Chp. 28

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The night Evan had called had been weird. Drew hadn't known how to take it, and just the sound of his voice had shaken her up, but I was worried about her meeting up with him. It had been over five years since she had left Boston, but five years later I was driving her back up for a funeral.

After discussing it with her immensely she had decided to go, revealing that when her mom had gotten sick, Ronnie had claimed her on his insurance. He had basically provided her with the medical assistance she needed, even when it had been too late to save her. Drew felt like she owed respect to him even when his son had damaged her permanently. I agreed to go with her, but I knew we were both on edge about it. We both knew we would be facing Evan, which was something that made me uneasy just thinking about.

The ride to Boston had been mostly silent. We would exchange a few short conversations but I knew Drew was deep in thought. Her worrying was getting to me but I couldn't blame her. The thought of Evan disturbed me, but there were still plenty of things I didn't know about their past relationship. I didn't know the details because she still hadn't told me, and I was basically going into this situation blind. I didn't know what she had experienced, so helping her would be difficult.

We pulled up to the church then, allowing me to glance over at Drew. She was fidgeting with her hands that sat in her lap, her eyes focused solely on the church across the street. The fact that she had agreed to attend the funeral impressed me. She was braver than most.

I reached over and squeezed her hand, "You're not alone you know."

She gave me a slight smile before exiting the car without responding.

I followed her out, grabbing her hand quickly for support. I wanted her to know I was here for her, and she didn't have to face Evan alone.

Walking into the church everything was silent. If there was anything I hated, it was funerals. The mood was somber, and everyone was trying their best not to cry. As we paced through the crowd I couldn't help but eavesdrop on conversations about Ronnie. From what I gathered he wasn't sickly, it had been more of a freak accident than anything. A car wreck had claimed his life, and I knew a death like this would be hard on the family. I didn't know how Drew was going to take it.

Then we were approached by a woman who seemed to be in her late thirties. I heard her soft voice, "Drew... I'm so glad you decided to come..."

Drew went in for a quick hug before pulling away, "Coming felt right. Ronnie had really taken care of my mom whenever the cancer showed up."

The woman turned to me then, "I'm Ronnie's younger sister, Regina."

I shook her hand, "Breanna... I'm Drew's... girlfriend."

It flowed off of my tongue smoothly but I could tell I had caught Regina off guard. She hadn't expected it, but that was probably because she hadn't known Drew all that well.

She nodded, "Nice to meet you. I'm sure Evan would be happy to see that you two came."

My skin went cold at his name, and I felt Drew tense next to me. It was obvious none of his family knew about what had happened, and I'm sure he had gone extensive measures to keep it under wraps. It wasn't something that he could be proud of, and suddenly I was even more furious at the thought of him.

Calm down, we're in a church for a funeral, I thought.

Drew and I followed Regina to the pews filled with Ronnie's family, and suddenly seeing a tall boy with dark brown hair combed to one side of his head. His dark eyes looked up and right into mine, and then switched to Drew. I could feel the tension in the room thicken, my grip on Drew tightening. Everything seemed to stand still, and I suddenly knew that this boy had to be Evan. Except he was no longer a boy, but a man.

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