Midnight - Dean Ambrose (WWE)
12:00 am
Bray has a problem with Roman. No one really understands the real issue that he has with the Samoan. All that had really happened between the two is Roman beat Bray to keep his spot in the Money In The Bank ladder match. Bray wants to make it personal, by going after something close to Roman. Someone close to him. T...
Sami is in hospital after Kevin Owens brutal attack after Sami won the title of Adrian Neville at NXT Arrival. Sami doesn't remember what happened other than remembering winning the match. It's up to his best friend Adrian to tell him what happened. Sami asks if Adrian will stick by him after everything that had happ...
What do you think will happen after Smosh ends? Well, Ian thought Smosh never would end. As soon as Anthony married Kalel and moved away to aspire an acting career, it left Ian in a trance. He was left on his own to make videos. It wasn't the same without Anthony. Over the years, Ian became very mentally unwell. He a...
FINISHED Jon hurt himself, to try and distract the pain in his heart. He watched himself, Bleed.