Darling in the Franxx: The On...

By CasualVierw016

53.2K 613 939

Pilot Wyatt Mercia and his Titan: GA-1642 are members of the Elite 401st legion. They fought for 4 years toge... More

Pilot Bio
Titan File
Final Notes Before Story Commence.
New(?) Territory
Plantation 13
Old Memories, New Surroundings
Kissing and what Follows
Rage Embodied
A Beach?
Age of Discovery
Apparent Rivalies
New Conflict Old Tactics
Intelligence, will guide you to Survival
Thank You For your Patience
Wars Toil
Carry On Soldier

Under the Cosmos, Humanity found purpose

1.6K 22 47
By CasualVierw016

I slowly opened my eyes, it was still dark out, I looked over at the cloak and saw that it was 2am. Fuck me, its always 2am when ever I need sleep. I looked over for Zero Two, she was not next to me, I sat up quickly. Where could she be?? I heard sobbing. I got out of bed and looked in the bathroom, she was sitting in there, crying in the empty tub. A sharp bolt of pain shot through my chest. I gently walked over to her and picked her up. She didn't look at me. I brought her over to the bed and set her down, sliding in next to her. She grabbed a hold of me and pulled herself closer. She was still crying. I didn't know what to do....

Something came to my mind, whenever I was sad, my mother always sang to me. I didn't have a musical bone in my body, but it was worth a shot. What to sing... A song came to mind, "Dark on Me", by Starset, a really good song, but had a message. I softly began to sing. This could either go really badly, or really well...


There's no hate, there's no love

Only dark skies that hang above

I call your name as I walk alone

Send a signal to guide me home

Light the night up, you're my dark star

And now you're falling away

She looked up at me, the tears stopped falling.

But I found in you, what was lost in me

In a world so cold and empty

I could lie awake just to watch you breathe

In the dead of night, you went-dark on me

She looked up at me again, she looked like she wanted to cry.

You're the cause, the antidote

The sinking ship that I could not let go

Who led my way and disappeared

How could you just walk away and leave me here?

Light the night up, you're my dark star

And now you're falling away

But I found in you, what was lost in me

In a world so cold and empty

I could lie awake just to watch you breathe

In the dead of night, you went-dark on me

She drew herself closer to me, she was no longer crying, which was good for me, but still. She was crying in the first place.

I can't do this on my own

You're all I've got to guide me home

I looked down at her sadly, I embraced her in a hug and she let the tears come.

I could lie awake just to watch you breathe

In the dead of night, you went-dark on me

Dark on me,

dark on me,

dark on me

Dark on me,

dark on me

I could lie awake just to watch you breathe

In the dead of night, you went-dark on me

I gave her a long, slow kiss. Her salty tears mixed with the honey-esk taste in her mouth. She stopped crying, opting to fall into the kiss. I gently broke the kiss and lied down next to her. Her eyes were red, I pulled her closer to me, she slowly drifted off to sleep. Just sleep, hopefully you forget what happened tonight.


I woke again, I quickly checked the time, 7am, perfect. I looked at the sleeping beauty next to me. Her eyes didn't look red, which was good for me. I looked over at my uniform, I had it cleaned, and it had been, the sharp silver steel and nanocarbon glared at me. I slowly got out of bed.

Zero Two: Darling, stay!

She pulled me back into the bed. I guess I'm gonna stay here. I sighed and looked over at her, she slowly climbed on to my chest, pining me to the bed. Yeah I'm definitely staying here. I rubbed her head, making her blush slightly. SO FRIGGIN CUTE. I kissed her on the head. Pulling her closer to me. She snuggled into my chest. If it was possible to die from cuteness, I would have been dead a long time ago. I sighed happily, we stayed like this for several minutes, then she let go of me and I stood up. I don't want to go, but it's a must... I grabbed some combat pants and shirt, quickly donning them in the bathroom, before letting Zero Two dress in there. I looked at my armor, deciding not to put it on. I did however, put my gauntlet and helmet on. The helmet collapsed onto my neck, I grabbed my knife and put in my underarm seth. I put my Wingman on my hip. I put my under armour vest on. The vest was a lattice that armor actually attached to. Everything linked together and I was ready. I walked over to the door that would lead me to the private tram access, where Dr. Franxx was waiting.

Dr.Franxx: Good morning Wyatt, you are earlier than I expected you to be.

Wyatt: Lets go, I want to go check on Gage after this meeting.

