šŽšš„š’š‡šŽš“š’ | whatever i...

By clovelokipansynewt

11.9K 274 278

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f a n g i r l

304 12 12
By clovelokipansynewt

Ok so I found these memes on wattpad about fangirls and I want to put them on this...

Um yeah that's it....


Life as a fangirl
Who am I kidding, we have no lives.'

Do you ever stop and realise that the average person doesn't know what a ship is or what canon means. We probably sound like pirates.

I ship my OTP like: a ship shipping ship shipping shipping ships

"So how's your fandom going?"

"You know, a little dark, a little gloomy...and as always, hey, full of dead people."

"...You need help."

It's not an obsession until you search for a fanfiction.
It's not a true obsession until you run out of fanfiction to read.

"Im coming out." – me

"Im fictosexual." – me

"Fictosexual?" – friend

"Haha I have an attraction to fictional characters." – me

"Omg me to!" – friend

"Really?! OMG THAT IS SO COOL!" – me

"JK, you are insane." – friend

At my wedding instead of saying, "I do" we will say "I ship it" and then the priest will say "This OTP is now canon.

Seeing your notp: why is everyone shipping them? All they did is look at each other.


Lets play, Did I Always Have That Personality Trait Or Did I Absorb It From A Character?

Friend- why do you always obsess over fictional characters? They are not real!

Me- how do you know they aren't real?

Friend- because no one has ever seen them!

Me- *kicks friend in the leg* Is your pain real?

Friend- yes

Me- well nobody sees your pain. Does that mean it's not real?

Friend- no but-

Me- *whispers* they are real

Me- *slowly back into a dark corner*

Friend- * dialling the police*

Fun fact about my life:

My friends think I am insane

Our parents warned us about middle aged men stalking us on the internet; but oh, how the tables have turned.

Row row row your ship,
gently through the sea
if you see your top
don't forget to scream

What is a fandom you may ask?
Fandoms are like drugs. You just need a little bit to get hooked, and then a tiny bit more and there and BAM suddenly your life is a train wreck.

When someone calls me an "obsessed fan" I get so offended. We're not fans...

We are professional fangirls

My hobbies include talking about my fandom to people that don't care about my fandom

I fangirl...but I haven't figured out how to make money that way so yeah, im in school

Me – oh a new character?

Me – he's funny

Me – he's cute

Me – he's perfect

Me – I love him!

Me – I love him so MUCH!!!!!!!!

Me – he's my soul ma-

Me – and he's dead

*Throws book on the ground repeatedly*

Imagine having a sleepover with all your favourite characters. Like. All. Of. Them. Every single one!
Ah yes. Sleeping in a room full of dead bodies. How fun.

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