44 capítulos Concluído What if you discovered a world like no other, but knew no way back? And yet, the only way to stay- and survive- was by leaving your past self behind, body and mind?
From a small town on the panhandle of Florida, Kylie and Celeste are two fraternal twins tired of being bullied; Beatrice is an embittered fourteen-year-old dissatisfied with her home life; and Mina is a young, yet astute girl determined to uncover a family mystery long forgotten...
The four girls, whose paths would have never crossed, find themselves in the midst of a mysterious railroad tunnel. With an inkling for adventure, they enter, only to emerge in a world straight out of a fantasy novel, a country called Alysia. It isn't long, however, before they find themselves in the middle of a decades-long Civil War between the forces of Heaven- Arcadia- and Hell- Abaddonia... and realize that going home isn't going to be as simple as they believe. The road home would be more than just a yellow brick road traversed in ruby slippers; in order to survive, they will have to grow up- in more ways than just one.
With no other choice, each finds herself wrapped up in the adventure of a lifetime as, together, they fight to stay true to themselves. For Kylie, Celeste, Beatrice, and Mina, it would indeed be a while before they could ever turn back.
A/N: Thank you to everyone who checks out my story. I hope that you enjoy following these girls as they go through each of their own journeys.
~Cover design by me~