Monsters in the night

By _th33_g3rm4n_girl

2.2K 48 22

Nobody can explain the sudden changes in his behaviour. Nobody gets a word out of him. Nobody knows what happ... More

Short introduction...

Some words to say

192 3 0
By _th33_g3rm4n_girl

Well, hi. I don't know how to start this off but I don't want to keep you here longer than you need to, so here we go, quick and painless: This is probably the last chaptered Ant and Dec fic that I am writing here or writing in general. I'm finishing Monsters in the night here, I know it's far from perfect but I feel like it's the best like that. I don't want to have the pressure of an unfinished fic on me when I try to turn my back to a fandom. Don't get me wrong here. I am definitely NOT leaving the AaD fandom. I am still thanking fate that I "accidently" found a video about them on YouTube in spring this year. And thanks to my curiosity that I searched for fics about them. Ant and Dec are great, inspiring people and I am never going to stop to admire and love them. But the time is coming now where I need to move on. I have no inspiration for good AaD fics, it's no writers block but I have developed and my centers of interest have changed. My username isn't related to any fandom and that is for a reason. I am a person who locks a lot of stuff in their heart, stuff that touches me emotionally and when it is like this I need to write about it. And then sometimes my heart moves on and the active writing is over. That definitely doesn't mean that Ant and Dec don't play a role in my life anymore, they do and so do the other stories that I read or will read here. 

But for me, the active AaD writing is over. I'll keep my two OS books opened, just in case my inspiration returns. You can still offer me ideas, maybe that'll be the point where I am super creative again. 

I want to take a quick moment to thank you all. I have met the most amazing people here and it's strange because I feel related to all of you - not even knowing most of your names. It feels like having anonymous friends that have no faces but an amazing character and an interest that we all share. Thank you for welcoming me to the "family" so wonderfully. Thank you for the endless support, the lovely comments and good ideas. Thank you for the messages that always made me smile. Thanks for the love.

This sounds way too dramatic. I don't want attention, don't think that of me, please. But I felt like I needed to say something. I can't just "leave". Besides, I'm not leaving. I'll go on writing, just different stuff probably. So maybe, if you want to see a different side of me, look out for other stuff. Or don't. Just keep in mind that you are amazing and I love you all. You have given so much to me.

Thanks a lot. Stay safe!x

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