UA Traitor (?) - finished

By sakura19961000

47.4K 1.1K 144

It was a normal day at UA High for Midoriya and his friends but suddenly the police came into class 1-A. They... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

Part 22

615 22 0
By sakura19961000

Deku PoV

"What do you mean 'how I got my quirk'? I was born with it, like everyone else, didn't I?"

"No Deku, you were indeed quirkless back then. Around a year ago, well it should be more by now, you met All Might the first time. He knew he was getting weaker everyday almost, so he searched for a succesor. Then he met you. At first he told you, you couldn't become a hero, because you're quirkless...."

I can't hear the rest he's saying because the headache starts again.

"C-Can someone without a quirk become a hero?" A younger version of me askes. "No I don't think you can become one without a quirk. It's just to dangerous. It's good to have dreams, but sometime you have to face reality. You should join the police if you want to help." With that the skelleton figure of All Might left the roof.

"-ku! Deku! Hey!!"

"I-I'm ok."

"Really? Your face says otherwise."

"HUh?" Suddenly I feel something wet at my face and touch my cheek. I'm crying. Again. I hate it, showing myself so weak. "I-It's ok. I just remembered that moment. I don't know why I'm crying, I don't even want to be a hero."

"Well but back then you wanted to. Anyways what was the last thing you heard?"

"Oh last thing I heard was All Might saying I can't become a hero without a quirk."

"Ok after that I was attacked by a slime villain, you were attacked by it earlier, that's how you came in touch with All Might. Well I hate to admit it, but that villain was about to kill me and the villains couldn't do anything, because their quirks didn't work. Then all of a sudden you rushed in and tried to save me. Of course it didn't work, but you inspired All Might so he could jump in and save us both." He pauses for a moment. Probably to wait if a memorie hits me and well it did!

I see Bakugou inside of a slime thing. Obviously he cant breath because that slime thing covers his mouth and nose. Bakugou's quirk isn't working. Suddenly he looks in my direction and the look in his eyes, he looks like he is asking for help! I rush in past the pro heroes and the watching people. I throw my bag at that slime thing and try to get Kacchan out. He yells at me and I only answear what I saw in his eyes. While I was crying I say "You looked as if you were asking for help." Then mine and Kacchans arms were grabed. The last thing I hear before I faint is someone screaming "Smash" and a giant blow. Then everything went black for some time.

I let my head go and look at Ba- Kacchan. "It's ok again, continue."

"You shure? You look pretty pale by now."

"I'm fine just go on."

"As you wish. So well after he saved us I was praised for how brave I was and you were scolded for your recklessness. Later that day All Might searched for you and told you, you actually can become a hero. He told you the secret behind his quirk. It is a pretty old quirk that was passed from one peron to another and he chose you to be the next succsessor of one for all."

I'm on my way home as suddenly All Might walks around a corner in his muscle form? Then he transforms in his scelleton form and spits some blood. He looks me in the eyes after that and starts to speak: " Young Midoriya your actions earlier inspired me. You know there are some top heroes and their history starts with the same sentence. Their body moved on it's own before even thinking about it. So young Midoriya yes I think you can become a hero." By this sentence I am on my knees crouching at the ground, crying like a baby. "You will be my successor, I offer you my quirk. I know you want to say that's impossible, but my quirk is an excaption. My quirk was passed down for many generations now. It stocks the power of every inheritant before. So young Midoriya I offer you my quirk, will you take it?" "Y-Yes please."

"Hey you sure you want me to continue? The most important part is done."

"N-No I want to continue, please." I pant a little. I have to admit I get dizzy, but I want to know everything.

"Don't blame me later on. After he offerd his quirk to you, you had to train for 10 monthes and finally gain some muscles. Then you needed to take in some kind of DNA from All Might, so he let you eat his hair."

"Wait a second! I ate All Mights hair. That's gross."

"I know but you did. What other way would you chose? Kiss him?"

"Ew no!!" suddenly a memory again.

I run around and clean a beach. I train really hard for some monthes, even over did it and got scolded by All Might. In the end I scream at the top of a now clean beach. All Might stands infront of me and pulls one hair out. He helds it up infront of my face wih the words: "eat this!" "Huh?" I look dumbfolded at him. After he explains something about the quirk has to be passed down by DNA or something like that I really ate his hair.

"I think I'm gonna throw up."

"Hey don't! Keep it in."

"You didn't just see yourself eating the hair of someone." I sigh "Don't worry, I'm not actually going to throw up, but I feel like it. What happened after? I want to think about something else."

"Fine, but we stop after the next memory. You look like sh*t. So after that you went to the UA entrance exam. Because we came from the same middle school we were seperated at the physical test. Because you couldn't use your quirk, well you used it but couldn't handle it. We were fighting against some robots and the robots had points on them. You didn't know how to use your quirk so you had no points at destroying the robots. I heard that gravity b*tch were in trouble and about to be crushed by one of the giant 0 point robots. You jumped in and saved her, but because of the sudden out burst you broke your legs and your right arm. This gravity girl saved you from falling on the ground like a rock. Luckily for you we have recovery girl. She healed you. And well because of rescue points you got into UA." He waits again and looks if something happens and well what should I say. It did.

I run inside a fake city. Crashing and exploding sounds around me and a lot of broken robots on the ground. //Damn it I don't even got one point. How do I use one for all.// Suddenly a giant robot appears and the other people start running away from it. I fall down on my butt. Just as I wanted to run away I hear a scream behind me. I turn around to see that girl with short brown hair, who saved me from falling. She's stuck under some rocks and can't move her leg. The giant robot will crush her any second. Again without thinking I jump, unconscioussly using one for all. I jump very high and punch the robot in the face(?). After that I start falling down. I notice my arm and both legs are broken. I think about a way to land on the gound without dying. Then I get a slap in the face and just before the ground I stop. And after I hear someone say "Release" I finally fall to the ground, without hurting even more. I focus all my strengh left and try to creep forward. "One point. J-Just one point. I-I need-..." *Beep* The signal goes off and tells us the exam is over. As I realise that it was over and I'm sure I failed. The adrenalin in my veins runs of and everything went black.

"I-I remember t-the entrence-...." I fall onto my bed and everything went black. I think I passed out. Probably that was to much for my brain.

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