Dr. Franxx nodded, we got inside the car and off we went. I looked over at the city, so peaceful as it slowly woke up. We got to the hanger fast, then we were shuttled on to a small, 4 seater transport. Off we went, shooting up to the space station. Cosmos was the name of the station. It had three spires coming out at every 120 degree interval surrounding a central ring with what appeared to be an energy ball that sat in the middle. According to the files, that sphere was a last resort weapon, a thermonuclear warhead-uncontained. Bit sus if you ask me. I looked out the window at the vastness of space, off in the distance sat what appeared to be 5 very skeletal franxx, I marked its coords and filed it for later. I could rewire those to shift around my Franxx if I'm unable to do so. We landed in what appeared to be a construction spire, it being the most unpolished and the most busy. There appeared to be a central sealed passageway ,the rest was a mixture of sealed and unsealed corridors. Dotted around the spire, Franxx were being constructed, then deployed and dropped into a container, before being loaded and sent down a drop pod to the surface below. We got off the ship and I quietly walked down the central corridor. Dr. Franxx lagging behind a small bit.

Wyatt: Tell me doctor, what should I expect from this Council?

Dr. Franxx: I don't know, you such a unique case, it could go bad for you, and they could just jettison you into space. Or, you could be made an official stamen for 02 or be made into a 9, or just given command over your own unit.

Wyatt: So expect the unexpected?

Dr. Franxx: Correct.

We reached a junction and two guards silently approached me. My helmet unfurled and locked into position. They passed me a black robe and took me over to a door, behind it sat a council room. My helmet picked up roughly 15+thermals. Some must be the Council, the rest must be the guards...

Guard 1: What is your code?

Wyatt: I dont have one.

Guard 1: Right your the Special case. What should we call you?

I looked down at the symbol that sat on the back of my right and left gloves.

Wyatt: Anomaly, for the time being, call me Anomaly.

Guard 1: Understood, Anomaly.

I pulled up the hood over my head, setting my visor color to a deep blue, projecting my color in front of me. I set the accent colors to red and white, and my helmet followed suit.

The doors opened and inside sat a simple, yet elegant room, various thrones sat at elevated angles surrounding a center hologram projector. Everyone was looking at me.

Guard 1: Now presenting Anomaly, no code applicable.

I set the distortion to my voice to max, making me sound very robotic in nature.

Wyatt(Anomaly): Thank you Guard.

The Guard nodded at me, bowed to the council and left the room. The central figure motioned to the other guards, who promptly left the room. He/she motioned me to come forward, and a small simple chair raised from the floor. I sat in it and I was raised equal to the head figure. Considering that some of the others were closer to the floor, I took this as a sign of respect. I looked directly at all the members, my scanners silently analyzing each and every single one, making files and taking notes.

A.I: Identification complete. Filing Compleat. Files for entities "Papa" "Vice Chairman" and "Tarsier" are heavily redacted. Would you like to begin the reverse redaction process?

I slowly moved my hand and pressed the green button. I noticed everyone looked at me as I did this. the suit reacted, or what could any way.

I looked directly at Papa, I could feel his eyes boring into mine, I did the same right back.

Papa: Sages, we gathered here today to decide what to do with... Anomaly.

I pulled off my hood, revealing my helmet in all its splendor, it actually looked more battle worn than it was used to be, with actual scars and gouges from my last encounter with the ground.

Vice Chairman: This man, The Anomaly if you will, has expressed extreme combat prowess, he has single handedly taken down large numbers of Klaxosaurs with relative ease, and has shown great respect for authority. In my honest opinion, adding him to our arsenal will greatly improve, and hasten, our inevitable victory against the Klaxosaurs.

Papa nodded, along with Trasier and Gorilla, Marmoset however shook her head.

Marmoset: I don't trust this man, he shows up out of nowhere and simply does one thing and you all trust him? What entices you do do so.

Anomaly: My, my...

They all looked up at me.

Anomaly: It appears I have caused quite a stir... No matter your decisions, you will not be rid of me for a while.

Marmoset: What do you mean?

I phased, my cloak dropping to my seat, I appeared on the hologram.

Anomaly: You cannot remove something that has made a niche for itself, it will not budge. And I shall not.

Pap: Anomaly, I have not intention to see you go, nor do I wish for you to be Indoctrinated, you will be added to our ranks as a Spec Ops commander, you may pick anyone from any squad to be apart of your Command, you will stand above the 9s, not next to them.

