Chapter Three

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As the early morning sun cast its gentle glow through my window, the tranquility of the new day greeted me with the cheerful chorus of birds chirping in the nearby trees. Embracing the peaceful ambiance, I stretched my body, savoring the comforting warmth of sunlight caressing my skin. It felt like a gentle embrace from nature, inviting me to rise and welcome yet another beautiful day.

Reluctantly leaving the comforting cocoon of my bed, I began my day by gradually getting out of bed, allowing the sunlight to wash over me, infusing me with a sense of renewal. Each ray seemed to carry the promise of a fresh start, as if to reassure me that whatever challenges lay ahead, I had the strength to face them.

With a mix of determination and tiredness, I made my way to the bathroom. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, observing the aftermath of a restless night. My hair, once again, resembled a tangled mess, and the shadows under my eyes bore witness to the lack of sleep. It seemed that university life had already taken its toll on my appearance, even though it had been just two days since the term began.

A sigh escaped my lips as I contemplated the journey ahead. I couldn't help but wonder how I would manage as the demands of academia and university life continued to pile up. The thought of looking like a "zombie" merely days into the term was enough to make me shudder at the prospect of how I might appear after a couple of months.

Nonetheless, I tried to find solace in the beauty of the morning and the promise it held. The sight of the golden sun rising, the symphony of bird songs, and the sense of hope that accompanied each new day served as a reminder that I was not alone in this journey. Embracing the challenges ahead with resilience and a positive mindset, I prepared myself to tackle whatever came my way, knowing that the strength within me would guide me through the highs and lows of university life.

Turning on the faucet of the shower, I awaited the comforting warmth of the water, which seemed to take its own sweet time.

As I waited, I glanced back at my closet, contemplating what to wear for the day. I wanted something comfortable and chic, suitable for both university classes and any potential social interactions. Rummaging through my clothes, I finally settled on a tasteful ensemble: high-waisted tailored trousers that accentuated my figure, paired with a loose-flowing blouse in a calming hue. To complete the look, I opted for crisp white sneakers, offering both style and comfort.

Satisfied with my choice, I made my way back to the bathroom, where the steam from the shower had filled the air, creating a soothing atmosphere. The warm vapor invited me to step into the shower, promising a moment of relaxation and rejuvenation.

I quickly undressed, feeling the comforting air on my skin before stepping under the cascading water. The sensation was refreshing, like a gentle embrace that washed away the lingering traces of sleep. The water droplets danced on my skin, momentarily carrying away any worries or fatigue that clung to me from the previous day.

In that tranquil moment, I allowed myself to be fully present, cherishing the simple pleasure of the shower, appreciating the opportunity to pamper myself and embrace the new day ahead. As the water enveloped me, it offered a brief respite from the bustling world outside, granting me a precious moment of solitude and reflection.

With each passing minute, I felt the invigorating energy of the shower reviving my spirit, preparing me for the challenges and adventures that awaited beyond the bathroom door. Cleansed and refreshed, I stepped out of the shower, ready to seize the day with confidence and determination, empowered by the simple act of self-care and the knowledge that I was fully prepared for whatever lay ahead.

As I prepared myself for the day ahead, I meticulously laid out my plans while getting dressed. Today's schedule was brimming with three demanding lectures, each requiring my full attention and focus.

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