Chapter 17 ~ Picnic~!

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AN: Hey guys~!!!! Hope you guys have a great day and week ahead of you~!!!! Here's to another great week ahead of all of us!!!

As I’ve expected.

Hehehe~ Wanna guess who got the record of completing her etiquette and preliminary lessons the fastest~?

Too slow! It’s… (insert drum roll here) ME!!!!!!!!

Are you surprised~?

It took me around three months to complete all of them, which is one of the, if not, the fastest record in history! I think Alexus had also completed his since he began early, and it took him around 7-8 months. Hehehe~ I win this one, Alexy~

Well, the preliminary lessons were too easy for me since they only covered elementary and middle school level lessons. For this young lady who had conquered the basics of calculus, they were no match.

As for etiquette lessons, that took quite a while since there’s a lot of it. But, I had managed to perfect it very quickly since I’d just mimic my mother’s flawless and elegant movements~

I’m not as busy as I thought I would be since I could just complete everything the teachers give me quickly, and I would have my free time. During that time, I’d be training my magic or doing some exercise to improve my stamina and physical abilities. 

The self-defense training with Noir’s dad will start in a few weeks. Oh, and I’ll also be doing it with Luke, right. 

The magic training with Lady Lawliela will start alongside my self-defense training. I’ll have self-defense training one week, then magic training the next week, repeating that schedule. 

Honestly, I’m more confident with my magic. Since I liked training magic more, I inevitably spend more time with it. Now, I could use several offensive magic like water spear and ice spear, as well as defensive spells like ice wall and healing water. I’ve also improved my fine mana control and make a thick soft-serve. 

What? Even though it’s still thicker than gelato and I can’t call it ice cream yet, I’m still improving very quickly you know! J-Just disregard the many bowls of frozen milk and ice cream mix!

On my day offs, Alexus would still come over to the mansion and hang out. We’d sometimes hang out together with my cute baby little sister angel Kiara, Lu-nii, or sometimes just the two of us. Apparently, he had matched his lesson schedules with mine. I don’t even know how he could find out about my schedule in the first place...

...Let’s not think about it.

To celebrate my “graduation” from my etiquette and preliminary lessons, dad took a few days off and took mom, Lu-nii, Kiara, and me to a picnic! We will be going to a famous picnic spot, located near the edge of the royal capital. It was a government-protected space to conserve the beauty of nature in the past, which had turned into a national park and popular picnic spot amongst nobles. The scenery of nature here was just second to none, especially since we’re in the center of civilization, far from any nature. 

“Nee-cha!! Look, look! It’s the park!! So many twees!!!”

“Hehehe~ Yes, there sure are~ But don’t move around so much Kiara. It’s dangerous. We’re still in the carriage you know~?”

“Yes, nee-cha!”

Ah~ How cute~ My cute little baby angel is just so cute~

Her cute, round eyes sparkled as she looked over the windows of the carriage while sitting on my lap. 

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