Anomaly: This pleases me, I shall carry out missions and exercises upon my own accord. 

Papa: Understood, tell me Anomaly, is that your real name?

Anomaly: Is Papa yours?

Papa: Touche.

Papa: All those who vote to make Anomaly a Spec Ops commander say "I"

All: I

Papa: It's settled then, what is your first act commander?

Anomaly: Put Plantation 13, its Squad, and Zero Two under my purview.

Papa: Done.

Anomaly: Thank you sir, now I take my leave. Good Day.

I began to walk out of the room, my helmet slowly unfurled off my head.

Anomaly: And one more thing.

I looked directly at Papa behind my shoulder.

Anomaly: As Squad 13 is under my purview, all actions they take fall under my name. Clear?

Papa: Like Crystal.

The door shut behind me, I got back into the transport with Dr. Franxx and down we went. My command was restored, and finally, I felt like I had a say in my new life.

After a short trip back to the plantation, some guards met me by the entrance to the city.

Guard 1: Sir, your new suit and armor has been put in your room.

Wyatt: Thank you, have no one disturb me, clear?

Guard 1: You heard him men.

They followed me to the room Zero Two and I shared, they posted up outside the door. I went in, there was no one in there. I walked over to the new shine set of armor. It was mostly façade, however, the materials were extremely good quality. Perfect for metal working.

I grabbed the rest of my armor plates, putting them on, along with the rank slide in my breastplate. I looked over at the bed, I saw one of my shirts sticking out from under her pillow. I didn't put that there, guess she likes sleeping in my shirts, I better keep some clean for her. I walked over to the balcony, looking out over the city, which was bustling with life. I looked over at the elevator to this plantation Misltinne, it was about half way up. I looked at my grapple, and let it fly. I swung over to it, grabbing on to the edges of buildings and making it to the elevator quite fast. I landed on the side with a loud thud, I heard panic from the other side. I phased through, rolling in and landing in the middle of a group of girls, roughly 14-15. Shit

Wyatt: Apologies, missed my ride up.

The girls stepped back from me. One of them, obviously a ring leader, stepped forward, checking me out in a disgusted way. My scanner identified her as Code: 556. She was of American descent, her partner was a boy of russian descent, Code: 762. Nice. She slowly walked around me, she was like 5'4'. Short with a feisty attitude.

556: And who do you think you are, hopping on a girls only transport?

I looked directly at her, my helmet visor turned on, and the lights turned off, some squealed, and she gasped. My visor turned off and the lights went back on. I looked at her again, and I had my helmet fold down slowly and menacingly, an audible click and whirrs could be heard as it locked in the down most position. I looked directly at her, my eyes boring into hers, I stood a good foot taller than her, and she was shrinking. I let my gaze cut through all of the girls, some fainted. A lone girl, one of the taller one walked up to me. Her code was 904, a tall blue haired girl, quite beautiful in her own right. She looked at me in the eyes, and I looked back. She held a deep respect for me, then looked down at my breastplate, seeing my rank.

904: It appears, a new commander graces us with his presence. I apologize for my fellow pistils behavior.

Wyatt: No need.

My voice boomed in the small room, it was deep and relaxing, not a voice you would expect to hear from what appeared to be a hardened veteran. Which I happen to be.

Wyatt: I'm one to forgive and forget, now tell me, what squad are you a part of?

904: Myself and all the girls here makeup Reserve Squad 25.

I surveyed the room, there were quite a lot of them I'd estimate around 30 or so, making the whole squad 60 at least.

Wyatt: I'm taking in squads to be a part of my unit, the 401st, I will watch your squad very closely. Now tell me, who is the leader?

904 Nodded

Wyatt: 904, I will watch your squad closely, if your squad impresses me, then I will have your squad be put under my purview. And also,

I looked directly at 556,

Wyatt: You specifically, I will be watching out for. Clear?

