Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Veda doesn't stop talking the entire way to her room. She giggles and talks faster than anyone I've ever heard before. "So like I was saying, you're going to absolutely adore Alcibus. It's so great, almost as great as our new friendship is going to be!" And that's basically all she says, just phrasing it differently each time.

We finally reach her hole, which is almost double the size as Calix's. There's a bed to the left, which she plops down on when we walk in. A dresser and vanity next to it, and a loveseat to the right. Still the same dirt walls and flooring, but her room has small tufts of grass and blossoms poking out.

"I'm sorry if I sound a little over excited, I've never had any friends that are girls," Veda says. "Most of the girls down here are little slutty bitches," she whispers. She giggles and stands back up. Well, one of you can sleep on the chair over there and two of you can sleep on the floor, I have extra sheets and pillows you could use."

"How come your room is so much bigger than Calix's?" Dylis asks.

"That's 'cause he got himself into a little trouble, and he didn't really have any money to ever move or have it expanded, where as I did," she tells us. "Well we've got about a half hour until we have to get ready, and about another hour after that until we go." She giggles and claps her hands.

"Get ready for what, exactly?" Melina asks.

"To go to Par's! Oh you'll love it! And I have just the thing for each of you!" She runs over to the dresser and opens it up, then digs through piles of clothes, throwing them off to the side until she finds what she's looking for.

Veda pulls out a clump of dresses and dumps them on the bed. "Now, I will examine each of your eye, skin, and hair colors to determine what to do with your make up, hair, and outfit," she says.

"Wait, what?" I say. Make up and outfit? Who is this Par person?

"You'll see!" she jumps up and down giddily. "Oh, I am so excited!!" Then she takes a few deep breaths, trying to control her excitement. "Okay, so who's first?"

None of us speak, in fact I'm kind of nervous. I have no idea what we're 'getting ready' for, and frankly, I'm not a big fan of make up and dresses. We aren't allowed to wear make up back at school, and we have school uniforms. The only time we can wear what we want is on the weekends, which luckily, today is one, otherwise we'd all be stuck in little plaid skirts and gray polo shirts. Then we'd look really out of place.

"I'll choose one of you if you won't volunteer," Veda says, putting her hands on her hips. Just then Dylis gives in. "Okay, I'll go." "Perfect!"

She has Dylis stand in the part of the room that has the most light, then in the darkest part. She analyzes her face and hair, then has her sit down in front of the vanity. "Okay," Veda says, preparing her station. She sets out all different colors and kinds of make up; from lip gloss, to foundation, to mascara, everything. I didn't know a girl could own this much make up.

She works neatly and efficiently. And before a half hour is up, Dylis' hair and make up is complete. She looks stunning. Her hair is up in some sort of a braided bun and topped with a sparkly headband. Her lips shine with the shimmery lip gloss and her eyes look more defined with the eye make up. Wow, I guess the commercials weren't lying when they said that make up works wonders on people.

"Now, Melina. You're next!" Veda says. She repeats the same examination, but does a totally different make up job that suits her client. She puts on a light blue-green eyeshadow, which makes her eyes pop. Now I'm even more excited.

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