Meet The Parents

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Draco was nervous.

Very, very nervous.

He was so nervous, in fact, that Millie had taken it upon herself to be Draco's moral support; firing at him as many assurances and consolations as humanly possible. Blaise looked on amusedly, whilst Theo leaned heavily on his shoulder, working tirelessly on some pointless Arithmancy essay or other, and occasionally giving his own input on the situation at hand.

Pansy had originally been mocking Draco, sat in a tight circle with Daphne and Astoria Greengrass, shooting snide remarks whenever she could. However as the hour drew nearer, and Draco was becoming rapidly more stressed to the point that Millicent's valiant cheerleading couldn't sway him, even Pansy began to look sorry for him.

"It'll be fine, Draco!" Millie said consolingly for the umpteenth time that morning.

Draco ran a slender hand through his hair agitatedly.

"It won't! Merlin's saggy bollocks, I cannot do this."

Pansy rolled her eyes, Blaise snorted, "It's not as if you guys are married or something, and even then, Siriuuh-" Draco directed a pointed glare at him, "Er- Snuffles, I meant, was imprisoned for twelve years. Not the most morally intimidating of in-laws, is it?" He remarked.

Draco shot him a sharp look. He had agreed with Harry that he could tell his Slytherin friends about Black's innocence, but only the ones he trusted implicitly.

Although Pansy, Theo and Blaise at this age weren't quite the pinnacle of moral astuteness, and Pansy did sort-of-kind-of offer Harry up as bait to the Dark Lord, Draco was certain that if he was the one asking, they'd keep any secret. Benefits of Slytherin loyalty, he supposed.

Millie, Daphne and Astoria were undoubtedly safe to tell, and so Draco had.

Of course, he'd left out all the extra Time-Travel-y bits, but the rest of it was safe.

They were currently helping him in his crisis regarding that specific topic. Draco had been vaguely aware of Sirius' prominent presence in Harry's life, however he hadn't known that Harry had been corresponding with him regularly since they'd gotten back to school. Or at least he hadn't until yesterday.

Harry had explained to him that today, as it was near today that he'd gone the first time around, he wanted to meet with Sirius in Hogsmeade. Harry wanted to relay his news about Crouch in the original timeline, and had used that excuse in his letter this to Sirius, but what Harry actually wanted was to tell Sirius who he really was.

Who they really were.

And so, he'd asked Draco to come with him. Draco had understood why Harry had wanted to tell Sirius so desperately, if the life of his mother was jeopardised so massively in the 'Good Old Days', Draco would be keen to change it too. As well as this, Draco was glad that this would mean both of them would have an older confidant in this mess with them. While it may have been Harry who had involved Snape in the first place, Draco knew that he wouldn't have done it if he didn't know how close Draco was to him. This way, they'd both have their godfathers in the mix. They'd both have help.

It was for this reason that Draco was currently panicked out of his mind.

This man was a member of The Order of the Phoenix - and a formidable one too. More than that, though, he was a Sirius Black, meaning he was actually a distant cousin-slash-uncle of Draco's, and knew all too well the terrible ideologies of the Black family. Draco could only hope he would see that he was not the same boy he'd been.

Despite all of this, the most pressing matter, was that this man - Sirius Black - was Harry's godfather. He was essentially Harry's only real family, and was the closest thing he'd ever had to a father.

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