She nodded, the door opened and I walked out of the elevator, I heard panicked voices as I left, I sighed and activated my helmet again. I cloaked and the voices went silent. Psh, I've got things to do. I slowly walked around Mistlitinne, the hidden cameras revealing a path that Zero Two took, she cradled a towel in her arms. Out for a bit of skinny dipping then. I followed her path when the cameras just stopped, I heard some voices from a collection of racks and I could see 2 white suits overlooking what appeared to be a hole. My suit identified them as Beta and Epsilon. And my suit picked up gold white and red markings over by the entrance to the hot springs. Pistil Uniforms... Are they.... No... Yes they are. I kept my cloak to max and walked over to the entrance, killing my visor power. I peeked around the corner and a thick layer of steam met me. Definitely a hot spring. I walked through the smoke very slowly, I activated a small pump that would only slightly distort the smoke. I peered through the mist and yes, it was a hot spring and there were three people in there. Zero Two, Delta and Eta. I turned around and ran out of the smoke, jumping up to their level and deactivating the cloak, I slowly approached behind them and heard their conversation.

Epsilon:.. To be honest, I kinda prefer Zero Two more than I prefer Delta, but Delta is my partner sooo...

Beta: What do you mean bro, Eta is clearly superior.

Epsilon: Naw Bro, Delta is.

Beta: Eta

Epsilon: DELTA

Beta: ETA

They slowly continued to argue, I sighed and I hung my arms on their shoulders.

Wyatt: Wanna tell me why we peeping boys?

They looked at me shocked, I grinned back.

Wyatt: You wanna peak, do it the proper way.

Beta: I wouldn't have pegged you as a girl watcher.

Wyatt: I'm a soldier. Come on now.

Beta: Touche

I led them off the rock, Sending them on their way. Boys will be boys I suppose. I waited completely cloaked until the girls walked out, they were chatting. I began to softly whistle. They looked around confused until Zero Two's eyes lit up in recognition.

Zero Two: Darling's here!

I decloaked and took my helmet off. I smiled at her and she sauntered over to me. She kissed me, and I kissed her back. I broke the kiss earlier than she would have liked. She pouted and I patted her on the head, chuckling.

Wyatt: Are you aware you were getting spied on?

She blushed slightly.

Zero Two: Did you like what you saw?

My turn to blush.

Wyatt: Well... Ummm.... yes

She hugged me. The other girls looked at me taken aback.

Wyatt: I'd tell you who else was looking, but I'm not going to betray my homies.

Delta and Eta giggled.

Delta: Epsilon...

Eta: ...And Beta

The pair giggled some more.

Wyatt: Ah, whatever. I wanted to know... You all saw me pilot without a pistil so I was wondering if I could try it with y'all?

Zero Two looked up at me and then smiled, tears of joy in her eyes.

Zero Two: Do... Do you mean it?

I looked down at her smiling.

Wyatt: I have never been more serious in my life.

She hugged me fiercely.

Zero Two: Lets go! NOW!!!!

She began dragging me along.

Wyatt: Delta, Eta, get the others, I'll meet you in the Hanger!

They nodded and went off running, I picked up Zero Two and activated stim, ccs at 50% capacity.


We ran over toward the elevator, I dropped through the door just as it was going down, I phased out of it and jumped off the walls of the shaft. Jumping across the city rooftops, a green trail followed me, I dove straight through the glass wall that separated the city from the transit station, I grabbed onto the wall and off we went, running toward the ready rooms, I dropped her off and ran to the hanger. I got there and sat by the entrance, Gage walked over to me, his back was still smoking slightly.

Wyatt: Is your thruster good?

Gage: Negatory, repair capacity at 50%.

Wyatt: Alpha did a number on ya huh?

Gage: Ya think?

Wyatt: I'll see you get repaired.

I shot a message over to Dr. Franxx, and in a few minutes, a repair crew went over to Gage, taking his thruster off and letting him instruct them on how to fix it. I smiled and heard the rapid pattering of feet, I stepped out and grabbed Zero Two, twirling her in the air as she laughed happily. I let her down and we ran of tword her Franxx. Mine was under repair, so we would "go for a ride" in hers. We took off for the platform, the guards stepping aside, letting us tear through. The door opened as we approached and I swung inside, she followed suit. She lay down in the pistils spot and I sat in the stamens. The connection handles swung up to meet me and the hood lowered over her face. Harsh memories ran up at me, I suppressed them. I grabbed the handles initiating the connection. I felt her conscience seep into the franxx, mine followed suit and hers dived all the way in and mine just scratched the surface. I opened my eyes, looking at the massive screen in front of me, now displaying the world through Streliza's eyes. I looked down at the screen on Zero Two's hood at the para capacity stats. Holy... I'm aware that it works in the negatives. And I'm aware that the average is around -90... And that the optimal number is -120... BUT -220? That's not normal... I looked at hers. -150? I mean I know that she is the ultimate pistil... but her numbers pale in comparison to mine...

