui," Dinah teases.

Lauren tries to respond but can't so I walk up to her. "I suggest you drink some water, boss..." I whisper.

"I'm not thirsty for water, Camila..." She whispers back.

"Why did you come in here?" I asked.

"The boys and Keana left for the country club already. I was going to inform you that it will just be you and I riding together," Lauren says.

"That's the greatest news anybody had ever told me in a week," I smile teasingly at her.

Lauren secretly reaches down and takes hold of my hand and the piece of fabric. "Let go.." She whispered.

"These belong to me," I smirk.

"Correction. Did," Lauren smiles devilishly at me, "How many times have you rubbed against them?"

"Miss Jauregui how inappropriate," I said.

"Are y'all done?" Dinah yawns dramatically.

I let go of the fabric and Lauren hides it in one of the pockets of her blazer. "Yes we're done," Lauren says.

"Okay good. Since it's your parent's country club which one will your parents like Lauren," Dinah holds up two dresses.

"The sundress," Lauren says immediately.

"Wow, you're quick," I tease her.

Lauren's eyes lock with mine for a split second then clears her throat. "It looks elegant which will impress my father and it's themed for a country club so it will impress my mother," Lauren says.

"Great! My job here is done. Bye boo! Bye, Lauren!" Dinah waves at us and walks past Lauren.

"Can you turn around or something? You can watch if you want," I take a hold of Lauren's hand.

"If I do then we won't be leaving here for a while," Lauren whispers.

I close the door behind her and I cup her cheek. "I'll be quick," I whisper. After quickly changing, I smooth the dress down while looking at myself in the mirror.

Lauren walks up behind me and rests her hands on my waist. "Beautiful like always," Lauren whisper in my ear. She rests her chin on my shoulder, wrapping her arms fully around my waist.

I caress her arms, "Thank you."

Lauren kisses my jawline, "What is your strategy?"

"Make them love me and hopefully change their minds about this trap Keana put you in," I said.

"You'll do that for me?" Lauren smiles at me through the mirror.

I turn around in her arms and wrap my arms around her neck. "For you mostly but... For us," I whisper.

Lauren smiles and plants a gentle kiss on my lips. "I knew you were determined to get rid of Keana for a reason," Lauren says. She checks the time on her watch and pulls away from me. "We should get going," She says.

"Let's go," I smile.

Once in the car, Alfred starts driving as he puts the divider up to give us some privacy. (Play Twisted)

I cross my leg over the other as I press them together. Lauren looks over at the action and shifts in her spot. I let out a tiny whimper when I squeeze my thigh and it hits the good spot.

"Mhmm..." I moan.

"Camila..." Lauren trails off.

"What?" I let out.

"Do you need help over there?" She questions.

"Maybe, maybe not..." I tease.

Lauren closes her book and slides closer to me. Not even wasting any more time, Lauren connects our lips in a heated kiss. She runs her hand through my hair and grips it hard.

"Lauren..." I moan.

"You like it rough don't you?" Lauren mumbles against my lips.

"How'd you guess?" My breathing starts to quicken.

"Because I don't go softly if you have noticed," Lauren cups my chin.

"That's something I love about you. You don't hold back," I wrap my arms around her.

"I don't stop until I get what I want," Lauren caresses my jawline.

"What do you want right now Lauren?" I asked.

"You. All of you. I want you to be mine," Lauren says.

"That's so many demands, boss." I kiss her lips again but this time I savor her taste. Lauren pulls me close to her as possible making me smile like an idiot against her lips.

Lauren pulls on my lower lip then fully connects our lips again. She parts my lips and slides her tongue in my mouth.

I try to fight her tongue but of course, she always wins. I feel Lauren's hand trail up my thigh squeezing along the way. My hand squeezes her arm tight when she sucks my tongue causing the sensation in between my thighs to get more intense.

Lauren's hand finally reaches my center making me let out a moan when she poked at it teasingly. I slowly start to grind against her body making her rock with me.

"Oh, Lauren..." I moan.

"Camila... She breathes out.

