Origins One-shots/Headcanons...

By Kai_Sleeps88Alex

4.2K 108 75

One-shots for FTO, OoO, SDS, MHO, and etc!! (Fan art Created by me) More

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"Tomb Juice happened..."
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Sorry... (Updated!)
Future Fluff One-Shots
FTO Oneshot Injury #1 - "Protective Guild"
FTO Oneshot Injury #2 - "Protective Guild"
FTO OneShot Injury #3 - "The Worry"
FTO OneShot Injury #4 {Final} - "The dragon's rage"
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FTO One-shot Child AU #V.1 ~ "Past Personality"
FTO One-Shot Child AU #V.1~ "Past Personality" (2)
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FTO Oneshot ~ "Hibernation"

228 13 4
By Kai_Sleeps88Alex

This is inspired by a person called "Lunatic_3clipse" who made a head canon based on the dragon slayers having to hibernation for a month. They gratefully allowed me to use this head canon and to make a oneshot on this! Thank you Lunatic! I hope you enjoy!

Began: 6th December 2020 (huh... I really like making Oneshots on the 6th eh?)
Time: 01:52 am GMT

>Platonic ships
>Canon Ships (although JakeyXBryan will be Boyfriends)
>Tiny bit of angst???

Characters mentioned:
>Kay >Viper >Allumos
>Bryan >Jakey >Colin
>Seek >Blake >Mario
>Mania >Davis >Flurry
(May be more)

I'm gonna make it as Bryan's, Davis's and Seek's first Hibernation While being in a guild. The other hibernations they've had would have been not noticed as they would stay at home or were not part of any guild.
(3rd Person)

The soothing sound of the waves clashing against the beaches of Alantide filled the frosty air. Birds chirped and citizens chattered. The peace was interrupted by a semi loud groan of displeasure from a nearby guild. The Protectors. It was beginning to become winter in Alantide, the coldness around the sea level rose, and since the Protectors guild is close to sea level, the unwelcome winter air blanketed the area, upsetting a certain fire dragon slayer.

"B-B-Bryan.... C-C'mon Hun.. You n-need to g-g-get up..." The time wizard stuttered to his half asleep boyfriend on the floor.

The said boyfriend was the upset dragon slayer - Bryan. The semi-limp body curled on the floor close to a fire that was set, he growled a no to his partner, not showing signs of moving. Most of the guild was there, except for a few who were out on missions like Nix and Kay (although we all know Kay's mission is to date Viper—), all surrounding Bryan, mostly confused or adoring the sight. Mumbles came from the body, only the ears of the four cats hearing, causing Mana and Eliore to restrain -but failing miserably- their giggles. Lo'pho sighed at glared at time boi.

"Please get vyour boyfriend vup Jakey" The warrior cat asked in his strong accent (That idk how to do). "Also, may somebody go to Grimshade and Divinus Magia to ask vwhy our dragon slayer is basically dead?"

The guild nodded, Jakey sitting down next to Bryan, who saw the opportunity to move slightly and place his head on Jakey's lap, embracing the warmth. Mania, Relena and Alex went to Divinus Magia -since they weren't dragon slayers on a boat- while Eliore, Rosey and Lo'pho went to Grimshade.

*Time skip brought to you by Jakey X Sleepy Bryan by a fire*

(With Mania and her team at Divinus Magia)

"Halllooooo????" Mania practically screams, causing the other two to sigh and walk ahead. "Hey wait up! I think I know where they are!" The cat says, catching their attention. They nod as Mania starts to jump and skip towards the guild hall, passing many strange places like a house with a different design, a fountain and a garden. Once they arrived, Relena knocked on the guild door, stepping back to wait for an answer politely. The door opened to reveal a very tired looking Lucas and small Plant.

"Lucas? What happened? You look like trash." Mania bluntly asked, Alex trying to stop her but fails. Lucas laughs at their antics but soon a loud crash was heard.

"Shit. Uh. Come in, come in.. Just don't mind the mess... Mania, it's a great job your here. We need you quickly." Lucas says, though it was quicker then what they could hear. Mania was soon dragged in by the water mom and the door swung open, revealing a guild hall that has literally been hit by a tornado. Rocks and pillars and pieces of the floor were everywhere, broken chairs thrown, one half of the long table had a massive impact zone admitted. Relena looked at Alex who worriedly glances back, returning to look around and soon yelling was heard by all five.

"Shit.. They are doing it again.. I TOLD THOSE FUCKING IDIOTS TO STOP—" Lucas's eyes turned gold, he gained a harder grip on Mania's arm and kept dragging her, Plant following behind with Alex and Relena. When they finally reached where their destination was the Protectors members all gasped at the sight. The was a massive rock formed tent in the middle of the room, the smallest it can go as a body in black clothing laid silently in there. There was ice and rocks everywhere and a few fires and explosions. David stood in front of the rock tent, punching it and using his magic to break the rock - not knowing one side was open. Inmo was also doing the same, but he was trying to not blow anything up. Kat just sat there. Against the wall by the door they was in and next to her was Brandon and Ritchie. Lucas let go of Mania and walked up to the two boys, steam basically forming in the air (literally). The others walked over to the guild leaders and female member, confused and panicked.

"Kat? Why are t-they attacking Mario?" Mania asked the girl, who seemed tired but smiled.

"Oh! It's because David got fed up of Mario sleeping all day and Inmo just wants a fight." She sighs, yawning. "It's been going on since 2 in the morning."

"Why is he sleeping that much? I was hoping to get this mission over with to get the guild ready for winter." Relena sighs, holding her head with one of her hands.

"It's because he has to Hibernate."

"That's just gre- ... Hibernation?"

"Uh... Yeah... Dragon slayers have to hibernate at certain points. Sometimes it due to the lack of magic or lack of elements surrounding them or it's just a winter/autumn thing" Kat replies.
The three looked at each other and looked back.

"T-thank you! W-we needed to talk to Mario a-about why B-Bryan won't wake up expect for making a few noises or change position." Alex said, some of his worry lifting of his shoulders.

"Yep.. That's dragon hibernation for ya. I'm guessing it's his first time hibernating while in a guild huh? You should properly take him to Grimshade soon." The lightning twin said from his spot, waving at them. They waved back.

"Dragon slayers who are hibernating have to make a nest in a quiet and secluded area to stay safe, so we all agreed Grimshade would be the best place. We were planning on taking Mario right now which is why the boys are trying to get our sleeping dragon out." The other twin said, answering the questions in the Protectors' heads.
Relena and Alex nodded to Brandon, while Mania walked to the rocks and knocked on it, causing the two chaotic mages to stop and stare.

"Ya think that's gonna work kid—?" David asks but was suddenly interrupted by the rocks moving and Mario rubbing his eyes to look at Mania. He reaches out and grabs her arm and cuddles it, soon falling back asleep. The cat giggled and look at the others, whom were surprised nonetheless (besides Ritchie and Brandon).

"Got him! Shall we go?"

*Time skip brought to you by a sleeping Mario cuddled to a half sleeping Mania on a boat.*


We reached 1238 Words! I'm not done yet! I'lol probably make part 2.
I hope you enjoyed part 1!!

End: 8th December 2020
Time: 2:10 am (GMT)
Words: 1238
Edited: No


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