A Mistaken Kiss

By Kissmyoops3

6.6M 58.9K 8.8K

Joanna(Joey) has spent most of her life since her parents' divorce caring for her three year old brother, Mas... More

A Mistaken Kiss
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32~ The End
Oh you guys...
Info about the "Sequel"

Chapter 20

187K 1.7K 432
By Kissmyoops3

I could feel someone nestled against my back, arms wrapped around my waist. I felt warm air brush past my neck. I shifted a little, trying to get a little wiggle-room. Jason pulled back, allowing me to roll over and face him.

            He looked down at me, his arm resting gently on my waist. I could feel my cheeks stained with tears, make-up smearing down.

            “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked

            I shook my head no “Not yet”

            “Alright, sweetie”

            I buried my head against his chest. Jason wrapped his arms around me, rolling me on top of him. He rubbed my back gently.

            I pulled away, sitting up next to him on the bed. I ran a hand across my cheek, trying to get rid of some of the make-up. I sighed, realizing it was useless. Jason had seen me just as bad. I couldn’t care at the moment how I looked.

            He looked up at me, giving me a sympathetic smile “It was a nice surprise seeing you in my bed.”

            I snorted, rolling my eyes.

            “Maybe if you had had a little less clothing on, it would’ve been better” He teased, tugging at the end of my shirt.

            I cracked a smile “Shut up”

            “I’m just saying” He held his hands up innocently. I gave another eye roll, punching him lightly. He pouted, caressing his arm as if I actually hurt him.

            “You’re such a pervert” I said

            He laughed “You act so innocent sometimes, Joey”

            “Yeah, well…” I trailed off, not knowing how to finish it.

            “So what made you ditch school for my empty house?” He asked after a moment of silence.

            “I… just needed somewhere to go” I said, only half telling the truth.

            Jason looked at me, waiting for me

            “And I called in sick at school so I couldn’t go back home.” I said “I also told you I’d be coming over”

            “You said tonight not after school”

            I rolled my eyes “What? Don’t you love me? Some pretend boyfriend you are…”

            “Oh please” He laughed, wrapping an arm around my waist “You’re so hurtful sometimes Joey. I’m the best pretend boyfriend you’ll ever have”

            “Damn right that is” I giggled “You’re the only pretend boyfriend I’m going to have”

            He sighed, sitting up. Jason pulled me over so that I sat on his lap, my legs wrapping around him. I felt my heart speed up at our close proximity. Jason wrapped his arms around me, keeping me in place. I rested mine on his shoulders, biting my lip.

            “Joey” He whispered, looking at me secretly “What’s wrong?”

            “I’m such a screw up” I said, not looking at him.

                “Like fuck you are” He growled “What made you think that?”

                “I can’t win in life. I just can’t freaking win” My voice cracked slightly “Chase has cancer. They say chemotherapy’s not working. They say it back fired. They say he’s going to…”

                I choked on my words, unable to finish.

                Jason understood, rubbing my lower back with his hands “Jeesh, Joey. That’s just awful. If there’s anything you want me to do to help…”

                “I just need someone”

                “I’m here for you, sweetie”

                I bit my lip, looking at him. He really was amazing. He knew how my lifestyle was like currently. He understood the pain I’d feel knowing I was losing a family member. He was just amazing. I knew Jason would always be there for me if I needed him. I could trust him. He was just….

                Jason smiled after a few moments, confused.

                “Do I have something on my face?”

                “I like you”

                My eyes widened once I said. I clamped a hand over my mouth, hoping that he hadn’t heard. Jason laughed at me.

                “I like you too Joey”

                “No Jason… I…” I trailed off. “I uh… I really like you”

                “I really like you too” He teased. He didn’t get it. He thought I was just talking in general. He didn’t understand that I was talking more than friends.

                I don’t know what came over me, but in that moment, I spilled everything.

                “No, Jason” I said “I like you. A lot. Like a boyfriend-girlfriend way. I mean, I really like you. You’re so fucking cute when you’re confused and you’re always there for me when I’m down! Like right now. You’re a goofball and you’re just amazing! I want to hold hands and cuddle and be like a real couple and right now I just want to fucking kiss you! You must think I’m a total loser now—”

                Jason pressed his lips against mine, stopping me. I was frozen in surprise for a few seconds before my eyelids fell shut and my mouth moved with his. Jason pulled me closer to him so that our chests nearly touched. I gripped at the fabric on his shirt as his lips molded with mine. He nipped at my bottom lip, biting gently.

