Ruina's secret (Nexo Knights)...

By Leopardas212

8.8K 253 325

After the colossus of ultimate destruction has been destroyed, Knighton was at peace again. But on the othe... More

Chapter 1 : Let's Get Started!
chapter 2 : Capture! A New Enemy!
chapter 3 : Brainwashing Plan?
Chapter 4 : Memory Erased! Connection Between Dimensions!
Chapter 5 : Ennemy In Sight! Silent Mask!
Chapter 6 : Plan To Get Away! Monstrox Attack!
chapter 7 : Continuation ! A Second Child?
chapter 8 : Explanation! A New Plan!
Chapter 9 : Infiltration! Multi-sided Fighting!
Chapter 10 : Help From Naoki! Asleep!
Chapter 11 : Prisoners! Fight! Brainwashing!
chapter 12 : Death And Questioning!
chapter 13 : Location !
chapter 14 : Jestro Is Coming!
chapter 15 : Enchantment And Fight!
chapter 16 :Search In The Base!
chapter 17 : Let's break the curse !
Chapter 18 : Let's go to the Witches' Council!
author's note : season 5
Chapter 19 : Merlok's return! Trouble with Fletcher and Izzy!
Chapter 20 : Liberation? Merlok VS Monstrox!
chapter 21 : Hamletta... to the rescue!?
chapter 22 : Interrogation without answers...?
Chapter 23 : What's happening?
Chapter 24 : When evil takes possession.
Chapter 25 : Macy's worry and Bella spys her!
Chapter 26 : There is electricity in the air.
Chapter 28 : The death that touches. Sadness invades.
Chapter 29 : The hope that rises. Problems solved + End.

Chapter 27 : The unexpected arrival that saves life.

157 7 4
By Leopardas212

POS: External


Naoki had arrived on the battlefield, with a tablet in his hands, of course. He stood on a hill a little higher than the ground to observe the situation.

"Well, it's time to show them my ultimate creation," Naoki said with a sly smile. He pressed a red button and a lava flow in front of the castle stopped flowing. A mega-robot appeared, made of hard metal and fused with black magic. "Hahaha, this is what I was building all along. This is my ultimate weapon, Robot Naoki 2.0!"

"Did I hear you right, Robot Naoki 2.0.?" Ingrid asked, "That's a lousy name, you could have thought of something better."

"I agree with the princess, it sucks," said Lance.

Naoki shouted angrily, "You really have no taste, you lousy knights! Go Robot Naoki 2.0., show them what you're made of!!!"

The war machine took a step, and with that alone there was an earthquake.

"Wow!" Thomas said as he tried to stabilize himself, "What the hell is that?!"

"Haha, that sounds so cool!" Aaron shouted. He didn't have to worry about earthquakes, since he was on his flying shield. But he did worry about what the robot was up to.

Naoki put his index finger at the bottom of the tablet and then moved upwards. "Maximum power haha. They'll see that I shouldn't be angry."

The giant arrived on the battlefield and concentrated destructive energy on a cannon, which is positioned in the center of his torso. A ray of raw power, red in color, was fired in the direction of the group of knights.

Axl shouted, "Everyone split up!" They went to take shelter behind nearby rocks.

The Fortrex went farther to avoid being hit and Merlok used his magic to protect himself.

"Come on! Destroy that old fool," Naoki shouted so that his invention would kill the magician.

"We won't let you do it!" Emma shouted, "Besides I've grown attached to the old man!"

"Who are you calling old?" asked Merlok upset, "I'm still young, come on."

"Uh...sorry to contradict you, but no," said Jestro uncomfortably.

"Enough chatter! Use your cannon again, Maximator!"

The robot sent another powerful attack and they narrowly avoided.

"A new name?" Emma asked, "How many times is he going to change it?"

"Just as many names until we destroy this thing," said Jestro.

"This thing has a name!" Naoki cried out.

"Come on! Quick burst!"

The ray was stronger and thicker.

"Guys, I have a very bad feeling" said Aaron.

Merlok cried out, "Watch out!" He used his scepter to cover everyone with a golden dome. The attack hit the protection and stopped, but continued to be launched.

"We have to find a way to stop this thing," said Aaron.

"But we must hurry," said Thomas, "I doubt if Merlok can hold out as long as we wish."

"He's right," said Ingrid, "If we don't find anything, we'll all be killed by being burned by this laser."

"But what should we do?" asked Jestro, "We only have Merlok as a magician and his endurance has shrunk with age. Bella has disappeared and Clay is no longer with us."

"We have to buy time," said Thomas, "This robot, it has a limited power source, doesn't it? Let's just exhaust his endurance."

