Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs (Male!Merida...

By Love_Aki

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"Sᴏᴍᴇ sᴀʏ ᴏᴜʀ Dᴇsᴛɪɴʏ ɪs ᴛɪᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀɴᴅ, ᴀs ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴜs ᴀs ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏғ ɪᴛ. Oᴛʜᴇʀs sᴀʏ Fᴀᴛᴇ ɪs ᴡᴏᴠᴇɴ ᴛᴏɢ... More

❤︎ Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 1. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 2. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 3. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 4. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 5. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 6. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 7. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 8. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 9. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 10. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 11. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 12. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 13. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 15. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 16. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ 17. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎
❤︎ Epilogue ❤︎

❤︎ 14. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎

24.8K 968 577
By Love_Aki

Merid, Y/n and Elinor peaked at the castles, hiding behind a rock and looked at soldiers who were keeping a sharp eye at the surroundings.

Elinor grunted and turned away, already knowing it was a bad idea and they were going to get caught in no time.

Merid sighed and looked at his mother in frustration, "Mum! Do you have a better idea.?"

Elinor huffed then stopped as her eyes lit up.


They were in front of dark closed tunnel as Elinor used her strength to open the tunnel.

"Huh. That will do!" Merid said impressed when Mama-bear finally opened it.

"Oh! this is bloody brilliant!" Y/n cheered and walked inside the tunnel. Followed by Merid and Elinor.


Merid, y/n and Elinor sneaked back through an old well and crept into the castle. They stopped when they heard commotion from the great hall.

Y/n and Merid sared a confused glance and peaked into the Great Hall and saw that Fergus and the lords were fighting again.


"No more talk! No more traditions! We settle this now!" Lord MacGuffin held his sword and pointed it to Fergus, who looked unamused.

"You are the King!" Lord Macintosh yelled as he pointed his weapon at the king as well. "You decide which one of our daughters your son will marry."

"None of your daughters are fit to marry my son!" Fergus growled as he shielded himself from a weapon, Lord Dingwall threw. "And I already have a daughter. So I don't need another one for my son!"

"Then our alliance is over. This means war!" Lord Dingwall declared.

Everyone started to fight again.


"They are gonna murder each other." Merid stated as he turned to his mother in worry. "You've gotta stop them before it's too late."

Elinor and y/n gave him a look as they pointed out Elinor's bear appearence.

"I know! I know!" He sighed, massaging his forehead.

"But the main question is how do we get her throw there and up to the tapestry with the lot of them boiling over like that?" Y/n asked looking at two, raising an eyebrow.

"Huh" Merid groaned, pulling his red curls in distress.

Elinor looked down thoughtfully then pointed at two teenagers who stared at her in shock.


Everyone in the great hall stopped fighting as they saw Merid and Y/n slowly walked into the middle of the room.

Fugus looked at them, worried. "What are you doing lad, lass?"

"It's alright dad." Merid assured as Y/n offered the older man a small smile and turned around to face the audience.

Merid cleared his throat. "I um am.." He stammered. "I have.."

Elinor slowly peaked towards the stairs from behind the door and saw there was a statue of a bear which kind of look like her.

"Well you see..i.." Merid traild of not knowing how to start.

"We have been in conference with the queen." Y/n informed the lords who now looked at them in intrest.

"Is that so?" Lord Digwall asked as he came out from his hiding place.

"Aye, it is." Merid nodded.

"Well where is she then?" Lord MacGuffin asked as he also walked towards the two teenagers.

"She.. ugh.."

"How do we know that this isn't some trick?"

"I'd never.." Merid shook his head in disbelief as Y/n narrowed her eyes at lords who kept bombarding with question and cornering them.

"This highly irregular."

"Where is the queen?"

Fergus growled in warning but the lords ignored him.

"We will not stand for more of jiggery-pokery."

"Aye that's right. Let's see her!"

"Why is this girl is her?"

"Is this the one The King referred as a daughter?"

"She is not a princess."

"She is a maid."

Elinor growled lowly glaring at the lords who were talking so low about her little girl. Fergus looked  at  them like he was ready to kill them this time.

"Shut it!" Merid shouted loudly causing everyone to stop talking. "Talk about her like that again. I dare you!" He challenged, glaring at the lords who instantly backed away, lowering their head as Fergus laughed, proud of his son.

"Good." Merid looked at Y/n and intertwined there fingers together. He smiled when she didn't pulled away and gave him a 'thank you' squeeze. "Now," he turned back to the lords and cleared his throat, "Well.."

"I, ugh.." He stopped when he and Y/n saw Elinor walking towards the stairs behind soldiers.

Elinor motioned them to continue with the speech when she noticed everything was silent.


Narrowing his eyes at their behaviour, lord Macintosh looked behind him, suspiciously.

Elinor instantly stood like a statue. Finding nothing, Lord turned back to the two teens who sighed in relief.

"Once there was an ancient kingdom." Y/n started in hesitation not knowing what else could distract them right now.

"What is that?" Lord MacGuffin asked.

"The kingdom fell into war and chaos and ruin." Merid added following the beautiful e/c eyed girl's lead.

"Och! We have all heard that tale. Lost kingdoms." Lord Macintosh told them, rolling his eyes.

"Aye. But it's true." Merid defended. "I know how one selfish act can turn the fate of a kingdom."

"Bah. it's just a legend." Lord Dingwall scoffed.

"Legends are Lessons. They ring with truths." Y/n exclaimed, remembering Elinor's words.

Startled, Elinor stopped and looked at young lad and lass.

"Our kingdom is young. our stories are not yet legend but in them, our bond was struck. Our clans were once enimies, but when invaders threatened us from the sea, you joined together to defend our lands." Merid reminded the lords.

Y/n looked at the lords with respect, "You fought for each other. You risked everything for each other."

Merid pointed at Lord MacGruffin, "Uh, lord MacGruffin, my dad saved your life, stopping an arrow as you ran to Dingwall's aid."

"Aye, and I will never forgot it." Lord MacGruffin told him truthfully, looking at Fergus who smiled at him.

"And lord Macintosh. You saved our King when you charge in on heavy horse and held off the advances." Y/n reminded Lord Macintosh who proudly smiled. Then she pointed at lord Dingwall, " And we all know how lord Dingwall broke the enemy line."

"With a mighty throw of his spear!" Lord Macintosh added, cheerily.

"I was aiming at you, you big tumshie." Dingwall stated causing the three of the lords to laugh.

"This story of this kingdom is powerful one. My dad rallied your forces, and you made him king." Merid turned towards his father. "It was an alliance forged in bravery and friendship" He turned back to the lords, "And it lives to this day."

Elinor looked at the two teens proudly and placed her hands on her heart as tears filled her eyes.

Y/n frowned and lowered head in shame, " We've been selfish. We tore a great rift in our kingdom. There's no one to blame but us." She looked at Merid who was already looking at her dumbfouned.

She gave him a sad smile and let his hand go and stepped back. 'I am doing the right thing.' She assured herself. But that didn't hurt any less than before.

"Go on." She motioned Merid to continue.

Merid now looked like he wanted to be any where but here. He wanted to scream her. Tell her that He loved only her and wanted to spend rest of his life with her but he couldn't. And all of this was his own fault. He broke the bond to change his fate.

He turned to the lords, "And I know now that I need to amend my mistake and mend our bond." He glanced at Y/n who was looking at the floor, ready to face the heartbreak.

Then he looked at his mother whose eyes were wide open. He couldn't understand it was in happiness or shock. So he continued, " And so, there is the matter of my betrothal. I decided to do what's right, and..."

Y/n closed her tightly, wishing she could just go to her room and cry, eating her favorite food with the triplets.

