Secrets Kept - Saints & Sinne...

By CassieSmilez

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"I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! I should have protected you! I'm so sorry Koby" I sobbed loudly. "It's o... More

Chapter 1: Off-limits
Chapter 2: Awkward Dinners
Chapter 3: Hidden Secrets
Chapter 5: Birthday Vibes
Chapter 6: Lucifer's Daughter
Chapter 7: Telling the Truth
Chapter 8: I Hate Her
Chapter 9: Backstabbed
Chapter 10: Banned
Chapter 11: After Party
Chapter 12: Prom Night
Chapter 13: It's Urgent
Chapter 14: What Just happened?
Chapter 15: Where the Hell is Eddie?
Chapter 16: I'm Losing My Mind
Chapter 17: The Nerve of this Girl
Chapter 18: Watch Your Back
Chapter 19: Checkmate!
Chapter 20: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 21: Jail Bait
Chapter 22: There She Goes Again
Chapter 23: Speak of the Devil
Chapter 24: Holiday Blues
Chapter 25: Stay Away from Me
Chapter 26: Feeling Disgusted
Chapter 27: Lost Souls
Chapter 28: The Pros
Chapter 29: Not the Same
Chapter 30: I Miss You
Chapter 31: Did She Really?
Chapter 32: What's It Going to Be?
Chapter 33: That's Great News!
Chapter 34: I Do
Chapter 35: DNA Doesn't Lie
Chapter 36: Are You Jealous?
Chapter 37: You Can't Be Serious
Chapter 38: Amnesia
Chapter 39: Moving On Without You
Chapter 40: Lose Control
Chapter 41: Life Goes On
Chapter 42: It's Simple
Chapter 43: Its All Out Now

Chapter 4: Hello Beautiful

46 8 0
By CassieSmilez


I woke up in a not so good mood. Some would wonder what made my mother so cold toward me, but I figured I already knew.

From my chocolate brown eyes with speckles of green, full lips, dark curly hair, and copper skin tone I looked the exact opposite of my mother. I always assumed I took after my sperm donor, which would explain why it's hard for my mother to look me in the eye sometimes. I was a constant reminder of her assailant I guess. It breaks my heart knowing that she lived with the torture of a night that changed her life forever on a daily basis because of me.

It's odd because she didn't start acting like this until I started dating Kyle two years ago.

Regardless of my strong feelings toward my mother, I always thought that she was an extraordinary human being other than the occasional bipolar spells she took out on me. I grew up watching her in her element when she felt no one was watching. There would be nights she would spend in the kitchen messing with her dream board, checking off things that she's accomplished. Her next goal was to move us out of the hood into a more suitable home, but constantly paying Uncle Eddie's never-ending debts didn't make it easy for her.

I looked over at the clock and realized I only had fifteen minutes to meet Kiki's mom. That woman did not play about being late or anything for that matter. I could hear her cussing me out now. I swear she cussed like a sailor on the 4th of July and then some and attended church seven days a week. I often laughed at her hypocritical behavior.

I fluffed my curls out after I took a wash off and donned my school uniform. I grabbed a few ponytail holders as I knew I would need them by the end of the day. I  didn't have time to tame this stuff. Before I could get out of the door well enough, my phone began vibrating  with a message from Noah. Immediately, my palms got sweaty and my heart raced just at the sight of his name.

"Hello, beautiful. I really enjoyed our ice cream date. I hope we could do it again soon"

I did not respond right away because I didn't want to feel desperate. Not to mention, I just barely got out of a toxic relationship with his best friend a few months ago. What would people think? What would Maddie think? Oh God, their parents?

I decided to tuck the phone back into my pocket. I made a vow to myself that I needed to put some distance there. I didn't want to lose my best friend over a silly crush. I especially didn't feel like having to beat Ashley senseless.

It still didn't stop me from blushing at the fact Noah called me beautiful. He's never called me that and I've known him since I was at least ten years old.