As we keep grinding against each other, Lauren pulls my lips into a heated kiss. I ball up her shirt in my fists as one of her hands go up to massage my breasts through the fabric of my dress. She moves my bra aside with ease and pinches my left nipple hard. I let out a dragged moan as her lips kiss at the exposed skin on my neck.

"Be quiet Alfred can hear us," Lauren chuckles.

"That's already out the window."

Lauren laughs and pulls my lips into a sweeter kiss than the last one. "I want all of mine to be yours, Camila..." Lauren whispers once she pulled away.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"If I didn't have responsibilities I would have run away with you," Lauren admits.

"That's something most people who are in love say," I said.

After hearing that, Lauren pulls away from me and scoots a little away.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" I touch her arm.

"No just..." Lauren trails off. She shakes her head and takes hold of my hands. "It's nothing. You didn't scare me I was just thinking," Lauren smiles reassuringly. She kissed the corner of my lips then pulls me into a hug.

"I care about you Lauren. So much..." I whisper in her ear.

"I care about you too Camila." Lauren pulls away from me and smiles warmly.

The car finally comes to a stop and soon the door opens. We straighten our clothes out then Alfred helps us out and from the corner of my eye, I saw him throw a mischievous glance at Lauren.

"C'mon," Lauren puts a hand on the small of my back.

"Bye, Alfred!" I wave at him.

"See you, Miss Camila."

Lauren waves at him and leads me up to the entrance of the country club. The door opens and out walks Keana with the boys.

"Finally! What took you two so long?" Keana places her hands on her hips.

I look at Lauren and she looks at Keana. "Traffic. We can't control that now can't we, Keana?" Lauren crosses her arms across her chest.

Keana let's out a long sigh and pinches the bridge of her nose. "No. Whatever anyway your parents were asking about you," Keana says.

"Well then let's go," Lauren says.

"Okay but first one more thing. Camila, please don't mention my mother, okay?" Keana directs towards me.

"Got it," I said with no emotion.

We walk inside and Keana leads us out to the back. There's an old couple playing tennis while a teenage girl is texting away at her phone and a teenage boy sleeping.

Lauren leans closer to me and lowers her voice, "I need you to keep an eye on the twins."

"I know my job," I said teasingly.

Lauren smiles softly but then it disappears as she walks up to the old couple. "Mother, Father!" Lauren calls out.

The old couple stops playing tennis as the old lady runs up to Lauren and pulls her into a hug.

"Amor, it's so great to see you!" She says.

"It's so great to see you too mami," Lauren smiled warmly. 

The older man comes over and claps Lauren on the shoulder. "Nice to see you mija," He says.

"Right back at you, papi." Lauren takes hold of his hand then lets it go. She steps back from them to be right next to me. "Mom, dad... This is Camila Cabello, the boys' nanny," Lauren introduced me.

"Nice to finally meet you. I'm Michael," Her dad shakes my hand.

"Likewise Mr. Jauregui," I smiled warmly.

"Please just call me Michael or Mike," He says. He steps back from me and lets his wife step up.

"It's so great to finally meet the woman that has been helping take care of my grandchildren," She pulls me into a hug.

"So great to meet you, Mrs. Jauregui," I hug her back then pull away.

"Please, just Clara is fine," She waves her hand in dismissing. She looks over my outfit and her smile brightens even more. "You look, divine sweetheart," She nods approvingly.

"Very divine," Michael says behind his wife.

I catch Lauren's eyes and she throws me a thumbs up, a familiar glint of adoration in her eyes. Lauren clears her throat and motions me over. "Camila come meet my siblings," She says.

I smile warmly at her parents and walk over to her. "That was easier than I thought," I whisper to Lauren.

"Because who doesn't like you. It was hard for Keana when we started to date," Lauren whispers.

I stifle a giggle as Lauren stops us in front of the table.

"Taylor?" Lauren calls.

She only holds up a finger and continues to text. "Okay, what's up?" She says once she finished.

