Joy, peace, and love (perpoll...

By Vintage_Venus

42.1K 1.1K 849

Joy, peace, and love the main things in a Christmas story involving Percy and Apollo! 25 days of perpollo. C... More

➴ Owing the moon ➴
➴ Our dear child ➴
➴ Making better wishes ➴
➴ Apollo's aesthetic is midwestern dad ➴
➴ The man with a fairy on his head ➴
➴ Stealing Estelle ➴
➴ Percy is the real life Grinch ➴
➴ Skater boys ➴
➴ At artemis's ➴
➴ Apollo's perfect day ➴
➴ We need to have Christmas more often! ➴
➴ Percy's boyfriend makes architecture ➴
➴ 1am things ➴
➴ I think we can all agree on hating Ares ➴
➴ PDA isn't a crime ➴
➴ Christmas shopping things ➴
➴ Movie nights ➴
➴ The tragedy of Apollo ➴
➴ Why did I make this a romcom? ➴
➴ Apollo jr. ➴
➴ Apollo is actually in middle school ➴
➴ Apollo is literally my idol ➴
➴ Artemis is now my Idol ➴
➴ 'Twas the night before Christmas perpollo version ➴

➴ Apollo's present ➴

1.1K 30 30
By Vintage_Venus

Howdy partner

Apollo's POV:

I knocked on the apartment's door with a wrapped gift in my two hands. I had never been in this apartment before, I hoped this was the right address. It had to be the right one though... I was never wrong.

It was Christmas Day, it had snowed in Manhattan last night making it a white Christmas. Personally I didn't like white Christmases, I didn't even like snow, maybe I even loathed it. It was cold therefore I would never like it. I didn't get how people went outside to mess around in it for fun. 

The white apartment door opened, a women with brown hair opened the door with a grin on her face. I gave her one of my best striking grins. 

Her eyes flashed in confusion, she was probably wondering why someone was out on Christmas. "I'm a friend of Percy's. May I see him?" I answered her unasked question.

"Sure you can. He's in his room at the moment." I took it that she was Percy's mom. The mother opened the door wider and moved over so I could slide in without too much of the snow getting in the apartment. "Down the hall and to the left." The women pointed down a hallway. I gave her my thanks and followed her directions.

I heard a man from the living room ask who was at the door and a younger voice ask if it was one of her teachers asking Percy out. Percy's mother said that there were no teachers at the door and that it was only a friend of Percy's. The younger voice said that she could've swore that one of her teachers were gay, and was madly in love with Percy.

To not intrude on Percy's privacy a gave a few raps on the door stepping back trying to keep my cool. I could hear some shuffling from inside the room before Percy opened the door, his hair looking more crazier than normal. But in a good way. It was cute on him, like it was after sex hair.

"L- Lord Apollo." Percy eyes widened before bowing down quickly. "What are you doing here. Please tell me it's not a quest." He looked at me wide eye, fear showing in them.

"Can't a God just visit one of his friends." I asked. A few weeks ago while I was looking down at mortals and Gods alike, as one does, I overheard a probably really private conversation of Percy confessing to Annabeth that he had a crush on me. Who was I to turn down my crush, but maybe his crush from a few weeks ago had dissolved. Maybe he hated me now, not that I could see why. I mean just look at me.

"I guess." Percy said unsure, rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you wanna come in my room?"

"Why Percy, I haven't even been here for 5 minutes and you're already inviting me into your room." I smirked, wiggling my eyebrows at him. The son of Poseidon blushed a fierce red. The demigod was really cute when he blushed and I planned on making him do that action more often. 

I still walked into his room shoving the present in his arms, before jumping on his bed. It smelt just like him, the sea, the sweetness, and other scents that I couldn't put my nose on, they were all sugary smells. It was nice.

"Can I open it?" Percy asked me already picking at one of the pieces of tape. Percy was sitting on the end of his bed looking up at me.

"It's your gift not mine." I told him leaning back against one of his pillows. Percy smiled at the gift and unwrapped it without a care.

Percy looked at the gift and looked at me with his head cocked to the side. "I asked Hephaestus to make you a demigod friendly phone, but you can't have social media on it because the monsters have those platforms monitored, just like we do. You can have music, phoning friends, texting, and taking picture." I smiled at demigod twirling one of my golden curls around my finger, starting to feel subconscious about the gift.

"That's sweet, Apollo." Percy told me with a big grin on his face. By the look on his face you could tell that no one had given him something like this before. "You didn't have to do that for me though."

"Of course I did, Perce." Another blush appeared on his face again at the nickname, his friends called him that all the time but he never blushed at them... I came to the conclusion that he still had some feelings for me. "There's something under the package by the way." I told him getting more nervous by the second.

He picked up the folded piece of paper, his interest peaking. The teen unfolded it looking at the words with his eyebrows scrunched. The black haired boy looked up at me with a bit of embarrassment in his eyes. "Can you read it out loud for me? Dyslexia."

"I forgot about that. Sorry Perce." I picked the paper up clearing my throat. "So this has been hard to say so I'll put it in an amazing haiku! I think I'm in love. You maybe asking whom. Why it's you of course." I looked back at the half God, I was very proud of my haiku. Poseidon's son was blushing a dark color of red.

I was about to ask him his opinion on the note but was interrupted when I had an armful of the teen, his lips being gently pushed against mine. I pulled the boy closer to my chest, it felt even better than I imagined having the boy in my arms.

"You like me?" Percy asked me once we broke away from the tender kiss.

"How couldn't I?" Percy blushed from his spot in my lap, digging his head in my shoulder. I felt a content smile on my face, I could get used to this.

I enjoyed writing this one!

A plus, I'm starting to like my pale skin, people used to call me Casper the ghost HDSHHSSHSHS.


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