-Lightning's mighty crash creates fire, but the sun will shine soon after the rains have passed- ⚡ A young bengal tom finds himself wrapped into destiny's claws within the territories of Thunderclan with nothing but his courage & faith into StarClan to drive him forward. A plume of unexpected events plays out, though all by StarClan's watch. Prophecies unleash in to a spin of fate for Thunderclan, all with a mystery of Lightningshine's past, that is waiting to be cracked & revealed. ⚡ /Lightningshine & his family are characters that I own, along with a few others in the story like Trauma/ Crowshadow & his siblings are owned by RedCrave on Instagram/ Willowtail is owned by x-casey-x/This story has been inspired by FighterTiger14's WarriorCat's-rp, based on Erin Hunter's novel series./Many characters in this story are owned by their respectful owners./