Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter twenty-four

Paige and Seth lay in silence for hours; it was nice and nothing like the usual tension that clouded the air around them. It was just them content in each other’s company, he hadn’t said anything else to her since he had admitted he cared, and she hadn’t pushed him, she was too scared he would run again.

“You think too much,” he murmured next to her.

Paige looked over at him and rolled her eyes; she couldn’t help but laugh at him. The bed they were lying on was huge, but he somehow managed to spread himself over it so much that she was lying on the edge.

“Move over,” she told him prodding him in the ribs.

Seth shook his head and patted his chest for her to lay on him; he wasn’t moving anywhere he wanted to feel her closer to him, the way she was lying as far away from him as she could made him uneasy.

“Come here,” he demanded.

She was about to move closer when banging and shouting coming from the living room stopped her in her tracks. She looked at Seth who was getting up from the bed with a huff; fed up of the constant interruptions.

“Stay here, I’m going to see what’s going on. I bet its Marcus, I tell you that vampire is nothing but a drama queen!” He hissed as he opened the door.

Paige stifled a laugh; he wasn’t far off being a drama queen himself at times he was the one causing most of the problems. She sat back on the bed deciding for once it was best that she did as he wanted.

Seth opened the door to the living room and frowned at the sight in front of him, Marcus had April pinned to the wall, Nixon was trying to pull him off her and Celina was just standing there looking as confused as he was.

“What have I missed?” Seth asked in amusement.

It had to be something bad for Marcus to lose his cool, unless he was hungry again. April looked at Seth with pleading eyes, and he walked over to them slowly.

He pulled Nixon away then put his hands on Marcus’s shoulders, “Let go,” he demanded.

Marcus looked over his shoulder at Seth and shook his head, “You won’t want me to let go of her when you know what she has done!”

Seth raised his eyebrows suspiciously, “Oh and what is it that is so bad?”

Celina looked at Marcus and shook her head, silently begging him not to say anything; she didn’t doubt for a minute that Seth wouldn’t go insane if he knew. Marcus loosened his grip on April and let her slip to the floor; he took a step back and shook his head.

“I’ll let her tell you,” he spat as he walked away from her.

April looked up at Seth, the tears were streaming down her cheeks, and she was clutching her throat where Marcus’s hands had been moments ago. Seth helped her up from the floor, bent down so that he was on her level, and smiled softly.

“Come on April what have you done?” he asked gently.

He had always had a soft spot for the young witch, she was a lot like him, she was a bit of a rebel and didn’t take orders from anyone. She shook her head and started to sob harder, knowing that if she told him the truth he wouldn’t be so nice to her.

A growl from Marcus had Seth spinning around and glaring at him, “Go and calm down will you, I’ll deal with this!”

It was usually the other way round, Marcus was usually the one trying to make Seth see sense, but this time it was his turn. Marcus sulked off to the kitchen and slammed the door behind him, Seth watched as Nixon followed him and closed the kitchen door behind him.

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