18| Olympics...

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I'm such an idiot. I let Reece distract me and now I'm late for my stupid Scouts meeting. I pull my hair down out of the ponytail and shake it out.

I burst through the glass door and see Madeline and the rest of the ice skating team sitting there. I drop my bag on the seat and look to Madeline.

"How do I look?" I say applying lipgloss and throwing back into my bag.

"Like someone whose late?" Madeline says with an eye-roll.

"Did you see the back of your head?" I said and stating walking towards the back rooms. She scoffed and I turned away from her. I felt like a middle schooler but Madeline could fuck off.

I opened the glass doors to the office and Elijah was siting there with two scary looking men.

"I'm sorry I'm late." I say taking a seat next to Elijah.

"Don't worry we were just getting started." One of the men said. The one that spoke was bald. And the other had his hair gelled back with enough gel to make his head shine as much as the bald guy.

"You two are the perfect couple and team. We really think you could go all the way. But you have to put more hours in. We've seen your work and no doubt it's impressive but it could be better." I glance at Elijah.

I've known his since I was 7 years old. He's always have a crush on me and I've known it but never said anything because it helps when skating.

"We'll be talking with your coach. We'll be back at the end of January. That gives you less than 2 months to get better. Get faster..." the bald one paused. "We hope to see you two in Olympics 2025."

Once they left I turned to Elijah. "We could go to the Olympics..." I say barely above a whisper.

"I-I know. It's unreal."

I grab my bag and start walking towards my car. "Alina!" coach yelled from across the parking lot. I dropped my bag in my car and walked back inside the arena.

Most of the lights were off, the janitor was mopping the floor and coach was sitting in the bleachers. I walked up the stairs and sat down beside her.

"I need to talk to you." she said. I had known the woman for three years and I didn't know her actual name...

"Ok..." I said visibly sweating. Coach was terrifying. If she wanted to talk to you alone you should probably run in the opposite direction.

"You and this hockey player..." I buried my head in my hands. "Don't get me wrong he's a total hunk but I think he could hurt you later on and I can't bear that." she placed a hand on my arm.

"I once gave up everything for a guy. I was a bit like you. I could have gone to the Olympics but I threw it away for love. Or what I thought was love..." she whispered. "You may think he'll love you but will he follow you to the end of the earth so you can do what you have to-... need to?"

I sat in my car for an hour. I thought about what Coach said. But she was wrong, I knew if I asked Reece he would. He would follow me to the end of the earth. And that was the problem.

He couldn't give up that much for me. A text pinged and I picked up my phone.

Reece: Hey! If you're done with your meeting we could go catch a movie?

I didn't want to hurt him. But I didn't see how I could end this and either one of us come out of it unscathed...

All Yours {BOOK 1 OF THE LAURIE U SERIES}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن