My Not So Normal Life (Book 1)

By pianogirl25

584 51 4

This is a diary about a girl. She is not the average everyday girl. She may be Mormon, but sometimes she does... More

Shh! Don't Tell
Jazz Band
A Day Full of Syd
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7: The Last Day
They're Home
A Busy Day
New Years Eve
New Year's Day
Best Dance Ever
Lethbridge Trip
Back To School
A Good Day
Happy Birthday Mike
Best Day of The Week
New Problem, New Job
Adventures At Mike's House
An Exhausting Day
A Crappy Week A Horrible Day
Last Day of Finals
Fun At Syd's
An Off Day
What A Day!
Valentine's Day
Finally An Eventful Sunday
First Time
Never Bored With Syd Around
My Birthday
Party Day
A Crazy Day

Back To Normal

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By pianogirl25

January 29 2015,
Today was a pretty eventful day. This morning I had to get up at 9 to babysit my little siblings for an about two hours.
After babysitting I got invited to go over to Cade's to hang with him, Mike and Dawn. Honestly, I wasn't looking forward to it, because I knew it was going to be awkward. Mike had found out that I had a mini crush on him. I had accidentally told him when I was texting him. I had been texting him and Mae at the same time, and I accidentally sent Mike a text that was meant for Mae.
I had to walk to Cade's house. It may be the middle of winter, but the weather right now is actually super nice. It got up to a high of 10 today. I actually ended up wearing shorts! Never thought that would happen during the middle of winter!
At Cade's house I tried to make it super obvious that I didn't have a crush on Mike anymore. I kept mentioning that I really REALLY like Syd.
The thing that made me come to a conclusion that I absolutely didn't like Mike, was when I hugged him. Yesterday I was sad and depressed, so I asked for a hug. I honestly felt absolutely no spark. That's when I knew he wasn't the one for me!
I ended up having to explain to Mike why I didn't like him, and he said he understood. But I know that I really did hurt him. I just hope he respects my choice of choosing Syd over him, and doesn't act like a jerk about it.
I left Cade's house at 4:30 to go to piano. It was weird that I still had to go to piano, even though I didn't have school. But I LOVE my piano teacher. She is pretty young, and she acts like a teenager. She makes piano a whole ton of fun! I can always count on her to cheer me up!
After piano, I got invited to go out to Mike's, but I decided not to go. I have been spending WAY too much time with him lately. Instead I ended up babysitting my little brothers again!
I can't wait for tomorrow, I have plans to hang out with Jen. She just hasn't gotten back to me with the plans yet. I'll just have to text her in the morning, but I'm pretty sure it's a go!
I really miss Syd right now' I haven't seen him since Tuesday. I know that was only two days ago, but it's been especially hard not being able to hang out with him without Mike being there. I'm just hoping that he'll be able to hang with Patrick, Mae and I on Saturday!
Good night Diary,
~ Joy

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