"I want you to meet Camila, the boys-"

"Nanny. Dad mentioned we will be meeting her," Taylor says. Taylor stands up and looks over my outfit. "Girl that is such an adorable outfit. Can I take a picture with you for my Instagram?" Taylor pulls her phone out.

"Sure," I shrug with a smile on my lips.

Once Taylor snaps the picture she excitedly sits back down and starts to do her thing.

I look over at Lauren and she just shrugs with a smile on her face. Lauren then turns to the sleeping boy and slams her hand down hard on the table next to the boy's ear. "Chris!" She raises her voice.

He jolts awake and looks at us with tired eyes. "Jeez, Lauren, can you keep it down?" He husks out.

"No." Lauren turns to me and puts a gentle hand on my arm. "Camila this is Chris, my brother," Lauren introduces.

"Woah, hello cutie," Chris stands up. He takes my hand in his and kisses the back of it. "Pleasure to meet you," He whispers.

"Charming Chris, a little too much don't you think?" Lauren swats his hand away from mine.

Awww she's jealous! "It's okay, Lauren..." I trail off.

Lauren clears her throat and backs off, "Okay."

"Aww man, y'all started introductions without me?"

I turn around to see Halsey coming over to us. "Hi, Halsey!" I wave.

"Camila! Hey, sexy!" Halsey pulls me into a hug.

I laugh but hug her back as I rub her back. "Good to see you again," I pull away slightly. I feel a hand on the small of my back and I see Lauren lean close to us.

"That's not appropriate behavior Halsey, can you keep it down?" Lauren mumbles.

"Jeez okay, mom!" Halsey says dramatically.

Lauren drops her hand but whispers in my ear. "Are you affectionate with everyone?" She whispers, slight anger present in her voice.

"It's not me, it's them. Jealous?" I mumble.

Lauren clenched her jaw and shakes her head as she sits down on a chair.

Everyone else sits down as well as they have conversations among them.

"No, you're just mad that they didn't put you as Cole!"

We all turn to the yelling to see the boys arguing.

"What no! You're mad our mothers didn't put Michael as your middle name," Connor says.

"Mami put me Lorenzo it's close to her name, Alexander!" Cody smiles smugly.

Connor's face starts to turn red as he shoves his brother. "Shut up Cody!" He spits in his face.

"Woah boys! Come here, come here!" I stand up from my chair.

The boys angrily stomp over at me and each stops at either side of me. "Okay, tell me what's wrong?" I ask in a calm voice.

"Cody was saying that mami loves him more because she put him as Lorenzo and mama's name is Lauren," Connor huffs.

I nod and turn to Cody, "And why did you say this?"

"Because I mean who's named Connor or Alexander in the family?" Cody says.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. "Boys what did I tell you this morning?" I let out.

"Don't argue over things that don't matter," They said at the same time.

"Exactly. And no Cody nobody within' your family is named Connor or Alexander and no Connor your mother doesn't love Cody more, she loves you two equally, okay?" I said.

"Yes, Camila!" They said.

"Okay now go play don't make each other mad again," I said.

"You got it, Cami!" Connor throws me a thumbs up along with his brother.

"Oh and boys-"

"Don't cause trouble or do pranks on anybody, we get it!" They both interrupt me. The boys run off back inside and I sigh.

"Wow, you handle them perfectly well," Clara says once I sat back down.

"Camila is such a blessing when it comes to taking care of riots," Keana says.

"Hey, why did Cody say that? Dad was going to put me, Alexander," Chris says.

"Thankfully he didn't Chris," Halsey says.

"Precisely why I put Alexander as his middle name," Lauren says.

"You were going to name him Cole?" I ask Lauren.

"Keana and I argued between Cole and Connor," Lauren says.

"Who wanted what name?" I asked.

"I wanted Cole but Keana wanted Connor. She won but she gave me the choice to put him a middle name," Lauren says.

"Who named Cody?" I asked.

"That was all me," Lauren smiles proudly.

"Why didn't you put Cody's middle name as Michael?" I asked.

"Yeah, why didn't you Mija?" Michael asks.

