⟣Chapter 84

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Upon seeing Niu Liangguo’s attitude, Sun Shijie knew that he probably wouldn’t let the people in the base go out on a risky adventure for just one or two individuals. Sun Shijie urgently said, “Leader, we can’t wait any longer!”

Niu Liangguo remained calm, “Shijie, is your nephew having a conflict with people outside? Otherwise, why would they take the risk of coming to the base to capture someone?”

Sun Shijie anxiously replied, “Leader, give me a team, I’ll personally lead them to pursue!”

Niu Liangguo waved his hand, “No rush. Let’s wait for Fang Shenlong to return. Even if they can’t come back, sending more people out would be a death sentence. Safety is our priority; we cannot take risks.”

Niu Liangguo was just short of directly saying that Fang Zhen and Miao Bo were not worth risking the base’s safety for. Sun Shijie choked on his words, almost suffocating in anger.

Just then, a person rushed over in a panic, “Something bad happened!”

Niu Liangguo remained steady, “What’s the hurry? Calm down and explain.”

The person gasped for breath, “Food… We’re out of food!”

Niu Liangguo widened his eyes, “What did you say? What happened to the food?!”

The messenger was on the verge of tears, “It’s gone, all the food is gone! The food stored in all four warehouses is all gone, with just a thin layer left. It’s not even enough for three days of rations.”

Niu Liangguo was taken aback, “Impossible! How can so much food just disappear? Even if it was stolen, there should be traces! Investigate! Investigate thoroughly! We must find the food!”

“I asked the patrol team. After they received the food last night, the warehouses have not been opened, and no one approached them. Just now, an outsider broke in, and I was concerned, so I opened the warehouses to check. They were empty, and all the food vanished.”

“It can’t be! How could so much food just disappear? Even if it was stolen, there should be traces! Investigate! Investigate carefully! We must find the food!” Niu Liangguo erupted in anger. Now it was his turn to be extremely anxious. That food was the entire base’s sustenance. They had been frugal and guarded it strictly, so how could it suddenly disappear?!

The messenger said helplessly, “There really is nothing. We checked around the warehouses, and there wasn’t a single grain of food.”

If it was indeed stolen, transporting such a large amount of food out of the warehouses would have to pass through the Yue County Base. It would be impossible for such a grand operation to go unnoticed.

Sun Shijie and Fang Zhen, with their cunning eyes, were calculating, “Leader, haven’t you forgotten about the frequent emergence of supernatural abilities nowadays? There’s a kind of ability called spatial manipulation. They can place their belongings in an invisible dimensional space. The mysterious disappearance of the food is definitely related to a spatial manipulator.”

Niu Liangguo suddenly remembered that he had heard of this ability. Although they didn’t have it in their base, there were people with spatial manipulation abilities outside. Undoubtedly, the vanishing food was connected to a spatial manipulator, and coincidentally, outsiders had arrived today.

It must be those people!

Niu Liangguo issued an urgent order, “All supernatural ability users and strong men, come with me. Let’s reclaim the food!”

I Opened a Clinic in the ApocalypseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