The Island

By JustHoneyBees

146 18 5

The Sleepy Bois family try to take a calming vacation but they end up getting shipwrecked on an unfamiliar is... More

Chapter 1- The Quiet Before The Storm

Chapter two- An Unfamiliar Place and Unfamiliar People

41 7 0
By JustHoneyBees

Wilbur could feel warm heat spread around his face and something grainy underneath him, he shifted to his side and started choking up water. His eyes snapped open, in a panic he got on all fours and started coughing water out. He stayed there, throwing up water, until his throat ran dry and started to burn. Wilbur regained his breath and stumbled while trying to get up.

"Am I....dead?" He mumbled, asking himself. He gagged as he could taste the saltiness from the water he just hurled. "Nope, I'm definitely still alive." Wilbur sarcastically chuckled and looked around.

He gasped, he came into view of massive trees and greenery near the small shore line he was on. "Woah.." he said marveling at the sheer beauty of the island, there were twisting vines all over the place and unfamiliar flowers sprouting against the humongous trees that were towering over the land, casting welcoming but mysterious shadows.

Wilbur tore his eyes from the lovely sight. He survey the area around him, he looked down and noticed that a few steps away from him was an object shining reflectively against the sun. His curiosity got the best of him and he limped over to the object, his body aching like never before. He cautiously picked up the object and he smiled, it was his glasses, he frowned when he noticed that one of the lenses had a crack on them.

"Well, it's better than nothing" he grumbled, slipping the frames on his face and looking towards the ocean. "I wonder if anyone else survived.." he whispered, his face darkened, and then he shook his head. "They had to have survived. They're strong people." he stated to no one in particular. He started walking up to the line between the sand and the grass, he made sure to stay on the edge on the luscious and green grass. He wanted to run his hands through it but decided against it. He tore his eyes away from the grass.Wilbur took one last look at the sun, it was still quite early so he would have the entire day to look for his family.


Philza had woken up clutching a piece of debris, the first thing he did was wildly look around trying to find his sons. He took in his surroundings, finding that he wasn't too far out from the shore, he let himself get slowly floated to shore. His body trembled, he couldn't seem to move his body so when he washed up on the wet sand he just laid there with his eyes closed. He got up on all fours and crawled away from the shoreline, he got away from the gently lapping waves when his arms swiftly gave out and suddenly causing him to drop on the grainy sand. He rolled to the side and onto his back. The wind blew his hair with a gentle breeze while he let himself breathe and eventually his eyes slipped open, his first thoughts were about his family. Uneasiness settled in his stomach as morbid thoughts ran around in his mind, as fast he could, he sat up and took some heavy breathes.

A feeling of agony started to creep up his leg and he winced as he moved it to see why it hurt. His eyes widened, there was a large gash on his calf and he gagged as the stench of blood flooded finally flooded his senses. Blood was spilling out, and after a moment of alarm he quickly shrugged what was left of his robe off and tied it tightly around the wound, applying pressure as he watched the sun move across the sky.

"It is about noon" he pointed out to himself

"I wonder if I could..." he murmured, faltering as he stood up. When he was able to balance himself out he tried putting weight on his injured leg, Philza yelped as a spike of harsh pain traveled up his leg and he grunted as he dropped back into the sand. He laid there for a few moments and pushed himself back up. Philza held up a hand to his eyes to block out the shining sun as he looked for something that he could use to get up. He saw the rest of the island behind him and looked at it in awe before he remembered his top priority, to find any sign of his family. Philza scanned the area, his eyes narrowing and then widening as he saw a skinny branch

"Perfect.." he thought to himself as he crawled towards the stick and grasped it in a firm grip when he came into proximity of it. Philza wobbled as he shakily stood up, swaying with the slender branch until he was able to get the thin log to stay still.

After hobbling around and practicing walking with the branch he was able to get used to moving around. Philza looked up at the sky and noticed that the sun had moved making it around midday. "I better get a move on if I want to find them " he mumbled as he started limping off to find his children.