                He pulled away before we could go any further.

                I blushed furiously, embarrassed “Oh my gosh, shit, Jason. I’m so sorry! Did I do something wrong? Shit, I’m sorry Jason! Oh crap, I’m so freaking embarrassed. I can’t believe I said all that! You weren’t supposed to know. I didn’t want to screw anything up between us. And crap, you pulled away. Did I do something wrong? I’m so sorry Ja—”

                Jason pulled me down to his lips again. I smiled this time, kissing him back.

                “Stop talking” He mumbled against my lips.

                I laughed, pulling away. Jason grinned back at me. We were still close together, but neither of us dared to move.

                I stopped laughing as soon as I remembered this morning. I’d done the same thing with Caden. I pulled away from him entirely, turning so that my back faced him. I was such a slut.

                “Joey?” Jason asked. I could hear the hurt in his voice “Did I do something wrong?”

                I groaned, leaning back so that I laid on his bed “No! That’s the thing! It was so incredibly right”

                He laughed, brushing my bangs out of my face “Then why’d you pull away?”

                “Jase…” I whispered, feeling my face getting hot “Uh… Caden kissed me this morning. For the third time”

                Jason frowned deeply with a sigh. “Three?”

                I nodded.

                “Who kissed who?”

                “He kissed me. Every time” I said honestly. I could tell Jason was a little upset about this, but he deserved to know.

                “I don’t like the thought of you kissing that disgusting thing” Jason muttered.

                I laughed at his tone “Jealous?”

                “Maybe a little” He smirked, leaning over top of me. Jason stopped just far enough from my face so that the edges of his hair touched my skin.

                “So are you mad at me?” I whispered “Cause technically I cheated on you”

                “We were only a pretend couple”

                “‘Were’?” I questioned with a smirk.

                Jason realized his mistake at my comment with wide eyes “I mean.. uh… are.”

                “I think I like ‘were’ better” I giggled, leaning up and pecking his lips “But uh… here’s the thing, Jase—”

                “There’s always a ‘but’ with you…” He muttered

                “Shut up! No there’s not!” I laughed, giving him a playful shove “Wouldn’t it be a little creepy if we went out? I mean, Cody and Hannah are kind of in a relationship right now…”

                He groaned “Well, Caden thinks we’re dating.”

                “But still…”

                “Fine. We won’t technically date” He grumbled. I laughed, surprised by how much this actually bugged him. “But can we at least fool around and stuff?”

                “What do you mean ‘fool around’?” I asked.

                “I think you damn well know what I mean” He said, kissing the corner of my mouth. “And I think you damn well better stop kissing Caden”

                “It’s not like I’ve got a sign saying ‘Caden kiss me’ on my back!” I growled “He just does it”

                “Want me to have a word with him?” Jason teased.

                “No! You’ll embarrass the fuck out of me!”

                Jason laughed at my reaction.

                “Thanks Jason” I smiled, my fingers playing with his hair “I really had a shitty day. Thanks for making it better”

                “That’s what I’m here for”

                “Will you….” I stopped, realizing how foolish it was “Never mind”



                “Joey” He pushed


                “Tell me!”

                I hesitated “Will you come with me to visit Chase in the hospital Saturday?”

                “Of course baby” He smiled.

                I grinned stupidly at the nickname. “You’re awesome”

                “So I’ve been told” He winked

                “Shut up! You’re so conceited!” I laughed.

                “Are you staying the night?”

                I shook my head “Can you drive me home around nine?”

                He groaned, laying back next to me “If I must…”

                “What time is it?”


                I raised my eyebrows “Damn…”

                “You slept like a log” He teased “Snored louder than a truck”

                “Shut up!” I frowned “I don’t snore”

                He kissed my cheek “I know”

                “You’re such an asshole sometimes, Jase” I smiled innocently.

                He rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around my stomach. I rolled into him so that my face was hidden by his chest.

                I felt like a load had been lifted off my shoulder. With all the craziness going around, it felt good that I didn’t have to hide anything from Jason. He knew I liked him and surprisingly, he liked me back. If Cody and Hannah ever broke up, I knew that Jason and I would get together.