"Wow, why didn't I think of that before?" Lance said.

"Here's our plan, we just dodged and dodged" says Emma.

"You just have to hope that we don't get fried before then," says Ingrid, "It's still risky. But I have to admit that everything is dangerous in a situation like this."

"We all agree then. Do you know what to do?" asked Aaron, receiving a nod from the rest of the team.

"Knights and company, I can't hold on much longer," said Merlok as he watched his magic fade away.

"Everybody spread out!" Aaron shouted.

The golden dome was shattered into a thousand pieces and Merlok was pushed against a rock behind him.

"Merlok!" cried Aaron.

"Haha, go ahead. Concentrate all your strength on him," Naoki said.

The power core activated again to create dangerous, lively sparks. It was ready to be launched, Merlok prepared to receive it, but his allies did not let it happen.

The knights attacked the bottom of the machine with their weapons and Bella's group (without Bella of course), threw stones at it, to divert Naoki's invention from their magician.

"What is this childishness. Get out of my way," said the scientist.

The android projected them further with a simple arm movement, he did the same with Aaron in the air.

"Haha, nobody can escape us," Naoki said, starting to laugh like a maniac.

The humanoid drew its power towards the ground and its enemies were even more wounded. The Nexo Knights team recovered with difficulty and attacked again, only to be savagely pushed back.

They were bleeding and in pain but could do nothing but attack as much as they could. They also had no use in dodging, it delayed the inevitable.

One last strike was enough to put them down, in the long run.

Aaron tried to stand up, "We have to keep going."

"I don't know," said Thomas, struggling, "It's too hard."

"Haha, that's the end of the Nexo Knights and their mates. You've deserved your fate for a long time," said the boy with the glasses.


"No," shouted Ava and Robin from the Fortrex.

"I've got to go help them," said Robin.

"No way! It's suicide, Robin! I don't want you to get yourself killed!" Ava cried out.

"But they are all going to die," protested the young knight.

"They are not going to die, it will be this battleship that will," said a voice from behind. The two young people turned to see the person who spoke.

"Huh? You've come back," said Robin, "I thought you were-"

"Yes, I was, but not anymore. I'm here to save them. To save ALL of them, and I won't abandon any of them," said the person.

Ava and Robin looked at each other and smiled.

"We trust you," said Ava.

"Go and show him your power," said Robin.

The person smiled at them and left the Fortrex to go to the battlefield.


The mechanoid was in position to destroy our knights. He fired but strong magic stopped him dead in his tracks.

Everyone looked to find someone they all knew well.

"Fletcher!?" Aaron said.

Ruina's son smiles, "It's me, I hope you didn't miss me too much."

Jestro smiles, "Of course you did!"

"I thought I'd say hello to everyone," said the young magician with a smile.

"I'm glad to see you, my nephew," said Merlok.

"Me too, uncle. Shall we finish off this monster together?"

"I'd love to.

"What?!" Naoki shouted, "That wasn't planned at all! Go ahead, attack!!!!"

The machine moves in giant steps and quickly. Fletcher and Merlok merged their magic into a single source of light. They directed it towards the mechanoid and fired.

The scientist's invention received it head-on and was destroyed, creating an explosion and ashes.

"No! My sublime creation! How dare you destroy it," Naoki shouted.

The young man took a dagger from his white shirt and ran to his closest enemy, who was Jestro. Jestro also took up arms and defended himself with some difficulty.

The others gasped and went to help their friend.

The jester took a neck on his shoulder and dropped his weapon. His opponent took advantage of the opportunity and carried his weapon towards him to finish him off. But he was stopped by Fletcher who held his arm with a magic whip.

"Drop the gun, there's no way out," said Aaron.

Naoki grunted but obeyed them, he had nothing more to do. He was alone against all his enemies.

Ingrid smiled, "That's already a problem to solve."

"But the hardest part is inside that tower," Thomas said, staring at the fortress.

Everyone did the same and looked worriedly at the castle of Monstrox. The anxiety was obvious, for it was not just anyone who had to face it.

Ruina Stoneheart, the witch and mother of Clay, Bella and Fletcher. And also, according to the knights, Clay who is bad. (But we all know it's Monstrox).

End of chapter.

He sucks, doesn't he? You can confess... Maybe it would have been better with more details and precisions, right?

But then Fletcher arrived at the right time to rescue his teammates. Naoki is arrested, now there are the two black wizards left. Ruina and Monstrox.

I think I'll have more fun writing about them than about the good guys.

And also, sorry for the delay hehe. I was busy with something else but I still have some free time with the vacations. See you soon.

Bye to you all! Take care of yourselves.

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