By Misul_2129_Ttalki

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'Not all love stories end in a happy ending' More

The beginning


49 3 10
By Misul_2129_Ttalki

I left my company quite early today, I have nothing to do tho. I finished it all, and besides there's still tomorrow.

I told Chaeyoung to leave early, she said she's about to ask me too if she can leave early.

I understand tho, how come she brought her art materials first instead of her clothes?

'Tss. Silly'

I am driving while listening to the song entitled Nobody, the song of one of the famous and most successful girl group back then,

Wonder Girls.

"Nobody but you~" as I sing the part the cute image of her appeared on my mind. I smiled automatically. I know, I know I might look crazy but you have nothing to do with that tho. Sometimes, even me, I creeped out of myself.

I expressed myself more when I'm alone, please understand.

It's raining but it's not heavy, I wonder if Chaeyoung went home immediately. She didn't bring an umbrella tho.

I tilt my head to glance at the backseat and there, I saw my umbrella.


I'm now in front of the store, I need to buy something. I pull my car and notice the red car in front of me.

The car door opened, I saw a girl hopped off the car but I couldn't see her clearly because of the raindrops that scattered on the windshield,

As I check the girl and stare at her more... I realized it was...

"Chaeyoung?" I said and opened the window of my car to peak out my head,

I can feel the raindrops on my head and in my face but I don't mind, I won't get sick? Shrug.

She shuts the door but still talking to the person inside of the car through its open-window, I saw her laughed and hid her face with her free hand as she holding the umbrella in her other hand.



I don't care.

I fixed myself and drive again until I reach the building, I parked my car and immediately went to my condo unit.

I slumped myself on the couch,

"Am I crazy?" I sat up and brushed my hair with my fingers,

I didn't realize I was sitting there the whole time. I heard the door clicked. Maybe she's here,

I turned on the TV and focused my self there.

She sits beside me, I can feel her tho.

"Hi Mina, you're early" she said, I didn't answer her.

She sits closer to me and handed the spicy chicken she bought,

"Let's eat?" She stood up and went to the kitchen to prepare the food. She went back and sits beside me, handing one piece of chicken.

I took it.

"Who was that?" I asked and faced her,

"What do you mean?" She furrowed her eyebrows,

"Nothing" I said and put back the piece of chicken,

"Oh. So, I'm right! I saw your car earlier driving off the store where we were in"

"Hmm" I answered.

"She's Yeri, she's my... Good friend"


I didn't say anything, I know I looked annoyed right now. I tend to not show my expressions nor what I feel to anyone but Chaeyoung is an exception. I don't know.

"Mina?" She called out but still I focused myself on the TV,

"What are you watching? Really? Since when you liked watching Wrestling?" It hits me, ok...

I shrugged.

"Mina, are you ok?" Chaeyoung softly placed both of her hands on my shoulder to face her, she succeeded. She's now wearing her usual eye smile.

'My favorite one'

I looked at her blankly,

She playfully smirked then look at me with puppy eyes, is this torture?

"Eh, are you jealous Minari?"

"Why would I?" I slightly pushed her causing her hands to slip away barely touched my...


"You are jealous, ow, Minari" she teased. She stood in front of me while looking at me with her cute-round eyes,

"Why would I be jealous..."

'I'm sorry'

"Do I like you?" I said blankly.

She was smiling from ear to ear a while ago but it disappeared immediately.

'I-I really don't know what to do back then, I'm scared please understand'

She smiled again before turning her back to me, she went to the door of her room, holding the door knob. Chaeyoung glance at me and said,

"You're right, you don't like me. Someone like you won't like me. I'm sorry for bothering you, Minari"

I saw her smile, a sad one.

She entered her room and shuts the door.

While me, I'm still here, reflecting to my action I did a while ago.

"I shouldn't say that, but I don't know what to do"

I picked up the spicy chicken and placed it onto the refrigerator. I have no appetite. I went to my room and washed myself.

I settled myself comfortably in my bed and drift off to the dreamland.

Oh, a hint of a wonderful sunny day.

It's morning, 5:32, I am standing in front of the big sliding window here in my room, it's facing the east direction where the sun rise.

Maybe we'll be awkward? I don't know. I'm still thinking on what I did last night.

I opened the sliding window and went to the balcony, this is so nice. It's nice.

The sun slowly rising, the color orange light's penetrating the whole Seoul City, mesmerizing.

I got distracted but I'm still thinking about it,
I'm sure what I did is wrong, I'm sorry.

I heard the utensils making a noise in the kitchen, is she awake? 'Who would possibly it was except, Chaeyoung? Pabo, Mina.'

I went to the door and opened it, and there I saw Chaeyoung making a breakfast at the kitchen.

Maybe she felt that there's someone's watching her, she faced at my direction and smiled,

"Good morning" she mouthed and continue cooking the food,


I immediately went beside her and watch her finished what she was doing. She signaled me to take a sit, I obeyed.

She placed the foods on the table and sits across me

"Let's eat?"

I nodded, and we eat silently.

"Sorry if I walked-out last night, I am shocked hehe"

I don't know what to say,

"I'm not mad tho, we still fine right?" She glance at me and sip on her coffee

"Ofcourse" I said. Why is it like she was the one who did something wrong not me? I feel guilty, tss.

'Too kind'

"Oh, right, I went out last night Minari. I forgot my things at Yeri's car hehe" She said then scratched her nape,

"How come?"

"I was excited to... e-eat the spicy chicken even tho I can't eat it that much" why are you always stuttering when I talk to you like this? You're so cute! Heck Chaeyoung!

"I see" I simply said.

"Give me your phone, Chaeng" she looked at me with her serious face, but eventually...

"Why? I'm not cheating on you Minari~" She said with a big smile on her face, it's like there's nothing happened last night!

'Shut it'

"Ha ha funny"

It's funny, it's kinda annoying but I found it cute. I don't want to think about these matters again, I won't.

"Just kidding, here" she gave me her phone, I took it and typed something.


"I know you don't have my number so yeah, give me yours too" I gave her my phone,

She typed something and gave it back to me. I smiled widely when I saw what her contact name is,

"Kyowtiii Chaeng" I read.

"I know it's cute, stop smiling like that, it's creepy" She said and giggles,



"Wait... is it real? Hmmp?" She said mimicking my voice,

"You're being delusional, Chaeng" I stood up and went back straight to my room to prepare.

We left the condo as soon as we are ready to go to work.

'Don't confuse me Chaeyoung. Don't hurt me'

We arrived at the company quite late, ah, next week will be a busy week.

It's time to get ready to launch the new clothes. The summer themed-clothes,

This will be my first time to launch and manage this company, I hope it'll be good.

No, I am confident.

-How are you guys?

         -Yeppeu Misul✍️🧡

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