Chapter 8

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Caden's pack is, as usual, bustling with constant activity and excitement.

People walk and run around us, kids screaming and laughing as they play games wherever they please, and vendors selling everything and anything as they shout words of pursuasion to passersby. I can hardly move in the chaos.

"If we don't at least get some of Al's peppermint cookies out of this, I'll throw hands," Kyler mutters from beside me.

"When did you become such a crowd wuss?" I ask.

"Since I had nightmares about the last woman I encountered in one of these crowds," he grumbles with shudder.

"Aw, are afraid another girl is going to touch your pride?" Rowan croons from behind us.

Kyler scoffs. "My ass is not my pride, and I am definitely not afraid."

"Right," Rowan says, leaning in to whisper, "Only of girls."

"I am not!"

"If you both don't shut up I'll make you sit back with Adrian until I'm done," I snap.

Silence ensues, and my lips twitch. I bet they would rather eat their own fur than sit with that man for more than a second.

"Who's Adrian?" Noella's quiet voice rings out.

With the mate bond echoing through my nerves with each passing minute, I'd be lying if I said I forgot she was with us, but I can't say the same for Kyler and Rowan, who jump at her voice.

"He's one of the three most trusted guards Caden has on patrol," I explain. "But he's also one of the most irritating."

"And rude," Rowan adds.

"Don't forget completely self centred and dickish," Kyler chimes in with a scowl.

"Talking about my best guard, I hear?" Caden says as he appears through the crowd.

Noella jumps, and instinct has my hand coming to her back before I rip it away, careful to avoid her eyes. Instead, I glance up at Caden, who doesn't seem to be avoiding her eyes at all.

I swallow the growl that forces itself up my throat as I grip his hand.

"Good to see you, man." My words are calm, collected despite the snarls that are ricocheting around in my head.

He smiles as he returns my handshake and asks, "And to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

I have only just realized how foolish it was to bring Noella with us into Caden's pack. The entire reason we're here is to get weapons, and I can't exactly request them in front of her when we're supposed to be finding her father, not planning his murder. I should have left her with the soldiers at the border of Red Moon.

I clear my throat before saying, "I need.... Supplies."

My eyes hold his, trying to convey anything my mouth didn't.

He glances at Noella, and understanding dawns in his eyes as he turns back to me and nods.

"I can discuss details with Rowan, if you'd like? And I'll even help him load it all up for you. Kyler probably wants to stop in at Sprinkled, no doubt, and I'd never let somebody leave my pack without trying one of Alairia's peppermint cookies."

He directs his words at Noella, and a sad smile plays on his lips. My heart twinges.

His mate, Alairia, owns Sprinkled, and after months of trying to gain her affection, he finally gave up. He refuses to sever the bond, and she refuses to complete it. Nobody knows the real reason except them, but every time I get an inch within the subject, Caden takes ten back.

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