In a war-torn city, Harry finds himself alone after a devastating missile strike takes his family. Struggling with the weight of his loss, he encounters Louis, a compassionate volunteer determined to help him heal. As they navigate the aftermath of destruction together, their bond deepens into a profound love. From the wreckage of their pasts, they embark on a journey of resilience, finding solace in each other. Their story unfolds amidst chaos and despair, transforming a broken shelter into a home filled with hope, laughter, and the promise of a brighter future together. Through love and music, they learn that even in the darkest times, the heart can rebuild and thrive.
Started on 01-10-2024
a world where you don't see colours until you meet your soulmate. Harry is waiting for his one true love for the last twenty two years. In this colourless world will harry ever meet his soulmate?
an a/u where louisandharry are two normal lads and are trying to find love in a colourless world.
Harry is the Moon and Louis is the Sun or Louis is an tattoo artist and Harry a soon to be psychologist.
the description sucks :) i'm sorryyy