DIL ◆Love =fresh flowers. ◆Journey of flower petals- each one telling its own story. ◆We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love. ◆A union of two hearts is like a rose, the beauty of which increases with the number of its petals WHATS INSIDE THIS BOOK - Just like a flower has lots of petals this book has also some short stories and every story is different from another. some of them are sweet 😋 some of them are sad 😔 some of them are emotional 😭 some of them are tragedic 🤫 some of them are clingy 😬 some of them are sensual 🔥 some of them are cousin marraige 💑 some of them are arrange mandatory ♥️ some of them are love marraige ❣️ some of them are college stories 🧡 some of them are professor - student love story 💙 some of them are cool 💦 some of them are hot ♨️ peep into know more 👀