Transformers and The Phoenix

By bluelazuli95

691 15 2

When the Transformers land on earth the resident superhero isn't too happy about it. She decides to follow th... More

Learning to Trust
Mission Gone Wrong
The Beginning
Fallen City
Healing Takes Time
Dents and Dreams

Mystery Man

24 0 0
By bluelazuli95

(I'm jumping forward a bit it's been 3 weeks since the end of the last part.)

Raven sits in the medical room, Leo helps Ratchet take the cast off of Ravens wing since his hands are smaller he doesn't risk accidentally hurting her again.

"There you go." Ratchet announces once the cast is off. "Now don't go doing crazy things yet, alright? You've got to slowly work your way up to it. Try stretching your wings first."

Raven does just as Ratchet tells her to. She spreads her wings and she does feel a small pinch, and some soreness. That's probably a result of being in the cast for so long. "So does that mean I can't go flying yet?" Raven asks hoping the answer would be no.

"I don't want you flying for at least a few days. Alright."

Raven grumbles at his answer as she hops off the table and makes her way to the other Autobots. "Hey Bumblebee! Wanna do something?"

The yellow Autobot turns to face her but before he can say anything Optimus steps in. "Bumblebee is going on a mission with Ironhide, Arcee and myself."

"Oh... can I come?"

Optimus ponders for a few moments. "You can't fly yet."

"Yea so, how dangerous is this mission going to be. What are you doing anyway?" Raven asks.

"There is only so much energon on this planet. We may have found another stash a little ways away from here." Arcee informs Raven.

"Yes, Raven you can come." Optimus finally decides.

"Yes! It really has been boring around here without anything to do." Raven pumps her fists into the air. "Not like I'm asking for another fight or anything."

Nobody says anything, instead they make their way over to the entrance and transform into their respective vehicles. Raven climbs up into Optimus' cab with some difficulty, the truck is lifted higher off the ground than Bumblebee and without the help of her wings she struggles to get into the seat. The four bots head out towards the location being sent off with a few of the others waving goodbye from the base. Not even 10 minutes into the drive Raven brings her eyes up into Optimus's mirror after straightening out her feathers on her wing, she notices Bee swerving all over the road behind Optimus, he slows down and speeds up again to come only a couple inches away from his leaders back bumper, then he swerves from left to right on the road and repeats. Arcee gets fed up with him when he almost hits her front motorbike tire, if possible the Camaro flinches when the bike yells at him.

"Primus, you're like a kid on Christmas morning." Arcee scolds.

Even with the motorbikes angry outburst a few moments later and Bumblebee is back to being Bumblebee.

"How do you stay so calm and collected all the time. Don't you ever just feel like yelling at your teammates." Raven asks, knowing that if she was driving she would have gotten angry at Bee for tailgating a semi truck; most humans would call that suicide.

"He's just excited to be out and driving, I can't blame him for that."

"Yea good point."

Again, Raven hears Bee's engine rev as he gets closer to Primes bumper, then she sees the car swerve to the side as he comes up beside Prime. The Camaro speeds up so he gets in front of Optimus ever so slightly, then hits the brakes and comes back beside him, he repeats this a couple of times.

"Hey, I think he wants to race you." Raven points out.

"Yes, he has wanted to before." Prime replies.

"Have you ever considered going for it?"

Optimus pauses. Then Raven hears Arcee. "Don't tell me you're actually thinking about it Prime."

