Epilogue Part 2...

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The song on the side is "All I've Ever Wanted". Thought it fit perfect for this last chapter :)

4 months after wedding......

I paced back and forth in the bathroom biting my fingernails waiting impatiently for the clock to hit its mark. I have been pacing the length of the bathroom for almost 5 minutes now and my nerves have skyrocketed in that amount of time. Why does the stupid box make you wait so damn long?! The whole time I have had to wait I thought back to Ashton and I's honeymoon and everything afterwards.

Ashton had surprised me with a trip to Barbados for our honeymoon the day after the wedding. He was so secretive about it that he didn't even let me pack my own bags, he got Kacey to do it. The moment we landed I jumped in his arms remembering months before that we were talking about places we wanted to visit. I had said somewhere like Hawaii or Barbados since I've never been to a beach outside of New York.

To say the honeymoon was great was not even close, it was incredible. Ashton and I spent the first 2 days inside the hotel room, him not letting me out of the room not even food; that was delivered to us. Finally on the 3rd day we left the hotel and walked around the shops down the street trying to find stuff to bring back for Kacey, Nick, Neena, Liam, Ariel and Alex. I promised would find something whether it be a snow globe or shirt. We lounged on the beach for hours and had some of the best food I have ever eaten. Ashton even got me to try seafood which wasn't as bad as I thought.

We spent about a week an a half there before we had to leave. Work kept calling Ashton a few days before we left and I could tell he was getting anxious to get back to work, wanting to make sure everything was going good. When we left I had a great tan, and even more in love with Ashton than I ever thought possible.

He has changed so much from the guy I met over a year ago. He was more outgoing, affectionate, lively; basically the total opposite of what he use to be. Of course at work he was still strict but no to bad with me, thankfully. Even though sometimes he acted the way he use to he soon came to realize it apologizing. Allie had broken him almost beyond compare but over the last year I could see his blue eyes starting to shine again and he smiled more than he frowned.

Now as I paced the bathroom I couldn't help but wonder what he is going to do. Is he going to be angry? Is he not going to still want me? I knew these thoughts were probably stupid but I still couldn't help but think them. Yes Ashton loved me and I him but what will he think if this test shows positive? Were we even ready?

Yes as you already guessed I am taking a pregnancy test. It has been to long not having my period than I was use to, and I've thrown up two days in a row. I tried to think of when we didn't use protection weeks ago but I couldn't think of any. I mean its not like I don't want children because I do and I have even been thinking about it lately but now that I am waiting for the results I was nervous. Ashton and I just got married a few months ago and he was busy with work as was I. Layla just see what the test says before even thinking anything. For all you know it could be negative. The clock hit the 10 minutes I had to wait and I took a shaky breath before reaching for the stick. Okay this is it. I looked down and took a deep breath.

"Babe I'm home!" Ashton yelled from downstairs. I briefly heard him or his steps as he came towards the bedroom. I stared down at the pregnancy test frozen. "Layla?" He called out again. "There you are." He came into the bathroom and walking towards me. "What are you doing?"

I looked up at him my mouth wide open and my eyes.

"Layla are you okay?" He asked concerned now, he still hadn't noticed the test in my hands.

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