Zero Two: Soo much power! I don't have to give you any! It's so... refreshing...

Her mind fully transitioned into Streliza.

Streliza: Let's go Darling!

I inhaled deeply. Pushing more of my mind into Streliza's mindspace. I exhaled and my presence stayed.

Wyatt: Lets go!

We shot out of the hanger on the wings of glory, passing by the few scavenger trucks that were scrapping the few destroyed Franxx. We circled around the crater, the east, north-east and northern sides were blown off. And to the west were the holes the klaxosaurs came from. There was a lone crack in the crater rim to the south and I could see ships actively moving through it. I peered further and they were indeed small transports full of mining equipment. We flew around the crater for a bit before stopping at the rim above the western holes looking east. I sighed happily, I felt so free, even more so than I do when I'm alone in the wild. Speaking of... my scanners picked up a very snowy region with some abandoned structures about 200 miles north-northwest of my position. I would be going there soon. I looked down at Zero Two, smiling. Such a beautiful girl. I looked over west seeing some small Conrads sneaking about.

Wyatt: Target Spotted!

Streliza turned her head over to where I pointed and smiled.

Streliza: Finally some action!

We charged off into combat, a deep fog rolled in, I activated thermals and saw more approaching. I grinned and squeezed the handles tighter, I felt Zero Two shudder. Dont tell me that shiz is directly connected to her thighs. Wait it is. We charged off into the fray, the lance easily killing one after another. I began to put more energy into each attack, killing more and more with each blow. I heard Zero Two gasp and breathing heavily. Should I back off? A small group of them wera rushing us, and I put a ton of energy into this attack. She gasped and took in a very deep breath, collapsing to the seat, dcing from Streliza. SHIT! I connected to Streliza, passing through the floor and putting Zero Two back into her body. My vision flooded into Streliza, barely blocking the attack that would have been fatal. I stabbed that klaxosaur in the chest. Subsently killing all the klaxosaurs. I felt more energy surge within me. I suppressed all of it, instead opting to RTB. I got back without a hitch. Everyone looked up at me surprised.

Streliza: What's wrong?

Engineer: First of all, your eyes are green instead of red, and your voice is different.

I docked back into my position.

Streliza: Let me show you why.

I retreated from Streliza's mindscape. Taking data and other bits of info with me. When I got my normal vision again, it was smothered by something... something... squishy... I looked up slightly and saw pink hair. Am I being choked by... No... I heard heavy breathing. I gently pushed her off me and saw her face was completely flushed. She roughly kissed me. What is causing this... did I... stimulate her? She broke the kiss and bit my neck. I flinched and pulled away.

Zero Two: What's wrong dah-ling?

Wyatt: Urmmmmm

Zero Two: I thought so.

She crashed her mouth against mine again. There was a force behind this, it was lust. She must really want me. I gently pushed her away from me, she growled and pushed back. Shit, gotta remedy this fast. I wonder.. I slammed my mouth to hers in a full blow french kiss. She looked shocked before passing out again. I'm going to regret this later... I KNOW I'm gonna regret this later... I picked her up bridal style and walked out of the cockpit. I got a funny look from the same engineer, and he laughed. Getting the reason why. I grinned before jumping off the franxx to the catwalk that was still rising. I carried Zero Two to Epsilon, who took her to a small cot set up in the observation room, where the rest of the 9s sat. All of the female 9s walked out in their kit. I looked over at my franxx, and back to them.

Wyatt: Well perform the test in your respective Franxx.

They nodded, Delta was first.

I jumped up to her franxx, hanging off the left cheek as she made her way up to the franxx, when the doors opened, I jumped inside. She came inside after a few seconds, and I was waiting patiently. We connected and the experience was pretty much the same. I think, due to my para being so high, if I squeeze too hard, I send so much energy through the pistil, they take a chunk, not enough to kill them, but enough to... Stimulate them...

After the whole ordeal, all the girls were left passed out, that wasn't my fault. The boys understood, and they turned a blind eye. I walked over to Dr. Franxx, who was chuckling. I gave him a sideways look, grinning.

Dr. Franxx: I'm going to ignore that the girls are passed out, very good Wyatt, you have impressed me once again.

I chuckled

Wyatt: Yeah lets ignore the girls, anyhow, shall we return to Plantation 13?