This is my last year and I was too close to becoming the Valedictorian for my class. There was one person that stood in my way, Arthur. He was definitely the king of the nerds as he called himself. I admired him for it too. If I were to lose to anyone, it would be to him, but I plan on taking that title though.

I shook my head at the thought of me being announced valedictorian and it made my heart leap on top of the butterflies I was already feeling grown inside my stomach at the thought of Noah. He texted me again catching me off guard.

"Are you ignoring me, sweetheart?"

I buried my phone deeper in my pocket once I saw Maddie approach. I needed to have a conversation with Noah in regards to his sudden boldness.


"You ran off with my brother last night" I bluntly said with no emotion on my face. "Yeah, he gave me a ride home," Koby said innocently. "Is that the only ride he gave you?" I said accusingly. "Whoa! Excuse me? Noah? Really? Are you high?" she asked laughing now. "NO! Stop dodging my question. You know he's still with Ashley. Why prostitute yourself out to him?" I asked with fury. "Maddie, you're overreacting and causing a scene. I've done nothing wrong and I do not appreciate your accusatory tone. What the fuck is wrong with you?", she snapped. "Call it what you want, but don't be upset when Ashley finds out," I said hoping to get through to her. "Ashley won't find out because there is nothing to tell. Noah took me home. That's it!", she exclaimed and I walked away.

Why was she lying? That made keeping this secret all the harder. If I exposed Kyle to her that would get her attention. She couldn't handle the best friend so now all of a sudden she wants my brother. Maybe Ashley was right, it's not good to keep single gals around from the ghetto.

Ashley and I had started keeping in touch a lot more since the Hampton's. She always said that she didn't trust Koby and now I had my suspicions. Ashley said Noah broke up with her after sex last night. She also mentioned that he reeked of cheap perfume. The only girl he was with in-between time was Jakoby. So, now I was wondering what the hell is going on. I feel beyond betrayed.

Four hours later...

"Can I talk to you?" Koby asked barely louder than a whisper. "Look, if you're here to apologize, save it. I'm so disappointed in you, Koby. Don't you know what this would make you look like?" I asked earning a confused look from her. "I'm not here to apologize. I'm here..." she began to say, but I cut her off when I grabbed my tray from the lunchroom table and stormed out of the cafeteria.

If she wasn't there to apologize and tell me she wasn't sleeping with my brother I didn't really want to hear it.

"Trouble in friendship paradise?" Raquel askd being trailed by Sonya. "What do you want, Raquel? Haven't you done enough?" I rhetorically asked rolling my eyes. "I didn't know Kyle was still slumming it with the virgin, okay. He told me they ended things a year ago," she admitted. "Well, that was a lie" I retorted. "Clearly, but it seems he's washed his hands of her for good now hasn't he?" Raquel pointed out. "What do you mean?", I asked trying to get more information. "Because he was at my house eating my...", I stopped her in mid-sentence slamming my fist across her face.

Raquel swung and hit me square in the jaw and I happily returned the favor before she saw it coming. She grabbed my uniform shirt and ripped some of the buttons after failing to grab on to my hair. I proceeded to yank her hair after realizing she in fact had managed to snatch a few locks of my hair from my scalp. I was pissed when I saw the strands falling to the floor. I slammed her into the lockers with a mighty force of rage before someone came to snatch us apart. They managed to kick her right in the stomach as my legs were flailing in fury.

I saw Jakoby running to my aid as I shook my hand in pain and combed my hair for reassurance.

"What's going on?" Koby frantically asked looking over to Raquel who was now holding her nose. "This bitch! I was defending you from things they were saying about you," I replied feeling Koby tense up and storm toward Sonya and Raquel. "What are you going to do, slut?" Sonya asked right as our good friend, Leon snatched Koby backward to stop her from hitting Sonya. "You're a sideline hoe! And YOU..." Koby yelled before storming off toward her next class in anger before finishing her statement.

I smiled over at Sonya and Raquel and felt a sense of satisfaction flow through me. It was right then I heard my name being called through the intercom. I knew I was in trouble. It's the last thing my parents wanted to hear I'm sure. Like clockwork, I'm fucking suspended and it's only the first week!