It had been an hour or so of Philza walking until he saw a silhouette of someone a couple of feet away in front of him, Philza froze and hid behind one of the massive trees that resided in the island. He stayed there, his breathing speeding up subtly as he heard the person come closer and closer. Philza pressed himself against the rough bark and peeked out from the thick vines of the tree. That's when he recognized a butter yellow sweater, he gasped and started laughing in disbelief. Philza pushed himself off the tree and ran to his taller son.

          "WILBUR! WILBUR!!" He yelled, Philza saw his middle child stop in confusion and then run towards him. When they got near each other they both reached out towards the other and fell into a desperate embrace. Wilbur almost teared up, he laughed and as he hugged his father tighter.

          "Holy shi-" the log broke, interrupting Phil as he muttered under his breath, neither of them cared. Philza pulled away from Wilbur keeping his hands on his sons shoulders. He laid his hand on Wilburs cheek and swiped his thumb at the tear building up in his son's eyes.

"I am- am so glad you're okay.." Wilbur stuttered out, smiling down at his father and Philza gave him a grateful nod.

"I'm glad you're okay too, but guess what" Phil asked, Wilbur cocked his eyebrow in curiosity. "If you survived... then your brothers might have survived too" Wilbur gasped and then hopefully smiled.

"Then we have to keep looking! Cmon Phil!" Wilbur took one of Philza's hands and starting pulling him in his direction. Phil started following him, forgetting about his injured leg and when he put his foot down he yelped, falling down on his bum. That's when Wilbur noticed Phil's leg condition.

"What happened??" Wilbur asked, kneeling down in front of Philzas hurt leg with wide eyes. Phil just waved the question off

"I got a scratch but it's fine, just help me up "

              Wilbur stuck out his hand and Phil grabbed it, lifting himself up and Phil shook the excess sand off of him.

               "Phil get on, I don't want you getting your leg more injured" Philza looked over to Wilbur to see his back was turned to him, implying that Wilbur wanted him to get on his back.

                Phil looked at him dead in the eye "Wilbur I am not going to let you piggyback ride me" Wilbur huffed

"Phil I'm not going to let you walk" he said. Phil groaned but hesitantly got into his sons back.

"Fine. But as soon as you're tired you are putting me down okay?" Phil said with his 'dad' voice, Wilbur nodded and adjusted his dads weight. Once it was somewhat comfortable they set off into the thickly vegetated forest.


Technoblade felt something itchy scratch at his wrist, he softly groaned as his head pounded harshly. Air rushed around him, it felt like he was swinging slightly from side to side. Techno's ears flicker at unfamiliar voices having a conversation right next to him causing him to jump at little.

"sh sh sh youre going ti gisingin mo siya!"

Techno's eyes opened and he panicked when he found that his arms and legs were tied together to a wooden pole. He tried tugging on the rope but noticed that he was being carried by two people with the pole on their shoulders.He guessed by the way they looked relaxed they thought he was still asleep.

                  "Oh hush! Tignan mo lang siya! Nilalamig siya!"

                    Techno subtly looked at his captors, the one closest to his head had reddish orange hair and what seemed to be fox ears perched up on the top his head. He heard a soft swishing sound and glanced down to see an orange tail swaying. Technoblade raised his eyebrow slightly at the man, there weren't many Hybrids where he lived.

The latter of the two started talking but he tuned them out, after all they were speaking in a different language. He looked over to the other man. He looked like a regular human but Techno wasn't sure. The guy seemed to be wearing a pair of 3-D glasses made from colored glass, Techno wondered where he got them from. Their outfits that consisted of some sort of a beige poncho and long pants seemed to point out that they were part of some sort of tribe.

                      And he was correct. The two guys pushed away some think vines and they carried him into a clearing with teepee tents littered around. Techno eyes shifted to the side and the sloshing of waves sounded near by.  The men placed him on a rod on top of a fire pit. The one with the colored glasses left the fox man with Techno and that's when it clicked inside of Techno's brain

                 "THEY THINK I AM A PIG" he screamed to himself. He growled slightly under his breath

                  "I am not edible ya know" he said sarcastically, making the hybrid jump out of his skin. The man fell to the floor as Techno rolled his eyes from where he was tied up. The man scowled at him and Techno glared back, soon chuckling as he saw the furry shiver uncomfortably.

