~ Twenty-Three~

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November 2nd, Wednesday, 5:30 PM

Paige P.O.V

"So, are you actually going to tell me how it went yesteday?" I eyed Nika, sitting on my own bed. The brunette laughs, falling back on her own as the notebook she was writing in falls next to her.

"I still can't believe you and Maia fell for it when we first told you, you thought we actually hated each other?" The Croatian giggles, face turning slightly red from laughter as I just pout. At the start of our practice today Nika and Alydsa had both played us, making is think they didn't even want to speak to each other until
I caught Nika literally eye fucking the other girl when she didn't think I was paying attention, hell even Alyssa wasn't looking until the end before blushing, confirming to my girlfirend and I that we got played.

"Mmm, I don't know. It's kind of funny seeing THE Bueckers begging."

"Oh fuck off." I laugh, throwing a pillow at the girl, the Croatian blocking it with one of hee arms, still laughing as her phone goes off, the athlete going to check in before smiling softly.

"Oooh, is it your girlfriend?"

"Is it your girlfriend." Nika mocks making me laugh this time, "Maybe it is, maybe it isnt." She sticks her tongue out.

"Tell Alyssa I said hi." I chuckle as she rolls her eyes, typing something before putting the phone back down, "Now tell meee." Moving from my bed to flop on top of the girl on her own.

"Ow- shit get off me Paige your heavy!" My twin laughs.

"You can bench 150 and squat 320. I think you're fine." I joke, staying on her until she pushes me to the side of her instead.

"Okay okay, we got together after our talk last night and after we realized how very, very oblivious we were and how that whole situation was just miscommunication."

"So what you're saying is that I was right about yall liking each other?" I tease, wiggling my eyebrows as Nika just playfully starts trying trying shove me off her bed.

"Don't let your ego get too big Bueckers, you already have enough of that."

"Oh that's a low blow." Nika's eyes crinkle as she laughs softly at my joking nature. The Croatian rolling her eyes at me before she goes back to her phone, being my nosy self, and Nika being Nika, I peer over her shoulder.

"Damn, can a girl get a little space, twin?" She asks, the normal rasp in her voice betraying she wasn't really annoyed as she didn't even make a move to push me away from her.

"I want to see Miss Muhl's game."

"Oh shut the hell up P," Nikasts out a laugh again, her fingers flying across her screen as she sends Alyssa a text message back and I slap her shoulder slightly.

"Now why did you tell that girl I was a stalker?"

"Because you are! Look at you, literally right now. Stalker."

I flip her off, moving to go back on my bed as I grab the small stuffed basketball I had gotten from an arcade claw machine, tossing it in the air slightly.

"What are you doing Saturday?"

"Huh?" Nika echos, having gone back to her work, not paying attention to me.

I throw the ball at her, the foreign girl catching it.

"What are you doing Saturday?"

"Uh, probably just going to Alyssa's game. I know she can't play but," She shrugs, "I'm gonna support still if she's there, why?"

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