Azalea Evans °Marauders Era°

By Madderschlin

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To fall in love is like to fall in the ocean without knowing how to swim. It made you scared, beyond terrifie... More

Cast and Note
Chapter 1 - A Letter To Fight For
Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 3 - The Sorting Hat
Chapter 4 - First Day of Classes
Chapter 5 - Stupid Voice
Chapter 6 - The Kitchens
Chapter 7 - Sirius' Family
Chapter 8 - Whomping Willow
Chapter 9 - Secrets
Chapter 10 - Leaving
Year 2
Chapter 1 - "It Will Be Fun"
Chapter 2 - James' House
Chapter 3 - Stop the Visions
Chapter 4 - Not a Monster
Chapter 5 - Accusations
Chapter 6 - An Idea
Chapter 7 - Day Dreams
Chapter 8 - Only Thirteen
Year 3
Chapter 1 - Sirius' House
Chapter 2 - Banished Forever
Chapter 4 - Werewolf Bites
Chapter 5 - Would She
Chapter 6 - You're Right
Chapter 7 - I Bet
Chapter 8 - The Room of Requirement
Year 4
Chapter 1 - Daydreaming Again
Chapter 2 - Crucio
Chapter 3 - Fight
Chapter 4 - I Saw You
Chapter 5 - Time Out
Year 4 Addition
Chapter 6 - Left the Board
Chapter 7 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 8 - A Date
Chapter 9 - Lying
Year 5
Chapter 1 - Running Away
Chapter 2 - Police Officers
Chapter 3 - Ducks and Chickens
Chapter 4 - Load of Rubbish
Chapter 5 - Funerals
Chapter 6 - Mistletoe
Chapter 7 - Poisoned
Chapter 8 - Deadly
Year 6
Chapter 1 - The Slide
Chapter 2 - Rain
Chapter 3 - Oblivious
Chapter 4 - Race
Chapter 5.1 - Ball
Chapter 5.2 - Ball
Chapter 6 - Get Up
Chapter 7 - Food Fight
Year 7
Chapter 1 - Kids
Chapter 2 - Jobs
Chapter 3 - Can You See
Chapter 4 - Sisters
Chapter 5 - Firewhiskey
Chapter 6.1 - Wake Up
Chapter 6.2 - Love
Brief Message
Name and Cover Reveal!
Chapter 7 - The Brunette
Chapter 8 - Pests
Chapter 9 - The Fighter
It's Here!

Chapter 3 - Not the Right Time

243 4 0
By Madderschlin

Azalea slammed the book in front of her close, hissing violently at all the people who turned to stare at her. For the past week they had been searching through books, trying to find one that would teach them how to become animagi. They hadn't found one useful book.

"Nothing," Sirius sighed, closing his book, "You know, maybe we should look in the restricted section. I am sure James would let us use his cloak to sneak in. We will probably actually find something there." Azalea sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess it will be better to do that. Besides, I am tired of being in this stupid library. It is way too quiet in here. I want to leave," she pushed her chair out and stood. Sirius nodded and joined her.

 "I agree with you there, Z. This place is stupid," he led the way to the door. Sirius opened the door, holding it open and letting Azalea walk through.

"Thanks, Siri," Azalea muttered as she walked into the corridor, "You know, Lily would be proud of us if she knew we were in there." Sirius shook his head, his dark hair falling over his eyes.

"She would also mad when we told her why we were in the library. Unless she has a soft spot for werewolves, which I am sure she does." Azalea rolled her eyes.

"Don't be stupid, Siri. Lily has a soft spot for everyone," she continued to walk. When Azalea got no answer, she turned. She glared at the girl talking to Sirius. Azalea watched as Sirius laughed and whispered something to her, almost as if he had forgotten about Azalea. Sirius now had the girl pinned against the wall, his lips in her ear. Azalea knew that she was going to have to interrupt his 'fun'. She squealed and covered her eyes.

"Not in front of me, Siri," she exclaimed when he leaned down and kissed her, "You could have at least done this after we got to the common room! Maybe when I wasn't around!"

 "Sorry, Z," Sirius laughed, whispering one last thing in the girls ear before returning, "You interrupted what was about to be a beautiful snog session!"