                I knew I’d have Jason for whenever I went to visit Chase.

                I pulled away, sitting up slowly “I’m going to take a shower. I feel like shit right now”

                “I’ll join you” Jason grinned, sitting up with me

                “Oh no you will not” I flicked his nose.

                He pouted “What happened to fooling around?”

                “Not in the shower”

                “You’re no fun…”

                I smiled sweetly and pecked his cheek. “Oh and by the way, Jason, I believe you owe me something”

                “And what would that be?” He asked curiously.

                “Well, you did promise that if I let you meet Caden you get me something in return…”

                He raised an eyebrow in confusion.

                “You promised me that you would buy me a dime or so…”

                “Oh did I now? I don’t recall”

                “You did” I said “And you said it would be all mine”

                He sighed “You’re right. I’ll get it once I get paid, alright baby?”

                “Oh hey, can you buy me a new bowl?” I asked “You know how we smashed mine and all the last time…”

                “You know, you could always get Chase to buy you some. Can’t he get legal medical marijuana?” Jason asked, trying to get out of it.

                “I’m sure he would, but I want it from you, mister”

                “Fine, fine”

                I smiled sweetly, standing up. Jason pinched my ass as I walked past him. I let out a small squeal, closing the door behind me.

                I sighed happily as I started the water. Who knew I could go from such a horrid mood to such a happy mood in a few hours?

                Jason was amazing. And even if we weren’t actually dating, it felt nice knowing he liked me back. All that time in the dark really took a toll on me.

                And now I had to make sure that I didn’t let Caden kiss me anymore.

                I thought about it for a moment, pulling out my phone.

                I told Jason that we’ve kissed. Don’t do it again. Ever

                I set my phone on the counter before going into the warm water pouring out. It felt incredibly relaxing and soothing. I stood underneath the pouring water for a few moments before I put any product into my hair. I prolonged my leave of the shower to as long as I could get before the hot water ran out.

                I didn’t think while I was in there. I kept my mind clear of any thoughts. It felt nice. I didn’t worry about Caden’s response or Chase or anything. I kept myself in my neutral state of mind, perfectly content.

                Finally, when the water started to cool, I turned it off, wrapping a towel around my body. I dried myself off a little bit, checking my phone for a response.


                I quietly slipped down the hallway back into Jason’s room. He was sitting on his bed still, grinning like an idiot when I walked it.

                I blushed furiously, grabbing some of his clothes to change into. I tried to keep the towel covering as much of me as I could as I changed with him in the room. It was different this time. I’d done it before when we were both friends, but now, after having confessed to him…

                I could feel the sexual tension between us.

                Jason waited until I had his sweatpants on and a bra before coming over and hugging my back into his chest. I tried to pull back, but he kept me there.

                “I think you should forget about a shirt” he whispered into my ear.

                “Aren’t our parents downstairs?” I asked

                He shrugged “So? They’re not up here”

                “Jason, let go. I have to get a shirt on”

                “No” He whined, tightening his grip. Jason lifted me up, twirling me around in his arms. I giggled as he set me back down. “You’re so sexy sometimes, Joey”

                “Really now” I grinned devilishly, turning around to face him.

                He nodded, looking down at me lustfully.

                “Definitely” He whispered, pressing his lips gently against mine. I pulled away quickly, grabbing a shirt.

                Jason pouted as I slipped it on. I pinched his cheeks “You look fucking adorable”

                “Just adorable?”

                I pretended to think for a moment “Hmm… Yes”

                Jason laughed, wrapping an arm around my shoulders “Come, Joey. Let’s go get dinner or something”

                “Let me at least brush my hair out!”

                He groaned “Girls and their hair…”

                “I’ll meet you down there in like, five minutes, ok?”

                He smacked my ass before turning around and walking away. I bit my lip, smiling.

                Yeah, Jason definitely was amazing. 

***, I want to make a note that everything I say about Chase's cancer is based purely off of research. I've [thank the Lord] not lost anyone to cancer who is close to me but I do know quite a few friends that either are losing or have lost someone.

I was inspired by them.
May a miracle come upon all those fighting cancer.
Also, I thought I'd give you all a happy chapter because I don't know how many left we're going to have =) Haha, just kidding! This won't be a sobstory. 

Oh and Americans, Steelers or Packers?(:

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