A Friend Indeed 1.2

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Hmmmm... I was too hot to be under the top cover of my sleeping bag so I threw it off of me and rolled on to my side facing Ellie and was almost startled when I saw her pretty green eyes staring at me. "Hey you," I whispered as quietly as I could, "not sleepy yet?"

Ellie kind of half shrugged and whispered back. "Not just yet."

"Can I get you anything? Water? Trash can?"

"No, I'm good, Jen," she smiled, "but thanks for offering."

"Anything for you," I smiled back. My whole plan for sneaking off was temporarily forgotten. I had meant what I said as Ellie was just an amazing person and I loved her!

Ellie looked down shyly, hesitated and then looked back up at my face. "Can I ask you a huge favor?"

"Sure, hon," I whispered back. "Whatcha need?"

Ellie started to say something, but then hesitated. "Never mind, it's silly."

"Well, now you have me interested," I whispered back with a smile and propped my head up on my elbow.

Ellie glanced down for a second and I suspected that she had just looked at my ample cleavage that was now on display. "I just..."

"You just what?"

She shook her head again and closed her eyes.

"Just go ahead and ask me," I prompted. "You know I'd do anything for you."

"Okay," Ellie sighed deeply and looked me in the eyes. "Jen, I'm never going to be blessed like you are." She dipped her chin a bit indicating my chest.

I blushed and couldn't help but smile a little.

She took a deep breath like she was getting her courage up and then whispered, "I'm just so curious what they would feel like... would you mind... I mean...can I touch them?"

As buzzed as I was, I really didn't think twice. I shrugged my shoulders and nodded before whispering. "Sure, go ahead."

"Seriously?" Ellie seemed shocked. "You wouldn't mind?"

"Not at all," I whispered. "I'm still not really used to them either, so I can imagine what you must think - oh, Ellie, I'm so sorry, that didn't come out the way I meant it to."

Ellie smiled. "No worries, Jen. I know what you meant and you're right. So you really wouldn't mind?"

"What are friends for?" I quipped and then sat up and took my shirt off again. "Might as well let you get a good feel, right?"

Ellie's face had that strange look on it again as she hesitated. She sat up slowly. "Yeah, might as well."

I turned to face her sitting criss-cross applesauce and she sat up and mirrored my position. I scooted a little closer to her and not sure what to do with my hands, I just let my arms fall to my side. She reached out a hand and right before she made contact with my skin, she hesitated again. "Are you sure this is okay?"

I sighed and grabbed both of her wrists and firmly placed her hands on my boobs. I smiled and whispered, "I'm sure."

Ellie just sat there with this wondrous look on her face, not even moving. She slowly and cautiously moved her hands so that they were cupping each of my breasts and then scooted just a little bit closer. Without a second thought, I uncrossed my legs and put them outside of her legs to give her better access to 'my girls'.

"They're so big," she whispered in amazement. She first lifted one up in her palm and then the other, "and heavy."

I stifled a giggle. "Yeah, tell me about it. Try running with these things. I have to wear two reinforced sports bras now just to try and keep them in check."

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