Raven looks to the road in front of her half expecting Optimus to take the challenge when she sees a figure in the distance. Right in the path of the vehicles, the figure quickly gets closer and closer. "Optimus! Look out!" Raven yells, she braces herself by putting her foot up on his dashboard and grabs hold of the handle on his door. Optimus slams on his brakes, Arcee and Bumblebee follow suite, but not soon enough. The figure ahead of them makes a gesture with their hands as the ground beneath the vehicles starts shaking. "What is happening!" Raven desperately asks, her voice slightly shaking with fear.  Suddenly the packed down road underneath Bumblebees tires starts lifting out of the ground causing the Camaro to take a sharp turn, Optimus sees what's about to happen and tries to follow the small car's path but it's too late to prevent injury. The little sports car goes straight into Optimus' side crushing Bee's front right bumper and door, his spoiler scrapes across Primes door and is left broken and hanging, the yellow car flies off in the opposite direction causing him to roll over and over again leaving a cloud of dust behind him. Raven gets jarred in the seat from the impact but is otherwise uninjured. Arcee quickly follows Bumblebee who has stopped rolling and come to a stop on his tires, the motorbike was far enough back not to get in the middle of it, leaving her unscathed. Optimus finally comes to a screeching stop, it takes Raven a few moments to get past her shock, she looks out the trucks windshield and immediately feels rage come rising up, she looks over to Bumblebee and gets out of the flamed semi. She makes note to gently close the door as to not add any pain to the already existing dents in Optimus's side. She marches up to the figure who Raven can't see clearly due to the cloud of dust and dirt that's been kicked up.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" Raven yells angrily; unbeknownst to her her body is already instinctively heating up, Optimus slowly and stealthily drives up to the girl to bump her backside to remind her; Raven puts a hand on his grill as if to push him away, the truck of course doesn't move.

"Why are you freaking standing in the middle of the road! My friend is over there..." Ravens anger slowly drifts out of her words when the figure approaches her, it's a man, an Omicronian man. Raven can't believe what she's seeing, she thought she was the only one. His wings are as big as hers, his hair is blonde and his eyes are brown.

"I thought I was the only one." The man says quietly.

Raven is filled with so many mixed emotions, ultimately surprise and anger win over. She marches up to the man and harshly shoves him backwards. "You idiot. You frickin caused that little earthquake didn't you, you're an earth element."

"They alway did say fire was the most aggressive." The man replies coolly.

"Do you have any idea what you've done." Raven can't believe her ears, this man just crashed her only family and he's acting like it never even happened. Suddenly Arcee revs her engine in the nearby distance, Raven snaps her head in their direction so quickly that she gets a strand of hair in her face. She sees Bumblebees prone figure, the sports car is completely crushed on the one side, with blue paint streaking his own. It's then that Raven also realizes that Optimus bears some yellow paint, making her almost sick. Raven rushes over to the motorbike who now has a supposed rider, a sleek female figure sits on the bikes seat. Raven gently runs her hand along Bees uninjured side only to receive a sad, quiet and pained whir.

"You'll be ok. We need to get back to base." She puts a reassuring hand on his hood. She makes her way to his back bumper to help push the car back to the road, Bee shifts into neutral to help out a bit. Raven is slightly stronger than the average human and unfortunately the Autobots can't help out without giving away their cover to this man. The mysterious Omicronian comes over to offer help, he places his hands besides Ravens. Bumblebee immediately feels the difference, these hands aren't gentle like Ravens, they're rough and feel unfriendly. Almost immediately after the man takes his place beside Raven she pushes his hands off the car. "Get out of here. I don't need your help." 

The man shrugs and wanders over to a rock jutting out of the sandy ground and drops down on it with a grunt. Finally Raven gets Bee up to Optimus, how in the world is she going to get a car up there by herself with that guy watching, she sends a glare in his direction. Something about him isn't sitting right with her, as if she's seen him before, his eyes more specifically, and why isn't he leaving? Yes, she's just met another person from her home world and she feels like she should be happier, but then again she has a feeling that she should run as far away from him as possible. The man finally gets up after a few moments of Raven glaring at him and disappears into the sky. Once he's gone Arcee transforms and marches up to Raven. "What was that all about."

"I don't know and I don't care. Just help me get Bee up onto Optimus." Raven sternly says.

The eighteen-wheeler also helps out by making a ramp-like-thing for the two to push the car up. Arcee goes back to her two-wheeled form and Raven hops up onto the back of Prime with Bumblebee. "We're good to go Optimus."

The trucks engine starts rumbling to life as he turns to go back to base. Raven hears a few beeps and mechanical whirs come from the crushed Camaro. Raven sits down in front of the yellow car and rests her forehead on his front bumper.

"Arcee, contact Ratchet let him know that we're coming in hot." Prime orders.

"On it." Arcee responds.

As the group leaves the destination the man quickly flies up into the sky, following the ragtag group at a distance.

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