"Well uh... Can we change the subject?" Lauren clears her throat.

"Luckily we're here!"

"Finally your here," Keana grunts out.

"Keana always so grumpy." A boy claps Lauren on the shoulder. "Lauren Jauregui so nice to see you again," He says.

Lauren stands up and forces a smile on her lips. "Hi, Tegan..." Lauren trails off.

"You can never be professional can you Tegan?" An older man walks up to us.

"Mr. Issartel, nice to see you again," Lauren says.


Keana's father and Tegan sit down with us and I catch Keana's eye who just gives me a serious look.

"Oh, who's this gorgeous lady?" Tegan asks towards me.

"That gorgeous woman is mine," Chris says.

"Boys please behave," Lauren says.

Chris settles down but Tegan continues. "So what's your name, beautiful?" He asks.

"Camila," I respond.

"Oh. Camila is such a gorgeous name perfect for the most gorgeous woman," Tegan says.

I look down at my lap feeling a blush creep up on my cheeks. "Thank you, Tegan," I mumbled.

"Tegan, don't bother the damn girl," Mr. Issartel says, "Nice to formally meet you, Camila."

"Well now since the introductions are done we can finally talk about what matters, like the Nightingale project. Just because the Ilithyia project is going well doesn't mean we can rest on our laurels," Michael says.

Lauren turns to me to explain, "Nightingale is the in-home nursing robotic device that Jauregui Enterprises just released."

"Oh, we don't need to bore them with the details. I'm sure Camila, in particular, doesn't care about this stuff," Michael says.

"I was always fond of biotech so I'm very interested in this type of stuff," I said. Thank God I overheard Lauren last night talking about how investors love the project. "Nightingale has caused your stock to soar, yeah?" I question.

"That's right, it's been a huge success," Michael says in shock. He clears his throat and straightens his posture. "I'm impressed you know our product line and where we stand in the market," He says.

"Well, Jauregui Enterprises is signing my check, but also because the one time I was there I was highly interested in what you do," I smile.

"Touche," Michael smiles.

"Enough shop talk, you two," Clara laughs.

"Yes well what I want to know is when will Keana and Lauren have that engagement party," Michael says.

"I already told you, father, I don't think it's necessary to have one publicly if the tabloids already know about our engagement, and why would, we have one if my father will probably not even attend it," Lauren says firmly.

I look at Halsey who just avoids my gaze as she looks around awkwardly.

"Well I would have personally loved an engagement party," Mr. Issartel said.

"Please, dad you probably wouldn't have made it with last-minute arrangements," Keana says.

"Keana you two can probably cook something up, you just have one job and that is to arrange an engagement party but of course women have the easiest jobs but they still can't do it right," Mr. Issartel says.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but that's not true Mr. Issartel. My job is to take care of your grandchildren and they behave wonderfully," I said.

"Woah hey grandpa!" The boys come in waving at Mr. Issartel.

"Yeah, it's so great! Camila, guess what? We just hit a record," Connor says.

"And what's that?" I ask them with a smile.

"We haven't made any experiments so far like you said we shouldn't," Cody says.

"Keep that up boys, your doing great!" I smile warmly at them.

The boys nod and on the way out Connor throws me a secretive wink.

"See Mr. Issartel Camila has one job on taking care of the kids and she does it splendidly," Lauren says.

"Having Camila here is one short of a miracle," Michael says.

"No joke, the way the boys listen to her is amazing," Halsey says.

"Yes, and I recall that you couldn't handle to wrangle Tegan down and he was the same as my grandkids probably a little worse," Clara says.

"Maybe he just needed a woman's touch," Keana says.

"Me or dad?" Tegan smirks.

Wow, Keana is backing me up here? I mean I would understand I can't imagine growing up with a father like this.

"We should maybe change the sub-"

"Woah, no! Things are just getting interesting," Halsey says.

"Very interesting," Chris says.

"That was my line, Halsey!" Tegan says.

"This will be good for my live video," Taylor says.

"So what do you guys think of Camila so far?" Halsey slings an arm around my shoulders.

