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-Diana's POV-

"She was fired?!" I sit up and Charlie nods.

"Why didn't she tell you?" He asks me and I slump back on the couch rubbing my hands over my face.

"She hasn't told me a lot of things, Charlie. How did you find out?" I ask him.

"My cousin is a sophomore...how do you not remember me telling you that like a billion times?" He asks offended. I stare at the tv as it plays, I look back to Charlie quickly.

"Why was she fired?" I ask. He looks at me before looking away, his mouth twitching weirdly.

"Charlie, tell me." I push his shoulder.

"I love you, Diana but that's not my place—"

"Tell me for god sake!" I raise my voice and he sighs.

"Photos...ones of you too."


"Supposedly...my cousins 'friend' sent photos to the principal, I don't know how she got them but she said there's photos of you." He says with a worried look on his face.

"What photos, Charlie?...." I ask and he frowns.


"Yeah, I know me but...Do...Do I have clothes on?" I feel my face heating up as I look at him, his expression tells me what I need to know.

"She didn't even tell me! Photos of me were sent around and she didn't tell me that!" I shout getting up off the couch as I feel my blood beginning to boil.

"They weren't sent around, only a few people saw and Mrs Daniels—"

I hear the front door opening, it's almost ten o clock. It's my first day home and I'm more stressed than I am at Yale.


"No, don't darling me—not now, Natalie!" I shout as she walks into the living room, she looks at me confused before looking behind me to Charlie.

"Alright...what's your issue now?"

"My issue? Fuck sake—Fuck you!" I shout, my throat hurting slightly.

"Diana, calm down before you say stuff you're gonna regret, babe." Charlie says coming up behind me.

"Why are you so angry? I came to apologise to you." Natalie reaches for me but I slap her hand away and that catches her attention making her look me right in the eye.

"You got fired, your dad dies and photos of me were leaked...you told me none of this, I found them out myself!" I yell, using my hands as I shout. She breaks the eye contact...she's in the wrong and she knows it.

"Those are things that are up to me to tell you, my dads death—"

"Your dad died, Natalie! My dad left when I was a child because he didn't love me and my mom—"

"Do not do that! Do not compare two completely different things!" Natalie warns me and I scoff. I shut my hands, digging my nails into my palms from the anger that continues boil through my blood.

"You're both going to say something you regret, Diana, you're giving very...negative energy right now...Both of you need to calm down before this shit goes on fire, like seriously I'm beginning to burn up myself." Charlie says putting one of his hands on me and the other on Natalie's chest pushing us back from each other.

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