My Dearest Malfoy,

By rubi426

15.4K 543 348

I suggest you read Dear Draco in order to understand this book. More


Pt. 3 Preview

967 42 41
By rubi426

SIDE NOTE: I know the original author is now writing a part 2 to Dear Draco which is exciting I can't wait to read her's. As requested I will still make a part 3 to My Dearest Malfoy. Here is a sneak peek of the first chapter. I hope you enjoy :))

Knowing your loved one is still alive after you saw her dead corpse is a thought you can't process very well. It has you thinking, is someone messing with me or is it actually her? I have been reading this letter from Isobel for the past hour trying to process everything. I'm mixed with emotions. I don't know whether to be happy or upset. The ending of the letter really confuses me, what does she mean by "So if for some reason you don't listen to me and do come find me just know I'm sorry??" Why would she apologize and not say what she has planned?

"My love, you've been reading that letter over and over again? Who sent it to you?" Hayley questioned while heading over to his side and putting her hand on his shoulder.

Draco looks up at her and places his hand on her hand. "It's from Isobel, the lov- friend, a very close friend. I thought she died but she wrote back to me?" Draco responded now reading the letter again.

He still can't believe that she's alive. The amount of joy that is forming inside him right now is immaculate. It's like fireworks exploding inside him. It's a warm feeling that he thought he'd never feel ever again.

"Isobel?" asked Hayley, trying to remember where she had heard that name. "Are you talking about Isobel Young? A very young beautiful girl with green eyes?"

Draco looks up at her "Yes her?! Why didn't you tell me she had come to visit me?" he asked standing up from his seat.

"Well she told me to not tell you she had come by until she wrote you a letter. Was I supposed to tell you?" Hayley asked, looking worried.

"Yes!! She's the love of my life?! My best friend and you didn't even bother to tell me after she left?!" yelled Draco.

Hayley looked at Draco with hurt in her eyes. Hurt by the fact that he was yelling at her and that he had said Isobel is the love of his life. Hayley looked down at her feet. "The love of your life huh? So you're saying you just married me because you thought she was dead and you wanted someone to distract you from her?" whimpers Hayley.

Draco sighs and hugs Hayley "That's not what I meant. I do love you and I would never do anything like that to you, but and will always be the love of my life." whispered Draco in her ear while rubbing her back.

Hayley looks at him with tears in her eyes and pushes him away. "You think that's supposed to make me feel better?!" cried Hayley.

"Look Hayley I just want to see her again. I just want to hug her and make sure she's alright. And yes she's the love of my life but so are you. She was my first love and I never got to say my goodbyes to her." Draco sighed "I'm going to go find her." added Draco as he grabs his cloak and wand.

"Where do you think you're going? You can't go?! What about your father and the other Death Eaters? They are still looking for you Draco? You'll get yourself killed." questioned Hayley wiping her tears away.

"Hayley I have to go find her all I want is to see her again that's it. I'll be fine. I can protect myself. Besides I don't think the Death Eaters are wasting their time looking for me in the muggle world." responds Draco as he grabs his car keys and broomstick just in case. Hayley grabs her cloak, wand and broomstick.

"What do you think you're doing?" questioned Draco

"Well you don't think you're going alone do you? We're a family Draco we stick together." smiled Hayley "Even if it means we are going to go look for your ex girlfriend or best friend, whatever?"

"What about Harry? Who's going to watch over him?" wondered Draco

"I can send someone to come and take care of him? Or we can drop him off at my mother's house while we're gone?"

"Fine. Go get Harry. I'll be in the car waiting" sighed Draco as he walks to the car and puts his stuff in the back trunk. He gets in the driver's seat and starts the car while he waits for Hayley and Harry. Hayley quickly comes out of the house with Harry and puts Harry in his car seat. She gets in the passenger seat and they drive off to drop Harry at his grandma's house.

They get to Harry's grandma's house and Hayley quickly gets Harry out the car and carries him to her mother's arms. "Draco and I are going on vacation for a little. We don't know how long but please take care of Harry, mother. We'll be back soon hopefully." smiled Hayley as she ran back to the car. "So where's our first stop?" questioned Hayley.

"Ron Weasley's house. I'm sure they know where she is" responded Draco as he heads to Ron's house.

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