"Love her. Ten out of ten. Would recommend," Tegan says.

"I think she has a certain... Elegance about her," Clara says.

"Indeed not everyone can keep up with the Jauregui's and Issartel's," Michael says.

"Ah! That sounds like adoptin' talk from these two Camila. Look out, I heard there in the market for a new daughter," Halsey jokes.

"Do you always have the nerve to make everything awkward, Halsey?" Lauren says.

"It's part of my brand, Lauren."

I breathe a sigh of relief when the focus of the party moved away from me.

Later, the sun starts to set, and the waiter brings a fresh tray of champagne flutes for the rest of us except for Taylor. Mr. Issartel takes a flute and calls for a toast.

"I would like to make a toast for the reunion of my beautiful daughter and her future wife Lauren. Keana has been run ragged at Issartel Industries for far too long. Now she can finally refill her purpose as a mother and now as a wife. After all, a woman in a position of power in the business world is like an unstable explosive, especially around that time of the month. Right, Lauren?" He says.

"Did he just say that?" I whisper to Lauren.

"Unfortunately," Lauren whispers furiously.

"Michael, honey, I thought to talked to him about this..." Clara whispers to her husband.

"I tried but you know how it goes with him," Michael whispers back.

"Reuniting Keana with her family disarms the bomb! That's why it's called a biological clock, after all..." Mr. Issartel continues.

"Finally, we're getting to the even better stuff," Tegan whispers to Halsey.

"You honestly don't find your dad's perspective repulsive?" Halsey whispers furiously.

"Life's too short to pay for your father's sins," Tegan whispers back.

Keana sets her flute down on the table with a loud clunk. "I've heard this speech before. I don't need to hear it again," She mumbles but I heard it.

As Keana turns to leave, I find myself unable to bite my tongue any longer. "Excuse me Mr. Issartel, men and women have the same brains. Neurologists have been hunting for differences for years, but they turn up nothing every time," I interrupt.

"Then why are you all so terrible at math?" Mr. Issartel scowls at me.

"First of all women aren't bad at math. Second, young girls are often conditioned to believe they can't be good at subjects like math and science, unlike boys," I bite back.

"What does that have to do with Keana's role at Issartel Industries?" Mr. Issartel says.

"Even I can tell she would make a great CEO. I bet you've already seen gains under her management," I said.

"Camila's right about that," Michael says.

"My daughter's abilities aren't the question. It's a matter of right and wrong. Women belong at home," Mr. Issartel says firmly.

"Mr. Issartel!" Clara raises her voice.

"I guess you've got some kind of fact-repellant force field around you. You're right about women though... Because I'm going home," I stand up slamming my hands on the table. I place my empty champagne flute on the nearest tray and walk out of the country club. I don't even dare to look back but I can feel everyone staring at me as I go. At the front entrance, I've already called a taxi when I hear someone exit the clubhouse behind me.

"Camila, wait."

I turn around to see Lauren walking over to me. "Lauren I stand by what I said. He might be your future father in law but damn," I spoke.

"Oh, believe me, I stand by what you said too. I only wish I was the one that said it. Although I don't think he would have handled being publicly humiliated by not one but two girls, I love seeing Keana's father being knocked down a peg or two," Lauren smiles at me.

I nod, but I can't bring to return Lauren's smile.

"The Jauregui's have been tied with the Issartel's since my young teenage pregnancy so we got used to dealing with Mr. Issartel's... World view. You're a good reminder that we've gotten complacent," Lauren says.

"Glad I could help," I said blankly.

A taxi pulls up. I stand but Lauren reaches out to touch my arm, causing me to pause.

"Camila let me take you home. It's the least I could after the afternoon you had. Alfred left my car here for me," Lauren says.

"What about everyone else?" I question.

"The boys can stay the night with my family who hasn't seen them for months and Keana was going to head back to the city with her brother," Lauren informs. A smile forms on her lips, "Please? I think we both could use a break from all of this and I want to show you something."

The taxi driver honks and I look between the taxi and Lauren. I let out a sigh, "Okay Lauren."

