Aries: *tries their best but is almost never satisfied, even though it's like one of the best things their family/friends have ever seen* *anGrY rAM nOiSeS*
Taurus: *legit draws a line with a ruler and yells when it isn't straight* *AnGeRy coW NoiSeS*
Tauros: *drawing is to frustrating, so they never commit to drawing in the first place*
Gem: *tiny doodles*
Ini: *screams when the pencil lead breaks*
Cancer: "Do memes count? I hope so...."
Leo: "wHeRe ThE HeCk dId My ErAsEr gO?!?"
Virgo: "GOD!! WHY CAN'T I DRAW?!?"
Libra: *smiles when they are done, and show's everybody*
Scorpio: *rips the paper up halfway through*
Saj: *playing that choppy, stabby finger game thing, and wonders why the paper has holes in it all of a sudden*
Caprisun: *accidentally smudges the MOST IMPORTANT PART and screams*
Aqua: *aNgErY aQuA NoIsEs*
Pisces: *just stares at the paper, waiting for inspiration to hit them*