10. Almost

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I keep staring into his eyes, not daring to respond.

J: 'Fuck'

He leans down and kisses me. I immediately kiss him back and after a minute, he bends down a little more and picks me up. He takes me to his room and closes the door. He gently lays me on his bed and pulls back.

J: 'Do you want too?'

Y: 'A little nervous but yeah'

He smiles and kisses my nose. He sits next to me and I sit up slightly.

J: 'Tell me why your nervous'

Y: 'Where you nervous your first time?'

J: 'No I was hyped to be honest'

I giggle.

Y: 'I can imagine that, I'm kind of nervous cause I've heard girls the day after their first time saying it hurt really bad and they bled a bit,'

J: 'Ok one, yeah it does hurt a bit at the start because you've never had a dick inside you, and it hurts/aches for a minute or two so you can adjust to it, and two, some girls do bleed slightly their first time, and it's not even alot of blood if you did, plus not all girls do bleed and that's completely normal'

I smile at him.

Y: 'Are you sugar coating this so I'll agree'

Josh smiles and ruffles his hair.

J: 'No lmao, that is what happens, plus I have a lot of experience in this subject'

I laugh.

Y: 'Of course you do,'

He smiles and lean down to kiss your forehead.

J: 'So do you want to or not? Cause I'm completely fine if your waiting for the right person or marriage or something'

Y: 'I've been waiting until I find someone I can completely trust with seeing my body, someone who trusts my boundaries, someone who I know isnt gonna think of it as a one night stand,'

Josh nods.

J: 'Seems sensible and now I wish I had that advice when I lost mine,'

Y: 'Who did you lose yours too?'

J: 'My girlfriend at the time but she had already had sex before and to be honest it was kind of a big deal for me and she just thought of it as just sex,'

Y: 'That's what I've been afraid of'

J: 'So can I put in a good word for you losing your virginity to Josh Richard's? I mean hes a really nice guy'

I burst out laughing and lay back on the pillow.

Y: 'Depends, I might,'

He giggles and ruffles his hair again.

Y: 'Then I remember that I'm only wearing a thong and a bra'

Josh bursts out laughing.

J: 'I was wondering when you were gonna realise that, feels good knowing that you knew you could trust me'

I giggle.

Y: 'Stop using my own advice against me'

He laughs again and ruffles his hair for like the 5th time.

Y: 'Do you ruffle your hair when your nervous?'

J: 'Yeah, its a really bad habit I have'

I smile.

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