He nodded, we got onto a transport, at the last minute he went onto the transport that would carry Streliza. Unbeknownst to me, that specific one carried her after I disappeared so they could perform an arm replacement on her, the left arm had some internal gyro damage. She was loaded up into the XL Transport, and since mine couldn't fit, I got my own transport and I was the only pilot. Gah dammit Bobby. I got into the transport and off I went, I wanted a head start in order to make it to the base in my salwar craft. It was slower and less maneuverable. So off I went, I watched Zero Two get loaded up into the transport along with Streliza. Yeah, they're gonna beat me.


*time skip, id say 5 hours*

Wyatt: Jeze, this thing is slow, only capping at 700 mph??? What the hell was this thing? A heavy bomber???

I looked at the old manual that was buried under the current manual. It read "SHB-106 Mk-4" That explains a fair bit, this thing was supposed to carry like, 20,10 ton bombs. This thing was supposed to destroy bunkers and I'm talking like the REALLY deep bunkers. A chunk of the manual was about how to avoid SAM missiles and ATGMs. But this was considered to be a flying fortress, more so than the B-17 Flying Fortress. It was equipped with an impressive array of 12.7 mm (50 cal) and 4.7 cm autocannons. That... that's an impressive defensive array! I then looked at the possible mounted cannons in the under turret, which apparently was still installed. WHAT?! 152s, 120s, and 75s???? What the hell was this thing used for truly?? Wait, it was designed to destroy actual ground targets near the bunker? They could also be swapped out on the fly, meaning you could hit a bunch of infantry, tanks and heavy targets. I looked at the scanner and saw a lone klaxosaur on the scanner, I switched on to the gunner cam. And I heard the lone clanking of doors opening and the array appeared and the canon array clunked open. I lined up a single 152 shot direct on him. 


The deep thump and sharp crack as the arty flew down toward that poor thing, direct impacting center mass. A large splash of blue blood filled the area. Ouch. Satisfied, I left the Auxillery Gunner's position and went over to the Engineer's station, looking at the range remaining. About 50 more miles, and I need to go 125ish...

Wyatt: I've always wanted to do this...

I hopped in my franxx, hitting the timer for the bomb bay and setting the coords for the Manor in the ship's nav computer. Telling it to repair and re-arm. I heard a deep clunk and the Franxx fell. Gage was not with me, he went back on the other transport. I synced with my franxx, falling the 50,000 or so feet to the floor below. I fully connected, my vision transferring over to the franxx's. I was fast approaching 500 mph, the altitude meter was falling rapidly. I peered and spotted the ground now appearing in the camera view. I spread my arms and legs out and slowed my fall.

Crusader: Jeze this is taking long....

Can I fall and survive this? I'd imagine so...

I passed 10,000 feet.

Then 9,000 feet,








I hit the ground and a massive spiral of dust rose around me, darkening the clear blue sky. My Hud identified Plantation 13 and I began moving. The helmet panels retracted, revealing short, crystal blue panels in the pattern of hair. Solar Panels... Clever... Now I looked similar to my human form, except with blue hair instead of blond. I set out on my 50 mile journey, I would get there in about 3 hours.

(time skip-2:30 min)

The sky was dark now, it was late afternoon and it was storming. A deep fog rolled over my franxx, I was about 1 mile out. I heard scuttling in the fog, thermals revealed klaxosaurs, and not to many. Then, my ears picked up the sound of cannon fire. And combat. My helmet locked into its position, but I had the mouth cover retracted. There was no need to make it more menacing than it already was. I started testing the dash function. It held 4 charges and each took about 10 seconds to recharge. Impressive... I continued walking. Slowly, yet surly, more klaxosaurs appeared on my thermals. This... This has turned into a difficult situation. The fog got progressively thicker, and my thermals were becoming more and more inadequate. Blind, unfamiliar, and not ready for combat. Perfect. Then I detected an object moving at high speeds toward me. I dashed out of the way and it crashed into the ground next to me. It looked very similar to a franxx, uncomfortably so... It was the same color scheme that the klaxosaurs had, yet it looked like Streliza... I got down on one knee, inspecting this... klaxosaur. My scanners told me that this was part organic, part machine. I identified the core, and slammed my hand on the area it was located, the upper chest, right side from my perspective. The franxx's eyes shot open in a gasp of pain. I heard heavy breathing, then I looked at it more closely, distorting the fog so I could see clearly, blood was pouring from a massive hole in the lower abdomen/pelvic area, I looked up at the face, it was sheere pain. My mind began to race.