"Well, maybe if you wouldn't snog other girls when I was around, I wouldn't have to interrupt," Azalea stated cheerfully, uncovering her eyes and smiling. Sirius narrowed his eyes at her. Then, in in one swift motion, he picked her up and swung her over his shoulder.

"Siri! Put me down," Azalea screamed as she pounded on his back with her fists.

"Siri is going to do no such thing," he stated as he continued, "Siri is going to carry Z until Z says she won't interrupt Siri's snogging sessions anymore."

"You weren't technically snogging yet! You had just begun to kiss her, and that does not count as a snogging session," she exclaimed as she hit him once again.

"So? It was about to be, and that's all that matters. And stop hitting me! Your small fists feel a little like stuffed animals," he teased, xausing him to once again get hit by Azalea. Many people stopped and stared as Azalea began screaming.

"I am being kidnapped! Damsel in distress here, people! Is no one going to help me?"

"Z, everyone knows I am not kidnapping you. Probably because of the other hundred times you told them I was kidnapping you. They know better by now," Sirius laughed. Azalea huffed and fell limp in his arms.

"One day you might actually be kidnapping me, and no one would believe me! I would die then," she exclaimed.

"Why would I actually kidnap you," he asked while rolling his eyes, "Honestly, Z! I would not kidnap you for any sort of reason. Unless you wanted to go in a muggle store and I pretend to kidnap you, but that doesn't count as real. So, my point is proven."

Azalea murmured something under her breath that sounded oddly like 'git', but otherwise kept quite. She realized he was right and she didn't like it. Sirius dropped Azalea in the common room, turning to leave until Azalea began to speak.

 "I don't like that girl," she told him, "You better not be going out to try to snog her again."

"You don't like any of my girlfriends, Z. Or any girl besides Lily, now that I think about it. And I am not going out to try to snog her," he opened the portrait hole and stepped out, "I am going out to snog her. Big difference." He quickly left, pulling the portrait close quickly.

"Oh, James! Finally! Where were you when I was being kidnapped," she screamed at James who was sitting on the couch.

"I don't know? Probably because it was most likely Sirius who was kidnapping you, and you are never really being kidnapped. Tell me, was Sirius the kidnapper," James asked.

"Yes," Azalea mumbled grumpily as she sat next to him, "And don't say I told you so, or I will tell Lily you have been taking her diary, which I don't see why you still do."

"Because one day I will see 'I think... I think I love James' written down instead of 'Potter is such a git'. One day, it will happen, and you know it will. You even see visions about it! That has to count as something, right?"

 "Yes, I suppose it does, but my visions might be wrong. One time I had a vision that Lily was going to throw up on me when we were eight. For a while I wore protective gear for throw up purposes, and she never did it. I really don't know how they work, you know?"

"One vision was wrong. I refuse to believe that the one about me and Lily being together is wrong. It will happen," he said confidently.

"Whatever you say," Azalea told him "I mean, how do you know I actually had the visions? I could be lying to you. Ever think of that, genius?"

"Well, no, but you aren't lying. Are you? Tell me the name of the jerk she really marries. I'll kill him," James exclaimed as he jumped off of the couch.

Azalea laughed so hard she fell off of the couch, and even then she continued laughing. She couldn't help it. Did James actually believe her? She would have to keep up the whole 'James and Lily are not really getting together' act for a while.

"We are going to need your invisibility cloak tonight," Azalea told him when she had calmed down, "Me and Siri don't want to run into any teachers. Honestly, we need a map or something that tells us where teachers are. Avoiding them would be so much easier." She rolled her eyes, not thinking twice about her ridiculous wishes. James looked at her for a moment before beginning to scream in excitement.

"That is a brilliant idea! Remus John Lupin! Get down here and help us with something," James called up the boys staircase. Remus came down the stairs with a grumpy expression resting on his face.

"What do you want, James? I was trying to read those books you guys gave me to study. If you want to help me with my problem, then don't call me down here." James sighed and shook his head quickly.

"No, no, no, no. Azalea just had a brilliant idea! We are going to make a map that tells us where everyone is! It will have all of Hogwarts on it! Like a giang blue print! It is brilliant!" Remus nodded his head excitedly, now happier about coming down to the common room.