                  Rustling from Technos right broke his glare and he whipped his head to find that there was a brown haired boy going through what it seemed to be the remains of him and his family's suitcases. He noticed that the boy was too far away to hear Techno if he tried to say anything but he was able to watch him call over another brown haired boy.

                 This brunette was much taller than the one going through his stuff, the shorter of the two pointed excitedly at the suitcases, making big hand gestures as his brown hair flopped around.

                   "Happiness, disgusting. What a nerd." Techno muttered, fake gagging.

                   The taller one nodded and techno had to restrain himself as he watched the boy run into the forest with his personal belongings.

Techno huffed and flipped his head to see that the fox boy was still there watching him, his ears flicked as footsteps approached them and Techno was face to face with the tall brunette. Techno was slightly taken aback. His eyes were met with the palest white eyes he has ever seen, if he wasn't this close he would've thought he didn't have irises.

The man noticed Technoblade staring and swiftly averted his eyes to the ground while his brown-ish hair flopped down to cover the eyes.

The tall man was slightly taller than the hybrid and like an inch taller than him, but Techno decided that he could definitely take this guy in a fight.

The man leaned over a tad to the fox man and whispered something into his ear. Technoblade tried straining his ears to listen in but even with his heighten hearing it was too soft for him to completely understand. Whatever he said seemed important because the other one nodded his head with a gleam of determination in his eye.

Techno and the furry watched as the tall man smiled and walked off, leaving them alone together again. As soon as the taller man a few steps away the orange haired man pulled out a dagger from a small pouch on his hip. Techno groaned as he effortlessly snapped the rope tying his feet together when he has his feet on the ground he ripped the ropes on his hands.

"Should've done that sooner" Techno complained whilst untangling the rope on his wrists. He hears shocked gasps and murmurs around him.

"paano niya binali ang mga lubid?!?"

"Hindi ko alam !!"

"Iyon ang pinakamahirap na buhol kailanman!"

The hybrid growled and gripped the dagger harder, he yelled something out and all of the sudden weapons were pointed at him from every single angle. He glanced over the circle of people surrounding him and saw the tall man with his pale eyes wide with surprise.

Techno smirked, "You haven't seen anything yet." He said darkly, getting into a fighting stance.

He got ready to pounce on the man on his right when shuffling from the foliage of the forest. They all snapped towards the sound but Techno took the chance of confusion and sprang onto the fox hybrid, successfully pinning him down to the floor.

The other tribe members looked away from the forest and back to Technoblade who gave them a crazed smile. They all pointed their weapons back at Techno when two familiar figures emerged from the forests trees.

"Wilbur?? Phil??" Techno exclaimed and the two mentioned looked at him dumbfounded. They stood there as the finally rising moon lit their bodies with light, it was quiet until Phil was yanked from Wibur's back, yelping out in surprise. Phil was hastily put into a headlock with a blade positioned at his neck.

"PHIL!" Wilbur and Techno shouted simultaneously. Techno mentally cursed himself for not keeping track of where the tall brunette was because now his dad was in danger.

The tension laid over them like a heavy blanket, but a sharp and deep voice cut through it.

"Let him go.." the tall man said a little shaky but clear enough to be understood. Techno lowly growled, putting more force unto the hybrid below hims back. The brunette responded by putting the blade closer to Phil's neck. Wilbur silently scooted closer to the tall man but Phil caught his eyes and did a small shake of his head.

Techno took one more look at the man hurting his dad before roughly and begrudgingly letting go of the fox man.
The tall man let go of Phil and gently shoved him toward Wilbur who immediately embraced him with a hug until a the man with the makeshift 3D glasses directed them towards Techno. Phil and Techno shared a nod before all three of them were being roped up onto a wooden pole.

When they were done strapping the tree down with rope, the fox hybrid walked up to Techno and stuck his tongue out in which Techno snarled back.

Philza looked around at their situation before laughing and getting weird looks from Wilbur and Techno. Phil brought down his laughs but in between chuckles he said

"Well shit"

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