???: H-H-help..... M-m-me....

I looked down at her crumpled state, spotting a crack in her faceplate. I could see a heavily injured klaxo-sapian. I brought my face closer to the exoskeleton of this kalxo-sapian. I disconnected from my franxx and hopped out of the cockpit, diving into hers. Landing one my feet standing over her. I grabbed my white stim, stabbing her in the chest. I pray I'm right... Her breathing slowed and she disconnected. She looked up at me gratefully and gasped. My helmet was fully retracted. Revealing my face in all its splendor. I was looking down with an intimidating look on my face, I patched her up, turned and climbed out of the cockpit.

???: Wait!

I looked back

???: Who are you?

Wyatt: I'm a Titan Slayer.

I hopped up to my cockpit, leaving her exoskeleton in ruin as I walked toward the edge of the smoke. I reconnected with my franxx and I turned off my thermals, the fog quickly lightened and I stepped into a battlefield. Blue blood caked the battlefield as Plantation 13 was slowly moving toward the old Austin area. I spotted squad 13, clearing a path for the Plantation. I saw Genista and Chlorophytum in upper firing positions, behaving like a 75mm and a 50 cal respectively. I looked left, spotting Argenta and Delphinium fighting in front, killing wave after wave of oncoming Conrad classes. I did not see Streliza, then I saw her gleefully tearing through the enemies back line. Smart Girl. I saw Gage taking potshots in siege mode


The sound of metal tearing on metal was familiar to me, and not in a good way. I jumped out of the way as a large spear dashed by my head. I spun around to face the attacker, who had now retreated into the fog. My thermals were all but useless. Sneaky... I stepped back from the fog a few meters, scanning for hostels. I let the mouth covering pop into place. Then I saw it. A group of Streliza-esk figures darting in the fog, very similar to the crippled franxx I found. I was on high alert now.

Suddenly, two figures broke off from the pack and rushed me, their twin spears appearing out of the fog as one, a shield affixed to their left and right respectively. . I dashed left and grabbed that one, tearing it from her grasp, she gasped and then growled. Her partner then charged me, I grabbed her spear with my right, and now both frannx were speraless. They both growled and rushed me, taking obvious angles of attack, both thinking I would not deflect both. I swung their spears like bats, knocking them both off their feet.

???: You son of a-

???: You're gonna pay for that!

Wyatt: I doubt that severely.

The pair rushed me, I dashed to the right and grabbed the right one. I spun her around and threw her at her partner. The franxx collided, and a sharp gasp and grunt of pain. I drew my sword and shield, adrenaline kicking in full. I dropped into a defensive stance as more of them appeared. I looked around slowly, taking stock of all the enemies. Hmmm... Two of them broke off and charged me, I dashed left and tripped one, sending her flying. I flung my shield at her, knocking her out. I dashed over and grabbed it.

???: Damn you! Stop being such a nuisance and die already!

The one who spoke to me dashed to me. I hid behind my shield, sword at the ready. Just as she was about to hit me, I jabbed forward. The sword drove deep into her chest, I pushed down and split her into, she screeched in pain and the face cracked open as she hit the ground. She had fallen a few meters from me, I dashed over and grabbed the core, not pulling it out but grabbing it still. The franxx looked up at me in shock.

???: W-what are you doing?!?!?

She sounded genuinely scared.

Wyatt: If you kill me, you're better. But if I kill you, I'm better.

With a wet splurch, I tore the pulsating core free. She let free one final scream before I crushed her cockpit. I heard gasps from all around me. I looked around to see roughly 20 or so klaxosaurs around me. I tightened my grip around my sword, then it hit me. These must be the "spec ops" units the klaxosaurs use. I looked down at the pulsating core, my helmet visor began to analyze it. After I got all the information I needed, I stood up fully. I noticed that they were sizing me up. I held up the core.

Wyatt: Is this what you want?

???: Yes you fuicking pig, you humans are so brutal...

A hidden rage flowed from the mech, filling up small cuts in my sword, giving a sinister red glow.

Wyatt: Is that so? Darling, you haven't seen anything yet.

I crushed the core, they let forth a guttural war cry. I roared in return, letting the rage flow freely.

Then I blacked out.


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