Chapter Nine.

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"Mate?" Jennifer echoed my question. The woman who was marching towards us had blue eyes and black hair, a small heart shaped face. She was wearing a mini skirt with a tank top.

"Who are you?" I asked and she stopped short. Her eyes widened and she pouted.

"Your mate." She said and I looked at the warriors in question.

"She's the daughter of the Alpha of the Blood Fangs pack." Casper said and I thought about it before making an 'Ah' sound.

"Violet, right? Didn't your father tell you I have no wish of meeting you?" I asked and she grew red.

"Leon?" Jennifer asked quietly and I sighed.

"She's just someone my parents wanted to make my Luna because I haven't found my mate. She's not my mate. It's all political stuff." I said and Jennifer nodded in understanding. "Casper, please take them inside while I take care of her." I said and Casper nodded.

"What do you mean 'take care of her'!? I'm the Luna of this pack!" Violet screamed, making the three of them stop short before they could leave and I sighed.

"Look, Violet, you aren't my mate. And please, if you are the Luna, where's your mark?" I asked as I crossed my arms on my chest. Violet flushed. "Exactly. It's not there, ergo, you can't call this pack yours, or call yourself the Luna of this pack. Only my true mate will be the Luna of this pack. Now please, leave the territory before I ask the warriors to escort you out." I said and she let out a screech. It made us all wince.

Violet stormed away and got into a car I didn't see was parked before driving off. "Well, that's that. I hope we never see her again." One of the warriors said and we laughed.

"What was that all about?" A new voice called and I looked behind me to see dad standing there, looking curiously at Jennifer and Bella. But I rolled my eyes at him.

"The result of your doing. That was Violet. Remember her, dad?" I asked and he winced with a smile.

"Harsh, son. And who is this?" He asked and I pushed Bella towards him.

"That is our young Isabella." I said with a smile and he looked at me shocked.


"Yes, dad. And this is Jennifer, her mother." I said and dad held his hand out to her. Jennifer hesitantly took it.

"It's nice to meet you, sir." She said and dad laughed.

"It's Marco, Jennifer. I've been really anxious to meet you since Leon told us about you and your
child." Dad and Jennifer blushed. At that, dad gave me a raised eyebrow but I grinned with a shrug.

Dad took them inside where mom was helping the omegas clean a mess which I guessed Violet had made. The furniture was laying on the ground as if it was thrown during a temper tantrum. Broken pieces of glass were covering most of the ground and I could see small broken pieces of wood lying here and there.

"Mom?" I called and she looked at me, her eyes frowning but she rolled her eyes at me.

"About time you showed up. Where did you run off to in the morning?" Mom asked but her eyes widened when she saw Jennifer and Bella standing beside me. Her eyes brightened and she clapped her hands in joy. "Oh! It's about time I met my sons ma-"

"Mom!" I stopped her before she could continue which made her glare at me. She doesn't know she's my mate, mom. I told her and her eyes widened, her mouth parted in shock. She collected herself, huffed and walked over to us

"Excuse me and my son for a minute, please." Mom said and suddenly, she grabbed my ear, twisting it as she pulled me with her, ignoring my protests. Jennifer and Bella stared at me in shock, but I gave them a hopeless and apologetic look before letting myself being dragged by mom. As we entered my office, mom slapped me on the head. "What do you mean she doesn't know!?" Mom exclaimed as she released my ear. I rubbed it, trying to soothe the pain but winced.

"Mom-" I got cut off when she pointed at me, her eyes narrowed.

"Mister, I'm one second away from kicking you out. Explain why you haven't told her." Mom demanded and I sighed.

"Mom, please. It's not time as yet." I said and she glared at me. Her arms folded on her chest and I gulped, a little scared about her anger.

"Did you know I almost got marked by someone else because your father used the same dialogue on me? Three years I spent as if I hadn't found my mate all because your father kept insisting it's not time." Mom said and I frowned at her.

"Well, what do I do then, mom? She's not ready as yet. She's just started accepting me." I said and mom frowned.

"Well, what is she doing here then?" Mom asked and I sighed.

"Mom, last night Bella sneaked out in her wolf form and was chased by rogues who thought she was a normal wolf pup. Jennifer wants us to train Bella, but," I added when mom opened her mouth to interrupt me. "I've already told her that wolf training will be too tough for Bella. She's here so that Bella remains safe if she sneaks out again." I said and mom frowned at me.

"When are you planning on telling her then?" Mom asked and I sighed.

"I really don't kn-" I stopped when I saw mom glaring at me.

"I'm giving you two weeks. Now, I'm going to show them the rooms Andrew had gotten prepared for them. And you, young man, I want you to think and tell me how soon you're going to tell her the truth." Mom said and walked out of the office, slamming the door behind her as she left. I winced at the sound.

You know, I think your mom has been more anxious about finding your mate than you were. My wolf said and I sighed.

She's putting me in a predicament. It's too soon to tell Jennifer she's our mate. I said.

Well... My wolf trailed off and I felt my felt myself getting confused.

What is it? I asked and felt my wolf sigh.

Look, Leon, I'll be straight. Jennifer already knows almost all the things about werewolves, right? He asked and I nodded. He continued. So, she must know how important a mate is. Especially an Alpha's mate. He said but I interrupted him.

Yes, but you remember her reaction when I told her how big the pack is? How do you think she'll react when she realises that she's basically taking care of a population as large as a big city has? I asked and felt my wolf go grim.

That might take a little time for her to adjust, but just imagine when she does! We'll be free to claim her as ours! Mate with her! Have pups... My wolf trailed off at that and suddenly, an image formed in my mind. It was of me having my arms wrapped around a very pregnant Jennifer. I had my hands on her bump as I hugged her from behind and Bella stood in front of us, talking to the pup. That's when I knew this image was being projected by my wolf.

Stop it! I said and he growled.

I'm making you see what's right, Leon. He said and I sighed.

I know it's right, but...

You'd rather she gets marked by an enemy? Or even an unmated wolf? My wolf asked and I growled loudly. Exactly. Your mom is right, Leon. We have to tell Jennifer the truth.

But how? I asked and for the first time in a few minutes, my wolf went silent.

I... I don't know.

Alpha's Awaited Mate *Re-uploaded*Where stories live. Discover now