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  • Not Dead
    1.2K 82 3

    Basically Connor faked his death, this is due to the Murphy's having plans set to fake their deaths if needed. Connor ends up living in England whilst the events of the musical happen and, with some coaxing from his cousin, returns 3 months after everything has "blown over" to fuck with everyone's heads. Zoe and Evan...

  • Midnight letters//klance soulmates au
    83.2K 2.9K 10

    Lance and Keith live in a world where your 'soulmate' and you are connected by skin. Whatever you write on yours, appears on theirs. One rule- you're not able to write your name. ---- - BIG ASS DISCLAIMER: I started writing this before Shiro was confirmed gay, in a time when Shallura was incredibly popular, so it i...

  • Klutz [Abandoned for Now]
    28.9K 1.1K 27

    Klance Dance AU Lance very literally stumbles into his first dance class with a pretty boy he's been eyeing through the window for a while. But something's off. The pretty boy with all smiles seems angry at the world. Lance wants to know why. Why is he so grumpy at the world? Why does he fake his smile? ...

  • Klance - Heat
    1.4M 37.9K 18

    1 week power-saving drill. The heats off. 3 blankets, 2 pairs have to share a bed. Lance is warm. (i was 14/15 when i wrote this, i'm now 20 and really wish i had the patience to go through and edit this story because i did my favourite character keith a HUGE injustice im so sorry my main man 😔)
