{Chapter 93}

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Eustice Colton's POV:

It was harder than I expected. It lives under a mask and pretends to hide itself. I was neither too honorable, having worked for the enemy's organization. But I was forced to do that. His Majesty, the King had given me a choice.

Two months had already passed and I couldn't believe it. Spy work was hard but I knew what I signed up for. Sort of.

"Psst! Gregor!"

There were individual tents that at least five men had to share. Arriving at the camp was easy. Being accepted was the hard part. Thankfully, he was fluent in his acting skills and transformed himself into Gregor Yufis, a mercenary from the further west. He turned around to see a familiar figure near the tent's open flap.


"What the bloody hell, Carl?" I whispered, quickly signaling him to get in. "What the hell you want? Haven't you gotten enough supplies from me already?"

Better be safe than sorry. Aaron, whose identity became Carl Weton, is another mercenary but from a different region. According to the plan I and the five others concocted with the King, we were to reach and reside in the village near the enemy's camp. And then one by one, we would join the camp.

Gerald and Lucian would stay outside in the city, just in case of any incoming dangers. We try our best to communicate but seemingly, we underestimated the enemy's reason for security. But we had one advantage; he doesn't know that his location had been compromised. All gratitude to the skillful Queen.

"There is a drill going on near the ground, want to watch?" Aaron asked him while sitting on a nearby bed.

He and the rest were given separate tents with different people but thankfully, these tents were divided and numbered to cause less confusion. So far, they learned a lot of intelligence. An example is that there was a small group of people who resented the traitor. Something that related to the death of a  warlord or some sort. But the soldiers found it hard to trace the traitors exactly.

"No thank you," I told him, with a perfectly created surly tone. We couldn't risk being exposed to knowing each other if someone walked in. "Why don't you go bother someone else?"

To that, Aaron laughed. "But I have horses to feed," 

Horses to feed. It was a code word they devised which meant that there was new information to be talked of. It was rather too silly for my tastes but who knew Desmond could be so creative and smart?

"Let's go watch this bloody fight then," I muttered, grabbing the overcoat.

The situation was tense at the camp. There were divisions and aisles of colored tents, showcasing what category the individuals belonged to. On the further corner of the camp, was a castle in sight. And nearest to the castle were bright red and silver tents. The beige color was given to the men who served no lord in particular. Mercenaries like us. Or mercenaries like who we pretend.

What shocked me the most at the beginning at how many different stories I heard. I asked a few about why they joined this cause and the answers went from simple to vague.

Some wanted wealth. Some wanted a new home. Some just wanted a good fight.

But most of them didn't have clear ambitions as to why they joined a war that had no regard for them. It only meant one thing; there was no absolute loyalty in the entirety of the troops. The enemy seemed to have a conclusion for that as well.

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