The pictures that talk โœ”

By Imnotlauriane

351K 18.1K 4.4K

THIS STORY HAS A NEW VERSION PUBLISHED ON MY PROFILE (currently unpublished) (don't expect top quality from t... More

Before you start reading
The first meeting
The second meeting
The bad dreams
The third meeting
The fourth meeting
I'm what?!
The urgency
The struggle
The good after the bad
The breakfast
The exposition's preparations
The first...
The bond
The complete bond
The sweet promise
Don't forget me
The worst day of our life
Say goodbye for now
What is this?
The barrier
Sushi and home
The new house
They know me
Get me a what?
The surprises
The game and the name
Inside out
Happy but sad
This is home
Burning hint of the past
Soulmates care for each other
This nightmare needs to end
The lawyer's appointment
Is something wrong with me?
The new cherished memory of my heart
The soul
The truth that hurts
My dear siblings
Drunk on love
The shower
Spending time with the cat
Cuddles and tears
Movie night
It begins
A beginner's mistake, but a honorable one
Never skip a meal
Official request
Getting ready
Heart attack
Finally all together
Needy soulmates
A little impatient
Use me
Overprotective soulmates
Failure or progress?
Moving on
Three and overdose
The end is near

What if...

7K 341 37
By Imnotlauriane

Jin's POV

"She must have been really tired" I say while Yoongi brushes her hair out of her face. He nods. "I don't think she really realizes it herself, that she's at her limit". We sigh at the same time. What can we do to help her? Obviously, the memories are taking a toll on her mind, but she's also overworking her body.

"We'll have to go back home soon too, I don't want to leave her behind" I hear him mumble and I gasp softly. We leave in four days. I look up to say something but he shakes his head. "You know we can't just ignore our job forever. The fact that we all managed to get two weeks off at the same time is an achievement in itself". I let my head fall on the back on the couch and stare at the ceiling.

"We can't leave without having bonded with her" I declare out loud for no one in particular. "At least we'll only be an hour away. Still... it feels too far. Like something bad will happen as soon as we'll leave" Yoongi utter and I snap my head at him in alarm. "Yah, don't say something like that, that calls for bad luck". He looks down at her in his arms and kisses her forehead with a soft brush of the lips.

"Do you think she has nightmares when she sleeps?" he asks with a low voice. I stare at her, paying attention to how she feels right now. At ease, warm, calm, loved. I smile. "She's probably dreaming about you right now since you bonded earlier, I doubt she'll have nightmares tonight at least". I see his cheeks become pink and I can't help the grin that spreads on my face.

"Yoongi-ah, you act like you found your soulmate for the first time" I tease him and he hides his face in the nook of her neck. "Aigoo... just like when we bonded, you're so cute". He smiles abashedly and we stay in comfortable silence for a while. "Should I put her in her bed?" he suddenly asks and I nod. I look around and stand up to open the closest door. "Ah, bathroom. The next one must be the bedroom" I utter and he heads there directly. I open it for him and when we confirm it's effectively her room, he settles her under the blankets, tucking her in so she stays warm.

"I'll see if there's enough to make something to eat, then we should head back home before the others wake up. We'll have to tell them you bonded too" I say as we leave her door half closed and head to the kitchen.

I feel Yoongi become restless and I decide to ask him to help me, that should ease his thoughts a little. I open the fridge and see some leftovers, some milk, eggs, fruits. "Should we make her pancakes?" I wonder and Yoongi nods, getting some flour from a random cupboard. I stare at him as he opens all the right ones first try to get what we need.

"What's that, do you live here?" I ask incredulously and he seems as confused as I am. "I guess we think the same way because I only tried those I thought would make the most sense". I shake my head. Are they just overly compatible? Now I feel kinda jealous.

"Aish, don't be jealous, you know there's a very big place in my heart for every single one of you" he coos while nudging my shoulder and I smirk. I love hearing that from him. "Of course I know, how could you not? You have the most worldwide handsome man for your soulmate". We laugh together as we make food and the house fills with the good smell of fresh pancakes. She'll have to heat them when eating, but they should still be good.

"I'll cut the fruits, watch the pancakes" I say and he hums, getting closer to the oven. "Don't forget to clean the counter when you're done" he adds and I nod. How could I forget.

Once we're done, I write a little message for her and we leave, locking the door from inside before closing it behind us. "Let's hurry now, I'll have to make breakfast again for the other kids".

Moonbin's POV

"Sanha-ah, hurry please!" I shout when I'm ready by the door with MJ and he's still nowhere in sight. MJ just chuckles and we wait for a few more seconds before he adds "We'll leave without you! Bye!".

We grin and open the door before closing it, staying silent as we hear Sanha scream at the top of his lungs. "DON'T LEAVE". Struggling to not laugh out loud, we hide behind the wall and when he turns the corner, I lock him under my arm, brushing his styled hair with my knuckle. "Ah- Binnie my hair!". MJ gazes at us warmly. "Is that why you took so long? You were styling your hair?". Sanha nods with a straight face. "But now it was all for nothing" he frowns and tries to place some strands back. I sigh and help him with a smile plastered on my face.

"You look good no matter what, don't worry" I say and watch as his pout disappears slowly but surely. He stands taller and looks down on the floor. "Well... I know. Let's go" he lets out and heads outside, leaving us with baffled expression. MJ recovers first and steps aside to let me leave before following us.

"Sanha is becoming less and less shy in admitting he looks good now" I say and the bond gives me an hint of proudness coming from him. I laugh and shake my head. 