"I can't believe she hit you," I said helping Raquel wipe away the blood from her nose. "I swear I'm going to kick her ass on sight!" Raquel said angrily. "You know Kyle wasn't with you last night. Why would you tell her that?", I chuckled. "I needed to get a rise out of her. Besides, I don't know if Kyle is still stuck on precious Jakoby, but I guess he is. They must be back together since Maddie freaked out like that, but it's not going to stop me," Raquel said shrugging her shoulders. "You are crazy!" I said roping my arm around her shoulders. "I'm going to text Kyle at lunch. He will tell me," she smiled. "Girl, he's probably over y'all little fling already. Leave him alone," I said hoping she catches the hint. "Trust me, the last night we spent together, I assure you he's not tired of me" she replied cockily.

I rolled my eyes at her overly confident attitude. Maybe it irritated me to know that Kyle has been asking to take me out lately. I didn't know how to tell her though. I told him to kick rocks. I have no intentions of going behind my best friend in any fashion. I had morals after all.

Anyway, I had enough going on back home. I didn't need drama at school too. I drove home in silence after leaving Raquel's side. The moment I walked in my mother starts yelling at me about something I didn't do.

"SONYA ELIZABETH NYLES!", my mother Caroline yelled. "Yes, mom?" I answered. "Don't you just "yes mom" me! What's this I hear about a fight at school?" she asked as her hands found their way to her hips. "Raquel and Maddie had a fight if you call it that," I said rolling my eyes. "And you?" she asked. "I didn't do anything! Jakoby charged at me like some wild animal, but nothing happened", I exclaimed. "I told you to stay away from THAT girl. She's probably just going to end up like her mother, young and pregnant. I'm not even sure how she ended up in that school in the first place. Maybe they needed a minority" she reasoned before turning to stir the pot of whatever it was she was cooking. "Hello mom, WE are minorities too" I laughed. "Yeah, but we carry ourselves in a respectable manner though. Plus, you're considered mulatto. We don't live in the projects as she does either" she reasoned making me cringe. "If you say so, mom. I have a lot of homework to do" I said standing from the barstool to take my leave. "Are we still on track for salutatorian?" she asked cocking her eyebrow. "Of course. I just need to kill the last semester. I'm not losing focus" I answered honestly.

Honestly, I hated the way my mom so easily dismissed her own race like she was better than them. We barely see her side of the family. She's also the reason why I lost my childhood friends, Kiki, Jakoby, and Ramona. The moment my dad got a better job, we moved from the ghetto to the suburbs that are not too far away from where we used to live. Even if I had not gotten that scholarship to Proctor Excellence Academy, they were going to pay for my private school education either way. The pressure of becoming the Salutatorian hung over my head and I have every intention of getting it too.


That bitch hit me. She really hit me! Maddie will regret the day she was born when I get through with her. I'm going to expose everyone to who she really is.

"Kyle!" I shouted through the phone. "Yes, Raquel?" he asked sounding irritated. "When are you coming home from school?" I pouted. "Maybe the next holiday. Why? What's up?" he asked with a lot of background noise. "That's too long. I miss you" I whined. "I'll be there in a few weeks. You just keep it waxed for me" he replied making me smile. "You know I will. Anyway, I had a long day. I got in a fight with Maddie today" I said picking at my nails. "A fight? Why?" he asked nervously. "She got upset because I told her the truth" I replied. "And what truth was that?" he asked nervously again. "You're acting strange. Did I catch you at a bad time?" I asked, but not really caring about his response.

I needed my time with him, but his nervous tick was pissing me off. What was up with him anyway?

"I'll call you back, baby," I said through the phone just as I hung up.

I decided if anything could cheer me up it would be a mani and pedi session. I called Sonya to meet me there. She was all for it. Something about her mom riding her nerves about something. I swear that girl was going to end up in a psych ward after dealing with her parents for far too long.

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