"Great I'll let my parents know and I'll be right back," Lauren says. Lauren pays the taxi driver for the problem and when she returns we both walk to her car.

A few minutes later, Lauren and I are coasting along.

"Thank God we are out of there I feel like I can breathe again," I finally smile.

"It is nice to leave the city behind a little," Lauren quickly glances at me.

"I meant the country club. Between impressing your parents, watching the kids, and not strangling Keana's dad, I felt like a juggling clown in a circus," I let out tiredly.

"Welcome to my world," Lauren says jokingly. Lauren reaches over and places her hand on my thigh causing me to blush. "Well as crazy as family gatherings can be, today didn't even make it into the top three," Lauren says.

"Now you have to tell me," I giggle.

"Well let's see, there was the time Halsey's ex crashed our New Year's party, a pony that got loose in Keana's sweet sixteen, and the Halloween Tegan smoked peyote with Chris," Lauren says.

"I so need the deets on Halsey's ex at New Year's," I said.

"We were counting down into midnight and when we reached 'one', she grabbed the mic and called Halsey an 'emotionally cheating-no good for nothing'," Lauren said.

"Wow sounds like Halsey," I giggle, "So what did Halsey do?"

"Well she was there with her date and she did what every ex does and called her 'crazy'," Lauren chuckles.

"I didn't know Halsey was so close to the family," I said.

"She's been my best friend since ever and well around our teenage years she lost her parents in an accident so my parents took her in," Lauren explains.

"That's horrible," I said.

Lauren finally parks her car and she motions for me to get out. She holds her hand out and I take it as Lauren threads her fingers through mine. Lauren pushes aside a bush of leaves and the overview of the city lights comes into my line of sight. Lauren pulls me up in front of her as she wraps my waist with her arms. "Do you like it?" She whispers.

I throw my head back as I kiss her cheek then whisper in her ear, "I love it."

Lauren runs her hands down my neck then squeezes one of my breasts. "Both sights are beautiful," Lauren whispers.

I turn around in her arms and wrap my arms around her neck. "Since we're alone right now I wanted to talk with you about us..." I trail off.

Lauren sighs but pulls me close, "About what exactly?"

"Lauren..." I begin. I look up at her green eyes making my chest tighten with adoration. "I'm falling for you Lauren. I... I fell for you," I said.

Lauren's grip tightens and she lets it loosen "Camila I didn't know how to control my feelings before but now I do. I fell for you too Camila, you caught my eye since the first moment you stepped into my office," Lauren admits.

"Really?" A bright smile forms on my lips.

"Yeah..." Lauren breathed out with a matching smile on her lips.

I pull her head down slightly and connect our lips in a loving kiss. Lauren wraps me into her embrace holding me tightly against her like she doesn't want to let me go ever again. Lauren pulls on my lower lip and lets it go. She rests her forehead against mine swaying us softly.

"I glad we cleared that up I didn't know how much longer I could hold my feelings in," Lauren whispers.

"Me too," I mumble.

"I didn't want to forcefully get married without letting you know how I feel," Lauren lets out.

"I don't go down without a fight," I cup her cheeks.

"That's something that I love about you," Lauren smiles.

I peck her lips over and over again not wanting to have this moment end. Sadly all good things do come to an end.

"We should go back, baby..." Lauren smiled teasingly.

"Let's go, honey..." I tease back.

Later that night, I got up to get a glass of water but I stop in the hall when I hear voices. I hide behind the wall and peek out to see Keana and Lauren arguing slightly hushed.

"She humiliated my dad, Lauren," Keana says.

"She didn't humiliate him she just pointed out the obvious," Lauren says.

"The workers overheard her that's enough humiliation already," Keana says.

"Keana, Camila defended you and you are out here not appreciating it. You two don't get along so she didn't have to defend you," Lauren bites back.

"I don't care Lauren. We have a deal-"

"Like I had a choice," Lauren interrupts her.

"Stop siding with her because I want you to fucking fire her and you will," Keana raised her voice.

Fired? What no!

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