We follow the map leading to the address Hoseok sent us and end up in front of a door. MJ knocks and we wait a moment before a man comes to open the door, a confused look giving place to recognition. "Ah, are you the ones Hoseok invited over?" he asks and I nod, giving him a bright smile when his gaze stops on me. He nods and steps aside to let us enter.

We look around, amazed at how they personalized the apartment even though they're only staying for a short period of time. The man follows our gaze and chuckles. "We like to bring the pictures wherever we go". He points to a wall at the end completely. "Y/N's photographs are expending too, at this rhythm, we'll have to get a whole room just for them". Sanha stares at him with an inexpressive face. "That's what we did".

The young man snaps his head towards us and his wide eyes show some jealousy. "Well we've known her for a long time, her pictures hold a special place in our hearts" I say to try and break the tension. Sanha shoots me sorry look and hides behind MJ.

"Jungkook-ah, come here ple-oh! Hello, you must be Y/N's friends" an other man says as he walks over us, extending a hand to shake ours. I shake it first and take that time to introduce ourselves. "I'm Moonbin, this here is MJ and the one hiding is Sanha". He nods at each one of us before bringing the young man closer to him. "I'm Seokjin, but Jin will do, this here is Jungkook, it's nice to finally meet you".

We stay there for a moment before he seems to realize. "Oh, how rude of me, please come in, don't be shy". We nod and remove our shoes. MJ asks Sanha to place them better than that, to be respectful, this isn't home and he complains but moves them neatly by the wall.

Jin leads us to the living room and beckons us to sit while he goes to fetch Hoseok and Namjoon. We stare at each other, a little awkward from being in their home, we barely know them after all, when two men come towards us with smiles. The dimple man shakes our hands straight away. "Namjoon, nice to meet you" and we repeat our names again. The second one with a bright smile does the same, introducing himself as Hoseok.

"I'm sorry the others couldn't come, they go to work early" I apologize and they shake their heads. "It's fine, I'm glad you could come. I know this was rather out of the blue".

"I'm glad you gave us the chance to finally meet. I was very curious about Y/N's soulmates, but from what I can see, you all seem very welcoming and warm, it reassures me a lot" MJ compliments then and they blush a little, Namjoon stroking the back of his neck with a small smile.

Jungkook comes back and sits next to Hoseok, staring at us with curious eyes. Soon, the others also come to sit around the room and we learn their names quickly. Jimin sits with Yoongi in a single seat chair, both making themselves smaller to fit and it's endearing to see. Jin sits on the other single seat chair and Taehyung takes place on his lap without any warning, but Jin just smiles and makes himself comfortable.

"So" Hoseok starts, clearing his throat. "I actually thought we should get to know each other a bit better. I think we have a lot to learn about Y/N, and not enough time to spend here with her, so at least knowing those that stay close to her most of the time would put us at ease while we figure out how to proceed next".

We nod because that makes sense. They have to go back home, they didn't expect to meet their soulmate during this small vacancy. "What are you thinking? Are you going to come back here or ask her to follow?" MJ asks and I know what he's trying to do. Are they ready to change some things for her or do they expect her to drop everything since she's alone here.

Namjoon shuffles on his seat, propping his elbows on his knees. "For some of us, taking the train is actually possible, it would take time, but we wouldn't mind. Some of us also already have ideas of where we could work here. We just have to take our time, think this through first, we don't want to drop everything at once without a plan".

Eyes wide, I gaze at them. "I didn't expect you all to not even suggest her moving to your city, that would be easier". Yoongi sets his sight on me. "We're not selfish. We know she's spent her entire life here, her family is here, her job. We've moved a few times, it's not like we're absolutely set on staying in the big city" he says, voice harsh. Jimin squeezes his knee softly to calm him.

"I didn't mean to insult. You seem to have thought about this a lot already" I respond and he shakes his head. "The decision was quite easy actually. We all love this place already, it fits us somehow. Namjoon is talking with the owner of the building to see if we could actually buy the apartment". 

Sanha starts clapping. "You guys are impressive, I'm glad she has such great soulmates". MJ and I nod, affirming his claims.

"Well, this is about our soulmate after all, we're not about to make this hard, we just want her by our sides" Taehyung speaks for the first time, his deep voice filling the air. "Especially with what she has to go through" he adds and the mood shifts.

MJ clears his throat, a little uncomfortable with the heavy ambiance. "Ah, I'm sorry I didn't intend to hear that thought- Yoongi, you bonded with her already? You must have been surprised by her state then".

"Surprised is an understatement... it's terrifying. It feels like a dark hole is slowly swallowing her up" he mumbles, not looking like he cares about the stolen thought. Jungkook though doesn't seem to let this go. "You can read our thoughts? I hope you don't use it on us without our consent, please". Namjoon looks at Jungkook with a understanding gaze. "I don't think it was intentional, Koo, I didn't even feel it".

I take MJ's hand in mine when I feel his nervousness. "I'm sorry, it was just a very loud thought, I'll be sure to be careful, Jungkook". Yoongi brushes it off. "It's okay, though it's better that we know now. I did focus on that thought long enough, so I'm not surprised you could hear it".

"Is it really that bad?" Sanha asks with a small voice. Yoongi looks down at his hands. "It's not pretty. I get the urge to just hide her away so she doesn't need to get those visions anymore, but it's not really in our control, is it?" he snickers sadly.

"We'll find a way to help her, hyung" Jimin whispers.

Taehyung looks up at him with worried eyes when suddenly something flashes in his eyes. Everyone turns to look at him, having probably felt a shift in the bond.

"Now, it's just a thought. But what if..."

What if what? Tell us, Taehyung!

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