"We can discuss it later on, after we find out about the you know whats. We need to stick to one thing at a time. But I will be thinking about it."

"Remus, no one else is in the common room. You can say the word animagus ," James told him while rolling his eyes. Did he not hear how quiet the room was?

"I didn't know that until just now," Remus frowned, "Now, if you excuse me, I think I am going to go and try to read even faster. Hopefully I can find it soon."

"Bye, Moony" Azalea called, getting a glare and a headshake from Remus as he left, "Well, that was a very fun talk, but I am bored. That just isn't very right, is it?"

"No, it isn't very right at all Azalea. Maybe you can go and find a playmate or something. If I am boring you that much," he huffed, the smile showing in his eyes.

"Siri! You are back early! Was she a bad kisser or something," Azalea jumpd as he walked in the common room, completely forgetting about replying to James. 'No, she just wasn't you' he wanted to say, but he held back and shook his head instead.

"No, but she tasted like mustard," he stated with a disgusted face. He did not like mustard at all. He thought it tasted awful. Azalea began laughing.

"I guess that kind of good reason. Did you just leave without saying anything again? The last girl you did that to confronted me and told me it was my fault. Said that her heart was broken."

"I pick some crazy girls," Sirius murmured to himself, "Next time one of those girls confronts you like that, tell me. And I promise I won't end up snogging her in the end." Azalea nodded happily.

"Thank you! They just don't leave me alone! Can I buy Sirius a present to make him like me," Azalea mocked one of the girls, "Does Siri like quidditch? I fought that one, by the way." Sirius laughed and shook his head.

"You have seriously got to stop beating up girls that like me. I mean, I would too if I were you, but I might end up dating them for real. Then they would get mad at you all the time."  Azalea rolled her eyes.

"What does it matter? You would dump them in a couple of days anyways. Besides, they all hate me anyways. Just like I hate them. We all have a...special communication with each other."

"I didn't know hating each other was considered a special communication. The next thing you'll tell us is Lily swore and kicked someone's arse," James laughed as Azalea kicked him in the shin.

"We all know Lily wouldn't do that! That is soooo not fair," Azalea huffed, "You could have at least said 'the next thing you'll tell us is monkeys took over the world', which might actually happen!"

"That is never going to happen, Z," Sirius laughed, "Monkeys would not even have a chance of taking over the world. We would beat them in battle easily."

"Whatever! I am going to go and find Severus since you are all boring me," she stood up and stretched before taking three steps from the couch.

"You are going to see that slimy git," James asked with disgust, "The slimeball is disgusting! How can you even stand to be around him without puking or getting sick to your stomach?" Azalea stopped where she was and turned to James, giving him a look that could kill.

"Do not call him that, Potter," she hissed at him,  surprising herself, "He is not a slimeball! You are just jealous because Lily likes him nd not you!"

"S-she actually likes him," James asked, astonished, "How in the world could she like him when I am right here? I thought she- I mean-nothing in her diary ever said-are you sure?"

"Of course I am sure! I am her sister! She tells me everything! Just because it isn't in her diary doesn't mean it isn't true, or that she doesn't feel that way. You will see one day, James. This whole 'I can call Severus names and win Lily's heart' thing isn't going to work well for you." James was staring at the fire, too shocked to say anything back to Azalea.

"Come on, Z," Sirius whispered quietly as he stood and grabbed her hand, "I will take you upstairs to my dorm and you can help Remus while you cool down."

Azalea nodded and let Sirius drag her up the stairs, completely forgetting about going to find Severus. She was too angry at herself. She had let Lily's secret slip, and she was not proud of it.

"Z, it's okay. James will calm down later and you will both forget about it soon. Besides, Lily is not something you two should be arguing about. She doesn't even know that James is actually serious about dating her."

"I know, it's just... If Lily finds out I was the one who told James... She might get mad at me. I don't want her mad at me," Azalea whimpered. The one thing she hated the most was when Lily got mad at her. It was never a pretty sight.

"Hey guys," Remus exclaimed as he threw the door open in front of them, "I have some great news! I found the potion and the charm it takes to become an animagus!" When he saw Azalea's face, his smile dropped.

"Not the right time," he asked. Azalea shook her head. It was not the right time at all.

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