Merid looked around the room and forrowed his eyebrows in confusion and hope, when he noticed Elinor waving her hands in the background trying to stop him.

"And.." He trailed off as he carefully watched Elinor did a breaking motion with her hands. "...and break tradition."

Y/n's eyes instantly opened and she looked at Merid in shock then to Elinor who was already looking at her with a smile.

The lords looked at each other, shocked as murmurs filled the great hall.

Fergus straightened up, ready to defend his son if things gets out of hand.

Merid looked over at Elinor who was miming what he should say.

" My mother, the queen, feels...uh, in her heart, that I...that we be free to..."

Y/n put his hand on Merid's shoulder as she stepped forward. "write our own story." She finished, looking at Elinor who smiled, nodding.

The lords daughters looked at each other in shock, happy and revealed.

"Follow our hearts, and find love in our time." Mreid quoted, looking at Y/n who brightly smiled at him.

The lords were all now crying.

"Beautiful." Lord Dingwall exclaimed wiping his tears.

"The queen and I put the decision to you my lords. Might our young people decide for themselves who they will love?"

"Huh?" Lord Dingwall frowned.

"Well, since you've obviously made up your minds about this, I have one thing to say. This is..." Lord Macintosh was cut off by his own daughter.

She exclaimed, "A grand idea! Give us our own say in choosing our fates?"

Lord Macintosh stared at his daughter in shock, "What?"

"Aye! Why shouldn't we choose?" Lord Dingwall's daughter said for the first time shocking everyone.

"But he's the prince!" Lord Dingwall pointed out.

"I didn't pick him out. It was your idea." She rolled her eyes at her father and crossed arms.

Lord MacGuffin turned to his daughter. "And you, do you feel the same way?"

Young miss MacGuffin spoke but as her accent was so thick no one understands her. Everyone just stared at her blankly except for one.

Y/n and Merid laughed and gave each other a knowing smile when they saw lord Macintosh's daughter was staring at lord MacGuffin's daughter in awe and with lovesick look.

"Well, that's it. Let these lassies try to win his heart before they win his hand, if they can!" Lord MacGuffin stated, pulling her daughter into a side hug.

"I say the wee Dingwall has a fighting chance!" Lord Dingwall exclaimed patting his daughter's back.

"Fine then! Seems for once we agree! It was my idea in the first place." Lord Macintosh reminded others causing Lord Dingwall to smack his back playfully as all of them laughed.

Elinor made an aweing noise, looking at her two children, proudly. Causing the soldier in front of her to turn around and look at her 'statue' suspiciously.

Three of the lord bowed their head in respect towards Y/n and Merid. Merid bowed back as Y/n curtsied smiling at them.

Fergus looked at the two proudly. "Just like your mom." He stated looking at Merid then turned to Y/n and pinched her nose, shaking her head. "You wee devils." Causing y/n to laughed and give the old man a hug.

Merid, shook his head laughing and turned around and noticed a guard staring at Elinor's frozen pose as bear.

"Everyone!" He instantly shouted to distract everyone. "To the cellar! Lets crack open the king's private reserves to celebrate!"

Everyone cheered and started heading for the cellar.

The soldier looked back and cheered as well, walking away from Elinor who sighed in relief.

" Woh! Woh! Woh!" Fergus nervously laughed. He turned to one of his servants and whispered, "Bring them tiny glasses."

They all left the Great Hall.

Merid and Y/n happily closed the doors and went to Elinor and did a little dance of joy, "ge-ge-ge-ge..."

Elinor looked down at them lovingly.

Y/n hugged Elinor who smiled happily, hugging back and placed her free paw on Merid's cheek, carefully.

Merid sighed in content, feeling his mother familiar comforting warmth and stared at the two important women in his life.

Suddenly Merid gasped causing the other two to look at him quzically.

"The tapestry!"

❤︎ Tʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ Fᴏʀ Rᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ! ❤︎

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