Chapter 88: Precision Shooting, One Shot One Kill

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When a man encounters a beautiful woman, his first thought is often to engage in deep conversation. Similarly, when one obtains a good weapon, the instinct is to test its power. This is an ingrained habit, as even in childhood, finding a good stick by the roadside would lead to playing with it like a cherished sword.

However, Zhang Yi had acquired a sniper rifle, a possession that most ordinary people in the Huaxia country would never dare to imagine, let alone use to harm others.

"Let's see how well this thing works!"

Zhang Yi retrieved the sniper rifle from his spatial storage, standing on the balcony of the 24th floor, aiming downwards.

The eight times magnification scope proved its effectiveness. The figures that appeared no larger than ants when viewed from the 24th floor now seemed crystal clear.

Holding his breath to prevent the scope from fogging up, Zhang Yi concentrated on his target. The seven individuals trudging through the snow were moving slowly, making them easy targets.

Suppressing his excitement, Zhang Yi aimed at the back of one person and gently squeezed the trigger.


A gunshot pierced the silent night. The sound echoed, awakening many from uneasy dreams.

Through the scope, Zhang Yi saw the person he targeted fall to the ground, blood staining the snowy landscape.

"What the hell, why is my marksmanship so accurate? Am I some kind of prodigy?"

Zhang Yi was both surprised and delighted. Initially, he just wanted to test the rifle's functionality, not expecting much.

However, to his astonishment, the shot was a direct hit!

"What was that strange feeling that just occurred?"

Zhang Yi wondered. However, before he could dwell on it, others around him, having heard the gunshot, hastened their pace, startled by the sudden death of their companion.

Quickly reloading, Zhang Yi aimed at the next target. As he focused on one person, that peculiar feeling reappeared.


Another gunshot, and another person fell.

This time, Zhang Yi understood. The ability to shoot accurately from the 24th floor was not a fluke but a talent.

Coughing, Zhang Yi murmured to himself, "It seems like the power awakened in me is more than just the spatial ability. I just haven't fully explored my potential."

What was certain was that his supernatural power was somehow related to space, turning him into a natural marksman.

Before, using crossbows and pistols in close-quarters combat, he hadn't noticed this ability; he simply felt that shooting was comfortable. Now, with the sniper rifle, the sensation became particularly evident.

Excitement surged within Zhang Yi. In the apocalypse, possessing an extra ability meant an additional chance of survival!

He reloaded and aimed at another person. The next moment, a gunshot rang out.

"Click, click, click!"

The sound of rapidly changing magazines and continuous gunfire reverberated in the quiet neighborhood.

Each shot, one person. The fleeing group was unable to reach safety; they all fell halfway.

Seven bodies lay in the vast expanse of white snow, their blood staining the ground a deep crimson.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but smile. From now on, he could become a top-notch assassin, hiding in the shadows and eliminating others!

Meanwhile, downstairs, the neighbors heard the gunshots and saw one after another of Huang Wei's group falling like dominos. Their eyes widened in shock.

"The gunfire is coming from upstairs!" "It must be Zhang Yi doing this!" "At such a distance, it's definitely not a pistol. The power should be from a sniper rifle." "My goodness, so far away, one shot, one kill. Zhang Yi is actually a sharpshooter!"

People's imaginations ran wild. At this moment, their awe of Zhang Yi reached unprecedented heights.

Not only them, but the midnight gunfire also awakened the entire neighborhood.

Zhang Yi's sniper rifle lacked a silencer, and those with some knowledge in the matter could discern that the sound was not produced by a pistol.

In a time when a single pistol could dominate a building, the possession of a more powerful rifle or even a sniper rifle was terrifying to contemplate.

Zhang Yi stowed away the sniper rifle, rubbing his sore shoulders. Continuous shooting had left them aching.

Fortunately, his excellent physical condition alleviated the discomfort; otherwise, his shoulders might have been painful for several days.

On this night, many people in the vicinity were likely to lose sleep again.

Uncle You sent a message to Zhang Yi, inquiring if the shots were his doing.

Having military experience, Uncle You could discern that it was a sniper rifle.

Zhang Yi didn't hide it and replied, "I obtained it from the police station today."

Curious, Uncle You asked, "Did you serve in the military before? What's your military ID?"

Zhang Yi chuckled, "I just have a talent, haha!"

Uncle You thought Zhang Yi didn't want to talk about it and didn't press further.

"As long as it was you firing the shots, it's good. If it were someone else, we would be in danger."

Zhang Yi casually chatted with him before returning to his room, lying on his warm and soft bed, and falling into a deep sleep.

The next day, he woke up past nine in the morning, washed up, and released Zhou Ke'er from the room.

"Let's make something to eat! I'm in the mood for freshly made food. Hmm... how about you make two bowls of 'you po mian' (oil-splashed noodles)?"

Zhang Yi told Zhou Ke'er.

Zhou Ke'er smiled, "My version might not be as good as the one in the noodle shop."

Zhang Yi shrugged, "Well, practice makes perfect. We have plenty of time."

Having eaten restaurant food for a long time, the occasional craving for home-cooked meals was only natural.

Zhou Ke'er obediently went to the kitchen. In a short while, she came out with two bowls of oil-splashed noodles.

Taking a bite, Zhang Yi found the taste to be quite good.

By the way, Zhang Yi had installed surveillance cameras throughout the entire house, including the kitchen. The ingredients were also provided by him.

As for Zhou Ke'er, on her first day entering the house, Zhang Yi thoroughly checked her from head to toe. Up until now, he conducted daily examinations, leaving no corner unchecked.

This ensured that Zhou Ke'er had no chance of adding anything suspicious.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have eaten anything served by others.

Sitting at the table, Zhou Ke'er asked curiously, "I heard gunshots yesterday. Did you shoot from the balcony?"

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